At this time, Pirate World.

Daughter Country.

Female emperor here.

After Boyahan Cook saw the picture in front of him.

I couldn't help but fall into silence.

"A man with the qualifications of a king."

"How easy it is to bow your head!"

"Just to protect your benefactor, is there a grace that will be rewarded?"

Boyahan Cook was deeply shocked in his heart.

Not only that.

In order to protect their privacy, they prefer to be in danger.

"It's because of something like this."

"That's why I'm tempted?"

Boyahan Cook thought so in his heart!

Looking at the picture, Luffy thanked himself for saving his life.

Boyahan Cook has a very complicated heart.

At the same time, I thought of before.

When in the Chambord Islands.

Luffy didn't hesitate to fight Draco for his friends!

Don't put Draco in the eyes at all.

At this time, Boyahan Cook moved inexplicably!

"Sure enough..."

"What an amazing man!"


The picture has changed again!

At this time, it is no longer in the Colosseum of the Daughter's Country.

Instead, he came to the palace of the female emperor.

Boyahan Cook invites Luffy here.

And took the initiative to take off his clothes in front of him!

Show Luffy the pattern on her back.

It was the mark that Draco carved into the slaves.

Known as the Hoof of the Heavenly Dragon!

"Where did you say you saw this mark?"

"Do you understand the meaning of this mark?"

Boyahan Cook said!

At this time, she revealed her deepest secret in front of Luffy.

After seeing such a pattern again.

Luffy didn't show any particular expression.

Just said it lightly.

"This pattern."

"Same pattern as my friend Xiaoba! He's a fish man. "

"He has the same mark on his forehead."

Then, Grandma Zhao came out!

Encourage Boyahan Cook and tell the truth.

"You're a pirate, Straw Hat Luffy, am I right?"

Mother-in-law said to Luffy!

"The man who made the whole world make a fuss."

"This man, just a few days ago, flew Draco on the Chambord Islands!"

"A great crime has been committed!"

"He's the culprit!"

Mother-in-law, directly told the Draco incident!

After hearing such a thing.

Boyahan Cook is even more shocking!

Luffy said.

"I don't regret anything about Draco!"

"That bastard, know what he did to my friend?!"

At this time, the feelings in Boyahan Cook's heart were extremely complicated.

She also spoke out about her background.

He was once used as a slave by the Draco and escaped!

Then, ask Luffy to say.

"Would you look down on us, who used to be slaves?"

Boyahan Cook asked.

Luffy surprised: "What did you say?" I've said I hate Sky Roadmen! "

At this time, Boyahan Cook's mood changed greatly!

She turned around, her face already red.

Said to Luffy, "The concubine likes you!" "

Countless viewers in the heavens and realms.

After seeing such a picture, they all sighed.

"It's really fate!"

"yes! I accidentally learned the biggest secret of Boyahan Cook, what an amazing thing! "

"Luffy's own temperament is also the most important reason for all this!"

"Abominable Draco!"

"To do such a thing to such a beautiful young lady."

"It's brutal to the extreme!"

"Such an existence should overthrow them! Such bastards! "

"I finally understand now why there is a revolutionary army in their world!"

"I have already begun to support the revolutionary army in my heart!"

Countless people are talking at this time.

All indignant!

And at the same time, Pirate World.

There were also many pirates who cursed!

Aunt: "This gang of Wang Baeggs, Draco!" "

"It's some damn beasts!"

Yamaji: "To do something like that to such a beautiful young lady." "

"This knight will never allow it!"

"Draco... Must be punished! "

Xiao Ba: "It's these Draco!" "

"They take any other creature as a slave."

"Do nothing evil~!"

"Fortunately, I was lucky back then, otherwise I would still be their slave now!"

Shemale King: "Now you know, right?" "

"The existence of our revolutionary army is justified!"

"Just to overthrow the rule of this herd of beasts!"

Lightning: "That's right! That's why we're doing it. "

"The oppressed people, stand up with us!"

"There can never be another tragedy like Boyahan Cook!"

And at the same time, Pirate World.

Headquarters of the Navy.

After Sengoku and others saw such a picture.

I couldn't help but fall into silence!


What kind of existence are Draco?

How many bad things have been done that God is angry with?

As a Draco's thug.

Their navy knows everything!

Especially these high-ranking them.

I know more than others!


Even if the other party is so cruel.

They still have no other choice.

You must obey Draco's orders.

Serve Draco!

At this time, Karp is even more angry!

"Draco, this gang of scum!"

"It's all a bunch of damn stuff!"

He didn't put Draco in his eyes originally.

At this time, he was even more angry and directly scolded!

After going through the inventory of the screen.

In Karp's eyes at this time.

Boyahan Cook is like his granddaughter-in-law.

Simply perfect.

Not only very beautiful.

And the strength is also strong enough!

Rule an entire country.

The most important thing is that he also likes his grandson Luffy very much.

Wholeheartedly help Luffy do things.

Such a choice, of course, is very good!

And after hearing Karp's angry rebuke.

Warring States, even louder and angrily reprimanded!

"Karp! You give me a little care! "

"Is this something you can say casually?"

This kind of thing really can't be said casually!

Not only is it not good for Karp himself.

It is even possible to implicate them in these navies!

Who knows if there are any Draco spies around here.

It's better to be careful.


The content in the picture has changed again!

After a series of things before.

Boyahan Cook, has completely fallen in love with Luffy!

It's that crazy level of addiction!

After this.

Luffy learned one thing from the news, a thunderbolt on a sunny day.

His own brother Ace.

Soon to be executed by the world government!

He also immediately changed his goals.

Now there is no time to look for the ship and find your companions!

Instead, you have to rescue your brother first!

Luffy, for this matter.

Ask the female emperor for help!

Hopefully, Boyahan Cook can help himself!

Boyahan Cook certainly wouldn't refuse.

Just at this time.

In order to prepare for the war, the Navy summoned all the Seven Warrior Seas to the Navy headquarters.

Fight for the Navy and defeat the Whitebeard Pirates!

Boyahan Cook took the opportunity to put forward a condition.

Themselves can help the Navy.

But go to jail first!

The Navy, knowing of this request, also directly agreed.

There is certainly no need to refuse such trifles!

Boyahan Cook, on the other hand, let Luffy get into his skirt.


And, bring Luffy into the Advance City.

After seeing such a picture.

Countless viewers in the heavens and realms.

All crazy envious! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"That's awesome!"

"To do so much for Luffy! Especially a woman! "

"That's too much, keep Luffy in his skirt!"

"And even in the face of the threat of offending the Navy, such conditions are still put forward!"

"Luffy, you must not fail her!"

Countless people said with envy and envy.

There were women who did such a thing for him.

It's just enviable to death.

Replace it with someone else's words.

The saliva of envy will come out.

But there are many people.

are all complaining.

"I don't know what Straw Hat Luffy thinks!"

"yes! People can do this for him! "

"Summon Qi Wuhai to also go, and also take it to save Ace!"

"It's just the end of benevolence."

"Everything that can be done has been done!"

"Luffy, this kid doesn't seem to be a little moved!"

"yes! It's just thanks, nothing else! "

"I don't know what he thinks!"

At the same time, countless barrages also frantically pop up in the picture.

The entire pirate world is talking about it!

Sanji: "I... Think of something like that! "

"I'm going to die of jealousy!"

"When has I ever encountered such a good thing in my life?"

"Luffy! I really envy you so much! "

Brooke; "Boom!"

"Luffy does this, the color, but you can see it clearly!"

"What a captain! What I couldn't do, he did easily. "

Kaido: "What's going on with this straw hat kid?" "

"These things he does."

"Even for me, the Four Emperors."

"They all began to envy, envy and hate!"

Magellan; "No wonder Luffy was able to get in here!"

"It doesn't seem like it's my management problem!"

"Definitely because, there are inner ghosts!"

"If something happens then, the Navy can't blame me!"

Hannibal: "Abominable! This is not a problem for the warden! "

"In this case, won't I be able to become a warden?"

"! Straw Hat Luffy, what kind of breaking method did you choose? "

Shemale King: "Haha! Luffy is amazing! "

"To let the dignified female emperor do such a thing!"

Sengoku: "I actually came in this way." "

"I really can't think of anything."

"It's outrageous!"

Red Dog; "It turned out to be Boyahan Cook!"

"I know I can't trust Qiwu Hai!"

"They are pirates after all!"

"Can't be trusted like the Navy!"

Yellow Ape: "In order to save your brother, can you even come up with this method?" "

"It's terrible."

"And the woman Boyahan Cook."

"For love, it's really top."

"Anything can be done."

Smogg: "No wonder the war losses are so heavy!" "

"There are too many ghosts inside!"


Straw Hat Pirates here!

Yamaji, it broke out directly!


"Why do you have such a good thing Luffy!"

Sanji is literally going crazy!

When I think about it.

Luffy did what they did.

Fantasize a little, Yamaji's whole person can't stand it!

A lot of blood spewed out of the nose!

"Luffy! This kid is so blessed! "

"Why isn't this kind of thing me!"

Qioba quickly held him down.

"Sanji, you can't spray blood anymore!"

"If you spray blood again, you will be anemic!"

"First aid! We need blood pack first aid! "

Luffy himself looked helpless.

"Huh? How do I know? "

Nami punched down directly.

A large bag appeared on Luffy's head.

"I can't imagine you're still a satyr!"

Nami said angrily!

Luffy's nose was blue and his face was swollen after being beaten.

Lisp said.

"Huh? What am I doing wrong? "

Meanwhile, Pirate World.

Daughter country!

Boyahan Cook himself, saw such a picture.

I was even more apprehensive!

"The Wei family, did you actually do that for him?!"

"It's unbelievable!"

She thought about it.

If this kind of thing was only known by himself and Luffy.

That's it!

However, after this inventory.

"The whole world..."

"No, it's Ten Thousand Worlds!"

"In front of countless people in the Ten Thousand Worlds, they all know such a thing!"

"So shy!"

Boyahan Cook directly covered his face at this time.

I feel my cheeks burning red!

However, this is not the end of it!

At this time, the picture has changed again!

In the middle of the war.

Luffy, again!

However, his strength is insufficient after all.

Soon it was dangerous!

Face those navies besieging Luffy.

Boyahan Cook shot directly!

Knock them all back.

This shocked the navy!

"No, isn't Qi Wuhai on our side?"

They all said strangely.

I didn't expect to be beaten by my teammates!

Boyahan Cook raised his head.

"Dare to do something to a concubine who loves her body and mind."

"This is what happened to you!"

She's not just in battle.

Helped Luffy!

Even, brought Ace's handcuff key!

When I saw this handcuffed key.

Luffy, ecstatic!

He hugged each other directly!

"Great! Thank you so much! "

Luffy said happily!

At this time, Boyahan Cook fell directly!

The whole person was stimulated too much.

Even fell directly to the ground!

Then, in the war on top.

Smog also turns into smoke and chases Luffy!

However, he was stopped by Boyahan Cook again!

Can't move forward!

Countless viewers in the heavens and realms.

After seeing this scene.

It's all crazy to discuss!

"It turns out that Luffy received so much help when he was in the war?!"

"At the most critical time, someone came out to help again!"

"Not only helped him attack the enemy, but even sent the key!"

"No, even people have been sent to the door!"

"This Boyahan Cook has completely fallen!"

"yes! Isn't it a pure love brain now? "

"Luffy can't stand it if she touches her a little!"

Countless people said with envy and hatred at this time!

Luffy this treatment.

It's so good!

Ordinary people, they can't even think of such a situation!


Countless people in the pirate world.

They are also complaining madly!

Doflamingo: "Seven Wuhai is finished!" "

"These people are almost conquered by Luffy, this kid!"

"How many people are already there."

"It's all Luffy's relationship!"

"This Boyahan Cook is even more excessive, and even people are sent to the door directly!"

Hawkins; "I prophesy that the Navy's Seven Martial Seas will survive in name only and die Joe!"

"There's no need for them to exist, right?"

"It's all become a relationship with Straw Hat Luffy!"

Bartolomeo: "It's really worthy of my Luffy senior!" "

"Seeing that another Qiwu Sea has been conquered!"

"And this time it is still a complete conquest!"

"What an invincible existence!"

Smogg: "!" I don't see any need for Qiwu Hai to exist! "

"I'm about to grab the straw hat in the top war!"

"Someone stopped you again?!".

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