Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1619: People from Tianyu Island

Jumping out of the patio, coming out from the edge of the sea and moon, through catastrophes, several life and death struggles, as for today's short period of only a few years, Ling Tian has risen at an astonishing speed, and now the self-reliant sect has become the pinnacle of the ethnic group. !

The past is vividly remembered, and I suddenly look back and feel filled with emotion.

Ling Tian was silent for a while, then waved his hand, saying: "I Ling Tian, ​​inherit the righteousness of the human race, and build this place on Sendai. Although I cannot promise to give you a splendid future, I can guarantee that as long as you have justice in your heart and do not fall into hard work, I will If the sky is not dead, you don't need to bear any humiliation. The glory of the sky is the same as you!"

The low voice echoed in the sect.

The glory of the imperial sky is equal to you!

This is already a very high promise, at least in the peak power of the human race, no one has ever spoken to the warriors under his command like this!

"I am equal to the imperial sky, and share the glory and shame!"

"I am equal to the imperial sky, and share the glory and shame!"

In the entire sect, countless warriors shouted, and the sound was rolling, shaking the surrounding thousands of miles. The other warriors of the major sects raised their heads in shock, with awe and envy in their eyes.

Ling Tian nodded in satisfaction and opened a mountain to establish a sect. It was necessary to recruit a large number of martial artist disciples to establish a force in the shortest time and gain a firm foothold in the human race. It was really a miracle.


Xiao Feng stood in front of the hall and let out a long drink.

In an instant, from both sides of the square, there were countless figures pouring out, all of them were leaders from various sects who came to observe the ceremony, and naturally they all prepared generous gifts in their hands.

Even Master Jing Zen and Hong Lao are no exception.

Ling Tian and the master of the sect who came up to congratulate each other saw the ceremony again and again. Although these etiquettes were complicated, they were rules.

"Tianyu Immortal Island, the twelfth island owner is here!"

However, when there was a group of celebrations inside the Zongmen, a long shout suddenly sounded from outside the gate.

In a moment, the warriors in the entire sect looked at the mountain gate in surprise.

In front of the Imperial Palace, Xiao Feng and the others were also taken aback, and they all looked over immediately.

Outside the mountain gate, the space was torn open a gap, and then a figure dressed in platinum armor, covered in bright sunlight, walked out of it.

When the brilliance dissipated, this person looked proud, floating above the sky, looking down at all the warriors in the Imperial Heaven Sect.

"This... is really the twelfth island owner of Tianyu Xiandao, what does he mean here!?"

In front of the Imperial Palace, Leng Aotian frowned.

They didn't expect that Tianyu Xiandao would come to Yutianzong today. Is it possible to make it ugly for Yutianzong?

After all, when Ling Tian established the sect, he didn't report to Tianyu Xiandao. Seven days ago, he satirized Tianyu Xiandao in front of Cangmang and Guigu.

"However, it seems that he arrived alone, so he should not dare to play tricks."

Xiao Feng sneered, "Don't be afraid, the twelfth island owner is nothing but my opponent."

"Hehe, it turned out that the old man came here, the Lord of the Twelve Islands, don't come here without any problems!"

In front of the hall, Ling Tian suddenly let out a long laugh.

Before setting off to greet him, the voice had already spread.

"Yes, the owner of the island never thought that the little junior back then can now be shoulder to shoulder with me, and even start a sect!"

The island owner's majestic face did not see any fluctuations in expression, speaking lightly.

But in my heart, it was already full of waves.

He entered the Tianyu Fairy Island for more than five hundred years, only to cultivate to the realm of Sanxian Consummation, and he was on par with the four masters who climbed Sendai.

But the rise of Ling Tian in the human race has only been a few years! ?

And now you can start a mountain and establish a sect, and enjoy the admiration of countless human warriors, how can people not be jealous! ?

However, as one of the masters of the Tianyu Xiandao Island who existed like a celestial spirit, he naturally wouldn't show the slightest strange expression.

"The world is impermanent, and no one can always be strong, nor will it always be weak."

"Island Lord, my Imperial Tianshan Gate is open, please come in!"

In front of the imperial palace standing far away, Ling Tian still held his hand.

However, when the voice fell, Manzong was shocked.

Ling Tian didn't even want to stand up to meet him! ?

You know, the island owner of Tianyu Xiandao was not the leader of the sect who came to Zhaohe.

Such a posture, isn't it necessary to let Yuxian Island fall into the ranks of Yutianzong on that day! ?

"This Ling Tian is really crazy!"

"No way, this imperial Tianzong is on the bar with Tianyu Xiandao."

Outside the mountain gate, many warriors who had never come in were talking about it.

Above the sky, the twelfth island owner immediately turned his face on one side, his mouth twitched suddenly, and his heart was frightened.

Ling Tian really didn't put Tianyu Xiandao in his eyes!


Secretly let out a sigh, and the twelfth island owner suppressed the shame in his heart.

This time, because the island owner on the island has important matters and cannot leave the customs, he came with a mission, and he had to bear everything before completing the arrangements of the second island owner.

Moreover, even if he refuses to accept it, he has no capital.

"Hehe, then I'll be gone."

Quietly, the face of the twelfth island master raised a smile that surprised everyone, and it fell from the sky and flew slowly into the Imperial Heaven Sect.

Tianyu Xiandao, just like that, condescend! ?

It's incredible, unprecedented.

Not only the warriors inside and outside the mountain gate, but also Ling Tian himself in front of the Imperial Palace, raised his brows.

Sure enough, the old guys in Tianyu Xiandao are not simple.

"Sect Master Ling Tian, ​​although the establishment of the Imperial Heaven Sect has not been reported to the Tianyu Xiandao, the island already knows it, and it is highly praised for the protection of the Eastern Region by the Imperial Heaven Sect's destroying witch army."

"Now, I'm even more sent to congratulate the grand opening ceremony of the Emperor Tianzong."

"Furthermore, I have prepared a generous gift, please Sect Master Ling Tian, ​​please accept it."

In the surprised eyes of Master Jing Chan and the crowds of immortal giants, the twelfth island lord flew up to Ling Tian with a flash of light in his hand, but he took out a white jade brocade box and sent it up.

"Oh? So, it's costing Xiandao."

Ling Tian turned the jade box into a divine mind, and found nothing abnormal.

"Now that Sect Master Ling Tian sits on such a splendid mountain gate, there must be no shortage of treasures, but this generous gift from the island is not a very precious master in the eyes of others, but Sect Master Ling Tian will be very interested if you want to come to it. of."

The twelfth island owner suddenly smiled mysteriously.

"Oh? Really..."

These words made Ling Tian curious, and he was about to open the jade box immediately.

"Ling Tian..."

Behind him, Leng Aotian's expression changed, and he shook his head towards Ling Tian.

Before Leng Xuanye's mother was caught by Tian Yu's black hand, now, he doesn't want Ling Tian to repeat the same mistakes.

"It's okay."

However, Ling Tian had no fear at all, and immediately broke the prohibition on the jade box and opened it to see.


However, there was a flash of light in the jade box, and Ling Tian's pupils flashed when he saw the baby in it, and then he closed the jade box directly.

"Gifts are indeed valuable, island owner, please sit down in the hall."

Ling Tian turned sideways, and let the island master into the hall.

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