Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2975: Stinky girl

"Huh, it's not enough!"

Di Jiuge hummed arrogantly, and his bare hand shook. Thousands of ice rose from the ground, and placed a huge shield of profound ice on top of his head.

With a loud noise, the sword light fell on the ice shield, shaking violently, but the ice was surging, but it still did not break.

Ren Miaomiao urged the Xianyuan in her body to the extreme, her eyes were full of flames, and the sword light was energized again, turning into six sword lights, and chopped down.

"Boom, boom, boom..." A series of attacks burst out in succession, and finally, under the continuous shock, cracks appeared in Di Jiuge's Profound Ice Shield.

"This kendo supernatural power is terrifying."

"Di Jiuge's defense is so strong!"

"Persevere till now!"

Many people's hearts were shaking, too strong, whether it was Ren Miaomiao's attack or Di Jiuge's defense.


Finally, the shield of profound ice supported by Di Jiuge was chopped and shattered under the sixth sword light.


Di Jiuge raised his bare hand, and the Bingling Realm Sea Rod finally appeared in his palm.

"It's over, Di Jiuge!"

Xuan Bing shattered, allowing Ren Miaomiao to see hope.

The red red fire sword's edge drew out a full moon sword light, killing the Emperor Jiuge.

Seeing that Ren Miaomiao's full-strength sword struck again, Di Jiuge muttered a word, and after a breath, the staff lifted towards that Ren Miaomiao.


In an instant, a ghost of the ice dragon, roared out of the staff.

The ice dragon turned into a ten-thousand-foot arrow, the cold light recklessly, extremely sharp.

"Nine-fold Frost Arrow!"

The flame sword light and the ice arrow collided, and Ren Miaomiao's body shook.

In the center of the ring, the terrifying blades and arrows exploded each other.

The collision of ice and fire turned into water vapor in the sky, rising up.

This powerful sword by Ren Miaomiao was so easy that it was blocked by Di Jiuge! ?

"Hi, is this the ice-ling world sea stick!?"

"The imperial artifact that was once treasured by the Yuxu Emperor Palace!"

"It's the body of the imperial weapon, but the soul of the weapon seems to have changed."

"Although it is not as powerful as the imperial weapon in its heyday, it is not comparable to the quasi-imperial weapon."

The quasi-emperors had already seen the clues.

This emperor nine songs sacrificed the imperial weapon ice rim sea, so in this battle, Ren Miaomiao is more auspicious!

In the direction of the Celestial Clan, Ren Duxing's arms slowly lowered, and Hua Xiaoyun's eyes slowly opened a gap.

The next moment, in the endless clouds and mist above the ring, Di Jiuge's feet stepped on the void, his body flew up in the sky, condescending, and his hand was waving the ice rim sea stick in succession, mobilizing the endless ice power, turning into a series of ice arrows. The arrow, covering the sky and the sun, swallowed towards the ring.

As if to shoot through everything!

Ren Miaomiao's eyes condensed, his body skills opened, flashing among countless arrows, and the sword light continued to cleave, shattering the arrow beams.

However, Di Jiuge obviously didn't want to give the other party a chance.

Under the endless ice arrow, the staff in her hand never stopped, and the ice dragons roared out and shot down.

These huge arrows made Ren Miaomiao unable to dodge and could only resist.

"Boom." Void trembled violently, and Ren Miaomiao was swallowed by Frost Bolt and retreated.


I don't know when, but Di Jiuge has already appeared in front of the shocked Ren Miaomiao.

"Sister smelly, now, it's really over."

"Between you and your sister, the difference is not even a little bit!"

Afterwards, everyone saw an extremely shocking scene, the countless ice arrows gathered in a straight line, following the point of Di Jiuge's staff and falling on that Ren Miaomiao.

Countless ice arrows, shooting away.

"Bang, bang, bang..." A series of voices trembled in the hearts of everyone, and each collision made their hearts tremble. Ren Miaomiao was instantly suppressed by the ice bolt, and he continued to suffer from the pain of the heart.

Even if Ren Miaomiao is strong, how can he withstand so many Frostbolt impacts! ?


A mouthful of blood was spit out, and Ren Miaomiao finally didn't blast an attack to resist, obviously he could not hold it anymore.

At this moment, the last arrow transformed into a dragon swallowed it.

This has also become the last straw to crush Ren Miaomiao.


There was another loud noise, and Ren Miaomiao's figure fell fiercely under the ring.

Soon, the blazing fire divine light on his body disappeared, and Ren Miaomiao lay there with a weak breath, and the blood in his mouth kept spitting out.

Looking at Di Jiuge again, her body was suspended above the ring, like a goddess, her aura was extremely powerful, endless, without the slightest fluctuation, as if the battle just now was not her full display.

Silence, the place of Jade Lake at this moment, deathly silence.

Ren Miaomiao is known as the strongest daughter of the heavens in the palace of the heavenly clan.

But now, here, being crushed, after the eruption of Di Jiuge, although she was able to resist for a while, from the beginning to the end, she still had no resistance at all, until she was seriously injured and knocked down the ring.

Ren Miaomiao's face was as gray as death, no longer the arrogance and pride before.

Without the light all over, the daughter of heaven at this time is like a mundane woman.

"Heaven Clan, the third game, lost again!"

"It's over, the Celestial Clan's three-game losing streak was all lost by the hands of Di Jiuge!"

"Does this Emperor Jiuge really have the power of an emperor!?"

"The human race today is so strong!"

Finally, at this moment, the Tianjiao of the major Xianzhou completely put away their contempt for the human race.

If we say that all previous human tribes' victories were all opportunistic and realm suppression.

But this time, it was a real explosion of combat power.

Just these Emperor Jiuge and Qin Mingyue are enough to show that the current human race is definitely not weak!

"Huh, next time, let's get stronger!"

"Also, if anyone of you has ideas, you can also challenge me!"

Di Jiuge's gaze swept across the Tianjiao's body, and then he shook his graceful waist and returned to Ling Tian's back.

"What, is it strong enough?"

Behind Ling Tian, ​​Di Jiuge said proudly.

"Yes, I like it!"

Ling Tian nodded.


Qin Yu sees everything in his eyes.

He understood now that the relationship between Emperor Jiuge and Ling Tian was absolutely extraordinary.

In this case, it can be said! ?

I'm so angry!

"Ling Tian, ​​when will you let me take the shot!"

"Oh? Are you so anxious?" Ling Tian asked back.

"Nonsense, I am the emperor, do you think I am here to serve you as a foil?"

Qin Yu said coldly.

"Hey, well, originally, I wanted you to lie down in the final team fight."

Ling Tian sighed, as if he was sorry.

"Ling Tian, ​​what do you mean!?"

Qin Yu was about to be blown up by Ling Tian's inexplicable expression.

But when he asked again, Ling Tian didn't speak anymore.

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