Meanwhile, Pirate World.

Headquarters of the Navy.

They all fell into silence!

After Zefa saw the picture in front of him.

Even more furious.

Lash out at everyone again!

"Take a look! This is the Seven Wuhai System that you launched! "

"Seven people in total!"

"More than half of the people are against the water!"

"What is the need for this system to exist?!"

After listening to his words.

Including Marshal Sengoku and everyone like that.

They all fell silent!

At this time, everyone did not know what to say.


If that were anti-water.

That's not just a few of them!

The vast majority, including Zefa himself.

All are inventoried by this picture!

Sengoku, Karp, Qingzhi, Yellow Ape, Zefa!

So many top of the Navy.

Who hasn't been counted?

There is only one red dog left!

And at this time.

The red dog is also angry!

"These damn Qiwu Sea!"

"Enjoy such good treatment."

"Don't do anything practical!"

"It's completely a gang of two or five!"

"Specifically against the water to betray us!"

"I suggest, after the war, abolish the Seven Martial Sea System!"

Akainu's words, after speaking.

It immediately aroused the approval of most of the people present!

Everyone nodded one after another.

And at the same time.

Straw Hat Pirates here.

Luffy also couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"She's such a nice person!"

"It's all willing to help me."

At this time, he was a little slurred in his speech.

It has long been beaten into a pig's head!

And Nami, at this time, also collected her fist.

Seeing each other help Luffy so much.

Just let go.

And Yamaji, still crazy!

The whole person seemed to be on fire.

Staring at Luffy, howling madly.

However, no matter how envious and jealous he was, he could not get the treatment of the captain.


The content in the picture has changed again.

Keep going!

After the war on top.

Luffy was seriously injured.

And start the next step of practice.

Follow Rayleigh and learn Tricolor Domineering and other combat techniques.

And Boyahan Cook, always busy before and after.

She helps with all kinds of things.

It was also sent to Luffy, a lot of food.

Wait until Luffy finishes cultivating.

Boyahan Cook led his team to see him off.

And stopped the navy's pursuit of Luffy!


The picture is here, Luffy and Barrett fight here!

Barrett absorbed a large amount of material from the island during the Great War.

The whole person has turned into a huge monster like a mountain!

Luffy was no match for such a monster at all.

After a big war. 740

Luffy is knocked to the ground by Barrett.

Lying on the ground, life and death unknown.

Even the straw hat, which is most important, flew to the side!

Boyahan Cook after seeing this.

Instant rage!

"I can't get around you!"

"How dare you hurt my beloved!"


Boyahan Cook at ultra-high speeds invisible to the naked eye.

Straight to Barrett!

Instantly across a lot of space.

Then kick hard!

Barrett's huge body like a mountain peak.

Under this foot.

It actually directly emitted a huge explosion!


Barrett, seriously traumatized!

Collapse with a bang!

Everything around you is like a landslide!

Boyahan Cook's strength at this time.


After seeing such a picture.

Countless viewers in the heavens and realms couldn't help but complain one after another.

"I'll go! It turns out that the female emperor is so strong!? "

"Even Luffy can't deal with it, monster like that! I was actually kicked like that! "

"She's so nice!"

"Boyahan Cook's combat effectiveness depends on how injured Luffy is, right?"

"Angry women are terrifying!"

"Such a powerful woman is actually so devoted to Luffy!"

"What a death of envy!"

"When will I have the same good luck as Luffy!"


Naruto Uzumaki: "Boyahan Cook's feelings for Luffy." "

"It's just like Hinata did to me!"

"It was also during the destruction of Konoha."

"For me, even if I am seriously injured, I still have to protect!!"

"So impressed!"

Nara Shikamaru also couldn't help but say: "Angry women are really terrible!" "

"If Luffy marries her in the future."

"It's not a good time!"

"Don't be like me!"

Kurosaki Ichigo: "There are people who love themselves so much. "

"Luffy, this guy is really lucky!"

"The luckiest thing in the world, that's it."

Conan: "It's like, even if I've been missing for so long." "

"Xiaolan has been waiting for me all the time!"

"This is true love."

"The most remarkable existence!"

"Luffy! You must not fail the other party! "

Lan Ran: "When this woman is angry, she bursts out of power. "

"It's simply much stronger than I didn't know before!"

"Is this the power of love?"

"It's incredibly powerful!"

At the same time, countless barrages appear in the painting.

In the entire world of sea (babh) thieves, a large number of people are complaining madly!

The great strength shown by Boyahan Cook.

Completely beyond everyone's understanding!

Jinping: "What? Is the female emperor so strong? "

"It's the same Qiwu Sea, I can't do it to this extent!"

"Awesome indeed!"

Luo: "Is this the true strength of the Seven Wuhai?" "

"I feel that her strength, in the Seven Martial Sea, is also the most powerful one!"

"Sure enough, people who can rule a country are not easy to mess with!"

Aunt: "Ma ma! This boyahan cook has the shadow of my youth! "

"This kind of strength is indeed enough to see!"

"No wonder you can become a Qi Wuhai at a young age!"

Kidd: "Barrett!? "

"This kind of guy is actually not defeated by me!"

"Abominable! I am the most powerful of this generation! "

Bucky the clown: "Is the strength of the female emperor so ruthless?" "

"Straw Hat Luffy, this kid is too lucky!"

"I was saved my life at such a critical moment!"

"How many times?"

"What a kid who always has someone to the bottom!"

Red-haired Shanks: "Luffy, you're really lucky!" "

"People with this kind of luck, I really didn't choose the wrong one!"

"No matter what kind of troubles and difficulties you encounter, someone will appear to help!"

"This is Luffy's most powerful place!"

Bartolomeo: "This is my idol, Luffy-senpai!" "

"For him, even Qi Wuhai will be furious and fight hard for him!"

"It's really my idol!"

At this point, the content in the picture finally gradually stopped.

Freeze on the figure of Boyahan Cook!

Then it gradually disappears.

In its place is the figure of the inventor.

After seeing this scene.

Countless viewers in the heavens and realms.

They all knew one thing.

The inventory of Boyahan Cook is finally over!


The voice of the inventor also resounded in the heavens and realms.

[Luffy's relationship with the red face chapter - Neptune Mermaid Princess White Star! ] 】

With the advent of this title.

The figure of Princess White Star also appears in the picture!

This is a very large mermaid, with a human-like upper body and a red fish tail on the lower body.

She has flowy pink hair with long curly hair.

The appearance is extremely beautiful, and the appearance is very innocent.

The whole person shows a gentle and kind, but also extremely pure feeling.

After seeing such a beauty appear again. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Suddenly, countless spectators from the heavens and realms.

They all burst into exclamations!

"Princess? I lean, another awesome relationship! "

"It's not a female emperor, it's a princess! You learned from Li Xinyun, right? "

"It's too much! How can there be such a beautiful existence!? "

"She is also an absolute beauty! Judging from the appearance, it is definitely no worse than the female emperor! "

"Luffy, this kid, luck is really good!"

"Good things happened to him!"


The entire pirate world broke out into a huge riot!

Countless people are frantically discussing.

Klockdar: "Wait! "

"Isn't this the legendary Aquaman!"

"One of the legendary three ancient weapons!"

"How can it still have a relationship with her!?

"I think back then, I searched for many years and didn't find a trace of Hades!"

"Luffy, this kid is good! It's all coming to the door! "

Doflamingo: "What? This is the legendary Aquaman. "

"Where did Straw Hat Luffy get such luck?"

"What an evil door!"

Kaido: "What? This is an ancient weapon!? "

"Oh my God!!"

"This straw hat Luffy, what the hell is going on with him?"

"Why does everything have anything to do with him!?"

Aunt: "Is this one of the ancient weapons?" "

"Sure enough, it's definitely not an existence that ordinary people can control!"

"This straw hat Luffy can actually have something to do with him."

"Strength is even more threatening!"

Jinping: "Oops! "

"This time the inventory came out, isn't the secret of Fishman Island known to the outside world?"

Sengoku's face was extremely gloomy.

"Made, it's not just related to that Luffy guy."

"It was even directly exposed to the whole world!"

"Even the Sea King, one of the ancient weapons, let this gang of pirates know."

"What safety will there be in the future?"

Akainu: "Now there will be chaos again!" "

"After this inventory is exposed, won't the pirates everywhere rebel?"

"There must be a large number of people who dare to go to Fishman Island to do things!"

Smogg: "This straw hat Luffy, what the hell is going on with him?" "

"This fish-man princess below 10,000 meters in the deep sea."

"He can also be involved?"

"It's just outrageous!"

Meanwhile, Pirate World.

Fishman Island!

King Neptune of the extremely large size.

There are also the brothers of Princess White Star, Shark Star and others.

are all looking at the picture at this time!

When I saw the appearance of Princess White Star, she appeared in the picture.

Everyone was shocked!

Princess White Star is one of the ancient weapons of the Sea King.

Such a thing is directly exposed!


Shark Star exclaimed directly.


"How can there be hers in this inventory?"

"I don't know why it is related to this straw hat Luffy!"

"This is terrible!"

Fishman Island is also known as the underwater paradise.

Located 10,000 meters below the sea!

It has always been extremely closed and basically does not contact the outside world!

The reason is that fish people are extremely cherished in the outside world.

Any fish man will auction off sky-high prices at the slave auction outside!

And female fishmen, even more so!

It is the most popular and sought after existence!

Therefore, no matter what time there are those desperate pirates who want to come to Fishman Island.

Kidnap the fishman!

Once this matter was known by the vicious pirates outside.

That White Star Princess, isn't it dangerous!

I don't know, how many vicious pirates will hit their minds!

At this time, Neptune and others were very worried in their hearts!

And Princess White Star herself was extremely puzzled in her heart.

"I... Am I also related to that man? "


"So scared!"

Speaking of this, large teardrops dripped from her eyes.

Princess White Star was actually directly scared to cry!

Princess White Star is known for her timidity.

And at the same time.

Auntie's side!


Auntie looked at the contents of the picture.

It was even more shocking!

"It's been so long."

"Aquaman is actually by my side?!"

She said loudly in surprise!

This ancient weapon has the name of "God"!

Legend has it that he was able to communicate directly with the Sea Kings.

Those sea kings, each of them has an extremely huge body, and a casual movement can set off terrifying waves, even terrifying tsunamis!

And Aquaman has the ability to save countless lives.

It can even destroy the huge power of the whole world!

All ambitious people all over the world.

It is absolutely impossible to ignore this incomparable power!

Once you really get it and take control.

That's basically it.


And at this time, Fishman Island, although it is a white-beard territory, does not prevent him from grabbing it.

After all, on top, Whitebeard is dead!

The aunt said to herself and said in great surprise.

"In the future, return me to shelter Fishman Island!."

"Whitebeard actually doesn't know such a thing!"

"Neptune ... They've never said anything like that! "

"It seems that there is quite a lot of careful thinking!"

"Now that I know."

"That Sea King must belong to me!"

Auntie is very clear in her heart.

Even now he doesn't shoot himself.

After such a picture is exposed, there will definitely be more people who will attack Fishman Island!

Cause great confusion.

Instead of letting this happen.

It's better to keep the White Star Princess firmly in your own hands!

After the aunt thought clearly, she immediately shouted loudly.


Heard her shout.

Soon, Katakuri rushed in!

"Mom! What are the orders?! "

He asked loyally.

Auntie pointed to the White Star Princess in the picture.

"Go to Fishman Island."

"Capture Aquaman, take it back!"

Obeyed the aunt's orders.

Katakuri immediately nodded and prepared to act!

"Yes, Mom!"

Auntie looked at Katakuri's back.

I was also quite relieved.

Katakuri is the most powerful of all his children!

In addition, he is extremely mature and reliable.

Be even more loyal to yourself!

He does it.

Don't worry!


Straw Hat Pirates here.

Sanji again, into madness!

He looked at Luffy, and his whole eyes were red!


"Why! Such a beauty still has something to do with you! "

"And such a beautiful princess!!"


"How many men, dreams in their hearts!"

Sanji said, his eyes actually flowed, two lines of tears came!

"The legendary existence turned out to be real!"

"Mermaid! Yes!! "

Sanji's crazy look is now unnoticed.

The rest of the entire Straw Hats.

At this time, they all looked at Luffy in unison.

With a very scrutinizing gaze!

It seems to be telling Luffy to summon truthfully!


Whether it's Usopp and Chopba, or Robin and Brooke!

Especially Nami!

It was like death descending on his gaze.

Luffy felt scared!

He shivered at this point.

Don't dare to speak!

Right now.

The content of the picture has changed again!

New locations emerged.

Luffy, where he first met Princess White Star.

It's actually someone's chest??!。

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