Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2974: The first day of the female Shengyao [Thanks to the apprentice for unblocking]

Up to now, the entire Celestial Race, their Celestial Race, seems to be suppressed by the Human Race, this feeling is really uncomfortable.

"Next game, I'll come!"

Now there are only five members of the Celestial Clan. If there is any further damage, it is afraid that it will affect the final team battle. Therefore, Ren Lone, suddenly spoke.

Except for Hua Xiaoyun, the other three sons of heaven changed their expressions.

Ren Duxing is now the second heavenly clan.

When Hua Xiaoyun was never born, he was a veritable first descendant of the Celestial Clan.

Its combat power is naturally almost invincible.

He shot, so even if the Human Race had Di Jiuge, it would be undoubtedly defeated.

But in the third round, Ren Duxing was allowed to play, which made the remaining three sons of heaven look very ugly.

"Brother, let me come. I am the third in the heavenly clan. I am enough to deal with Di Jiuge."

Behind him, a magnificent son of heaven Dao.

He is Duo Wentian's second son, the first defense of the heavens.

"Big brother, second brother, you don't need to make a move, I am here!"

A Celestial woman ranked fourth came forward.

The dazzling light of the whole body enveloped her graceful and beautiful figure.

Her name is Ren Miaomiao, who is Duowentian's eldest daughter and the sister of Ren alone.

Fourth place.

Nowadays, Ren Duxing and her second brother both want to make a move first. Doesn't that mean that she, the eldest daughter who hears the sky, is not as good as the Emperor Jiuge! ?

This is Ren Miaomiao, absolutely unacceptable.

The emperor nine songs are both women.

"Our Celestial Clan, can't lose anymore."

Ren Duxing frowned.

Ren Miaomiao played, but he was still not at ease.

"Brother, give me a chance, just once, trust me."

But that Ren Miaomiao was determined.


Ren Duxing knew that he couldn't hold on to his younger sister, so he could only agree,

The second round continues.

The Ghost Race and the Monster Race who originally wanted to challenge the Human Race, after seeing Ling Tian's ‘shameless behavior’, were all in a tacit understanding, and no longer challenged the Human Race.

It's Lu Bu again.

Without any accident, he recognized the ghost clan.

Helpless, the ghosts still let the weaker fight, but in the end, Lu Bu was ruthlessly tortured and killed, leaving only the Immortal Spiritual Infant to escape.

After two rounds, the whole body of the ghost master of the ghost race was trembling.

If this continues, as long as Li Chen can't make a move, the final result may also be a five-game losing streak of the Ghost Race, and only two Tianjiaos can enter the team battle.

But in that case, the ghost clan would be abolished.

Because of a Lu Bu, the ghost clan almost lost all the games!


Li Chen trembled with anger.

But helpless, he couldn't make a move until the end.

He could not face Lu Bu before the team battle.

Otherwise, even if he can win, in the end, it can only be a team fight with injuries.

As a result, the ghost race can still only lose even worse!

This made Li Chendan almost vomit blood!


Lu Bu cursed again and retired.

At the end of the second round, the human race challenged.

Sure enough, it was Feng Jixing who appeared on the stage, and what he challenged was...Dragon Race!

When the little dragon girl played, Feng Jixing was defeated with one move, and left the field safely. At the same time, she also escorted the little dragon girl into the final team battle.

The cooperation between the human race and the dragon race is seamless, making the other Xianzhou powerhouses angry and hateful.

The third round begins.

The Celestial Clan played again.

And the appearance of Ren Miaomiao drew fiery eyes from the Tianjiao of the surrounding big immortal states.

In Xiling City, there are also a large number of Tianjiao admiring Ren Miaomiao's face.

Although it ranks fourth among the seven heavenly sons of the heavenly clan.

But she is the only daughter of Duowentian.

The combat power is not comparable to that of the Zichen **** generals.

"Haha, God General Ren Miaomiao finally couldn't help but shoot himself, this time, he will definitely win!"

"Yes, Ren Miaomiao is the only woman among the seven sons of heaven. She can rival the Emperor Jiuge!"

"Ren Miaomiao will win!"

In Xiling City, a large number of Ren Miaomiao's fans cheered.

In the imperial palace, the great Xianzhou warriors on and off the ring also raised their spirits.

Finally, the Celestial Clan is going to be serious.

He directly gave up the fifth son of heaven, making people vaguely enter the battle. This is because he wants to smash with Di Jiuge!

"I challenge, Terran!"


Ren Miaomiao's voice fell, and in the divine light, there was sword light falling.

The sword light was extremely sharp, just out of its orifice, the sharp blade was cutting the formation above the ring.

Ren Miaomiao's deep cultivation base, the realm of swords, directly pervasive, covering a wide area, and on the center of his eyebrows, there is a little scarlet flame mark, burning.

"It is one of the eighteen immortal sources, the source of the fire attribute of the holy yao!"

"Yes, there are only three of the eighteenth great immortal sources with fire attributes. This Saint Yao is the strongest, and it must be above the burning source of Lin Yanyan of the human race!"

"I used the power of the source when I came up!"

"Not only that, that sword should have been negotiated by Duo Wentian from the Haotian Palace. Among the weapons of the quasi-emperor, they are all ranked high."

"Enough to rival Emperor Jiuge!"

"I think it should be enough to defeat Di Jiuge!"

Seeing that Ren Miaomiao's combat power was fully deployed, all Tianjiao was full of confidence in the heavens.

The Celestial Clan lost two games in a row.

This time, it should have won.

"Hehe, it's still me this time!"

Without waiting for Ling Tian's arrangement, Di Jiuge stood up on his own.

After the third round, the Celestial Clan finally came out with a visible existence.

Moreover, she is still the true daughter of heaven.

Ren Miaomiao is a long-famous woman from the Celestial Clan.

But in Di Jiuge's heart, still disdain.

In this game, she still wants to win!

"Di Jiuge, you are going to be eliminated this time, is there anything else to say?"

Ren Miaomiao's face was cold, but she seemed very confident.

"Don't talk nonsense with me, your fire can't reach my ice, it's a mere source of immortality, but it's not enough to see!"


After Di Jiuge said, above his delicate body, the icy breath surged, and the icy blue streamer was shining. Behind it, there was the imperial family's fighting intent, which turned into a heavenly phantom and manifested on the ring.

That is definitely the will of the quasi-emperor level.

Moreover, it is still hazy now. Obviously, this initial will is not a fully awakened state.

After Di Jiuge became Emperor Wu, he possessed such a strong will from the beginning, it was justified.

Under the blessing of this powerful primordial will, the entire body of Di Jiuge was swept by an ice storm. Even though the domain of Ren Miao was strong, it still gradually retreated, and the icy breath seemed to ice the entire arena.

"Look at me!?"

A sword rang and the sound shook the sky. In an instant, above Ren Miaomiao's delicate body, the divine light turned into a crimson flame, the dazzling blazing light traversed the void, and the sword light fell from the sky.

Many people looked at that scene in shock. It seemed that the attack was not from the Celestial Clan, but a supreme god. The fire sword tore through the void, and the flames from the sky fell down, turning into a straight sword light, as if it were To smash the will of that Emperor Jiuge's primordial beginning.

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