Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2534: Dragon Girl Auction

In the courtyard, the snake demon snorted coldly, "Sure enough, the adults are in love with the wave hoof outside, huh, what is good about the ancient dragon clan in the mere district, is it not going to die in the giant tower in the end!?"

"Hey, it's been thousands of years, and I don't know how much dragon blood this giant tower is going to suck. I heard that the ancient dragons are about to be hunted down. If the giant tower is not full, we will start to attack us."

The Terran old man sighed.

For a time, a touch of worry flashed across the faces of the warriors of all races in the courtyard.

In this Emperor Dragon City, their lives and deaths are between the thoughts of the Celestial Clan.

Yu Nu Fang.

It is the largest slave trading place in Emperor Dragon City.

Here, with treasures, slaves of various races can be traded. Those with good looks and high cultivation will be bought back by the Celestial Clan for fun.

And whenever the remnants of the ancient dragon clan were caught, the female dragon clan was also pulled down here, first auctioned off the first night, and then sent to the giant tower to sacrifice.

The descendants of the ancient dragon race have very high cultivation bases, and they are also very talented. Their appearance and body are unmatched by other races. Every time, they will be sold at a high price.

Under normal circumstances, you might not get an ordinary Dragon Messenger like Ronnie at auction, but it's not bad to take a look.

This time, Ling Tian came to Yu Nu Fang and was also curious about the so-called ancient dragon clan.

After all, Ling Tian originally thought that the ancient dragon clan had been annihilated a long time ago, but never thought that there were dragon clan remnants outside.

Moreover, Ling Tian also learned from Ronnie’s memory that the ancient dragon clan had never been wiped out, and there were still some ancient dragon clan wandering outside the Emperor Dragon City, because the secrets of the burial dragon yin ruins were unstable. Therefore, even the Celestial Immortal Venerable in the Emperor Dragon City could not catch those ancient dragons in one go.

Not only that, the Celestial Clan also deliberately allowed the Ancient Dragon Clan to multiply and devour the huge tower with a steady stream of supply. Ling Tian thought, maybe it was because too much dragon blood was needed to unblock the imperial artifact.

When he arrived at Yu Nu Fang, Ling Tian found that there were a lot of Celestial Clan coming this time.

There are dozens of Royal Dragon Messengers with silver hair.

The three found a place to sit down, waiting for the ancient dragon clan.

Before the ancient dragon clan was auctioned, some women of other races were auctioned. The figure and fluff were good, but the price was not high. At most, it was a national artifact.

In front of the Celestial Clan, these women, whether they are fairy kings or fairy monarchs, are like cats and dogs, making comments.

Ling Tian sat in the corner with his fists in his sleeves, clasping tightly.

Celestial race, take other races like grass and mustard, like slaves.

Why! ?

Just because they are the heavenly tribe! ?

If it hadn't been for the fact that the Emperor Dragon City hadn't figured out the truth, Ling Tian could not help but want to sell, and kill all these heavenly warriors!

"Ronnie, look, the ancient dragons are out!"

At this time, the two guards awakened Ling Tian from the anger. Ling Tian looked up and found that a woman appeared on the high platform of Yu Nu Fang.

The woman was covered in broken armor, and her body was covered with scars.

But the wheat-colored skin that leaked out made her look even more seductive.

The women wear dragon horns on their heads, and their eyes are golden. They also have the realm of the top immortal king, which is even more noble.

This kind of top-quality goods has a fatal temptation to the heavenly warriors.

As soon as they appeared, many Celestial warriors were agitated, bulging under the lower abdomen, and they wished to press these dragon women to play with them immediately.

Ling Tian's pupils shrank, looking at the perseverance in the eyes of the three dragon women, he couldn't bear it.

The blood flowing in his body was also dragon blood. Moreover, when he was in the lower realm, Ling Tian had a dead brother like Long Xuan. He had never regarded the Dragon Clan as a foreigner, or that Ling Tian had already regarded himself as a half. Dragon children.

Therefore, how can you bear to watch these dragon women fall into the hands of the heavens.

In any case, save this woman!

"Hehe, everyone has seen it too. The dragon women who came to Yu Nu Fang this time are all rare top-quality goods. In order to catch them, we even killed many dragon slaves!"

"So, the auction price this time is not cheap!"

On the high platform, a celestial old man with silver-white hair appeared in front of the dragon woman.

"Hehe, it's just a dragon slave. What does it matter if you die too much!? Sanye, don't start the price on the spot!"

"That is, our treasure was finally found!"

A group of Celestial Clan started to roar below. Obviously, they were already familiar with the old man's routines.

"Hehe, you dragon envoys, who doesn't know that you are rich in oil and water!?’

"Stop talking nonsense, the old rules, the starting price of a dragon woman is two low-grade national implements!"

The old man said coldly.

"Two pieces!?"

A group of heavenly clan powerhouses frowned.

Under normal circumstances, female slaves are only worth a piece of national equipment.

This ancient dragon woman is really expensive!

"Ma De, let it go, this dragon girl is too tempting, this time I'm ruining my family, and I want to taste it!"

"I have three low-grade national implements!"

"Hmph, Bond, just don't mix up with your wealth, I want to produce four low-grade national artifacts!"

Although this dragon girl is very expensive, she did not block the **** of those strong in the heavens.

For a time, the sound of bidding came and went one after another.

On the high platform, the dragon girl clenched her fists and frowned, looking at the heavenly clan below in her golden eyes, full of killing intent.

However, the dragon veins in his body have been blocked, and the combat power is completely depleted, and he can only let these swear words of the Celestial Clan.

The auction price is getting higher and higher, and in the end, it has even soared to the point of one or two Chinese national products.

One piece of middle-grade national implements will be worth ten pieces of lower-grade national implements.

The sound of bidding is becoming less and less.

After all, the treasures in the hands of these Royal Dragon Messengers were also found from the ruins outside, not many.

These national artifacts are not used by them themselves, and after being collected by Yu Nu Fang, they are enshrined by the high-level Celestial Clan to crush them and use them to unseal imperial artifacts or refine high-level divine weapons.

"Finally, the price was fixed on the two middle-grade national products, and there was no sound.

The one who called for the price was an old man of the Celestial Clan with a slightly faint and two-colored hair. He was the leader of one hundred and twenty Royal Dragon Envoys, and he was able to enter the ranks of the Middle Celestial Clan.

He also learned in advance that there was a dragon female auction, so he rushed back from the outside. Over the years, he didn't know how many ancient dragon females he had played with, but none of the dragon females were as good as this time.

"Hmph, this time, I am bound to win the gallon!"

"You little ghosts can't compete with me!"

The old man sneered.

"Hey, boss, you said that you came back too in time, so you can't let me wait for it!"


"Fine, we really can't compete with the Gallon boss, so we give up!"

The dragon envoys shook their heads, rather helpless.

"Hehe, dragon beauty, you are mine!"

The old man looked at the dragon woman on the high platform with a lewd smile.

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