Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2533: Within Dragon City

Buried in Longyin Ruins.

Emperor Dragon City.

When Ling Tian stepped on the black dragon and flew with a dozen skull dragons for three days, when he arrived at Emperor Dragon City, Rao had already had some imagination in his heart, but looking at such a magnificent city in front of him, he couldn’t help. Take a breath.

Where is this city, it is more like a fortress!

The area of ​​Dragon City is not very large.

The radius is no more than three thousand miles.

But the buildings inside are all tall and towering, and the whole body is pitch black. It does look like a dragon castle.

However, when Ling Tian looked far away, he found that in the center of the Emperor Dragon City, there was a huge tower to the sky. Numerous black dragons surrounded the tower. Moreover, Ling Tian's pupils shrank, Liu Yao said, she came from this huge tower. Among them, I felt the breath of the imperial weapon!

The imperial artifacts hidden in Longyin Ruins are in this huge tower!

Ling Tian took a deep breath. Now that he has reached the Dragon City, he must bring the emperor weapon back anyway.

Control the black dragon to fly down the clouds and enter the Emperor Dragon City.

But he was stopped at the gate of Emperor Dragon City.

"Ronnie, why did you come back so soon!? Enter the Dragon City to get the Black Dragon, don't forget the rules!!?"

The two guards in front of the city gate were the same as Ling Tian today, dressed in black cards, with veils, blue eyes, and silver hair.

From the outside, there is no difference at all.

Fortunately, Ling Tian imitated the aura of the powerful clan that he had killed before, and copied his figure perfectly, so that nothing was revealed.

The slain Celestial Clan was named Ronnie.

"Oh, I didn't find anything in the place I was patrolling, so I came back early. I was about to go down the black dragon. What are you yelling at!?"

Ling Tian snorted and jumped off the black dragon.

The Celestial Clan in this Emperor Dragon City distinguishes high from low by hair color.

The white silver hair is the most common class in the Emperor Dragon City. Generally, it is responsible for guarding the city gates and Imperial Dragon Envoys.

The latter is better than the gatekeeper.

"Hey, how dare we yell with Ronnie. We will change posts later. Let’s have a good time together. I heard that this time the Dragon Envoy came out of Dragon City and caught a few dragon remnants from the outside, their figure and appearance. , They are all excellent!"

There were lustful smiles in the eyes of the two guards.

"Haha, let's talk about it!"

Ling Tian shook his head, took the black dragon, and went straight into the city.


After entering the Emperor Dragon City, Ling Tian discovered that this city was very large in scale, and the number of warriors was extremely large.

Moreover, on the street, there are all groups of warriors.

It is said that the heavenly race is too talented and envied by the heavens, so the speed of reproduction is extremely high. If it weren't for the long life span of the heavenly race, I am afraid that the heavenly race would have been extinct long ago.

However, within this Emperor Dragon City, Ling Tian unexpectedly discovered martial artists of other races. Among these martial artists, there were monsters, dragons, and even human martial artists!

However, these warriors all looked very humble in front of the heavenly clan, and even when they saw Ling Tian, ​​they were instinctively afraid, and they knelt there from a distance.

From Ronnie's memory, Ling Tian already knew that these were all slaves in Emperor Dragon City.

Celestial pride, except for the Celestial race, they don't care about any race, even the Dragon and Phoenix tribes.

These foreign warriors have either mistakenly broke into the Funeral Longyin Ruins, or the descendants of the servants brought in by the Celestial warriors thousands of years ago. After thousands of years, the warriors of these races have become extremely large.

In the Emperor Dragon City, there are no more than a few hundred heavenly races, but each one is an absolute noble, and the other warriors are like slaves.

The tower in the center of Emperor Dragon City is a forbidden place in the forbidden area, even Ronnie is not qualified to approach it.

Ling Tian thought for a while, and still didn't rush to the giant tower. After all, there might be some high-level heavenly clan there. If it was found out, it would be troublesome.

Following the memory, Ling Tian returned to Ronnie's house.

In Emperor Dragon City, there are a total of 120 Royal Dragon Envoys, which can be assigned to a huge house with a black dragon cage.

Ling Tian shut the black dragon inside and pushed the door into the house.

"My lord is back!"

But as soon as he entered the door, Ling Tian saw that there were many warriors in the house welcoming him, among them were dragons, monsters, and humans.


Ling Tian nodded and swept across the servants, sighing in his heart.

Among these servants, there are many immortal kings, even three, who have reached the realm of top immortal kings. If they go out, they will definitely be respected among their respective races, but within Dragon City, they are just slaves of the heavenly clan.

There are three top immortal kings, one is the strong man of the dragon clan, who is the guard in the house.

One is a human elder, equivalent to a housekeeper.

There was another woman of the demon race, who looked like a bloodline of a group of heavenly snakes, with a seductive body, and Ronnie's most favored concubine.

Celestial powerhouses are rare, and female Celestial races are even rarer. Now in this Emperor Dragon City, most Celestial women are the wives and daughters of high-level Celestial races. Royal dragon envoys like Ronnie are not qualified to marry Celestial races. A woman is a wife.

But fortunately, there are a lot of concubines.

"My lord, you came back so soon, are you tired? The slave family will serve you to rest!?"

The demon girl clung to Ling Tian's neck.

"No, I need to rest."

Ling Tian shook his head, pushed away the snake monster, and entered the room.

"My lord!? What's wrong!?"

The other servants looked at each other, and finally all looked at the snake demon.

In the past, the snake demon was the most loved by adults.

"Look at what I do, maybe the adults are fancying other waves outside!"

The snake demon gave a cold snort and left.

In the room, Ling Tian sat cross-legged, letting the Magic Sting Bee go out to inquire about intelligence.

He needs to figure out the distribution of the giant towers in the city and the powerhouses of the Celestial Clan. If he wants to take the imperial weapon, he will have to fight in the end.

As night fell, the lights in the Emperor Dragon City were bright.

The two guards during the day came to the door.

"Hahaha, Ronnie, you really are waiting for us, go, go out and play!’

Two heavenly races rushed in, but the servants in the courtyard did not dare to stop them.

Ling Tian frowned, and the Phantom Stinger Bee hadn't come back yet, so he didn't bother to pay attention to these celestial dudes.

"Hey, that's right, Ronnie, this time you can’t miss it. Yunufang came in and grabbed some of the remnants of the ancient dragon clan. They are being auctioned. When they are ravaged, the ancient dragon clan will be pulled into the giant tower to offer Sacrifice, you can't miss this opportunity."

Another guard opened the door and came in. There were lustful eyes in his eyes.

Giant tower! ?

Originally, Ling Tian still wanted to send these two guys away, but when he heard the word giant tower, his eyes lighted up.


The two heavenly clan looked at the light in Ling Tian's eyes, and one of them was Ling Tian's heart raised.

"Okay, let's go now!"

Ling Tian got up and immediately went out with the two guards.

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