Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1618: God beast blood

Before on the fifth floor, Ling Tian had obtained the top kendo classics such as Taishang Imperial Swordsmanship, and there were countless collections.

As for the sixth floor, Ling Tian has been busy improving his cultivation and training martial skills, but he really forgot.

With a whisper, Ling Tian got up again, tumblingly, and came to the door of the sixth floor of the Four Elephant Pagoda.

Ling Tian tried to reach out and push, and with a creak, the door was really pushed open a gap.

However, in an instant, there was a strong and vigorous energy gushing out from the gap.

Ling Tian frowned, but from the escaping energy, he smelled a scent of blood.


This is a bit strange.

However, the Four Elephant Pagoda is absolutely safe. Although Ling Tian was puzzled, he still took a deep breath and pushed the door in.


But when Ling Tian stepped into the room on the sixth floor, the light in front of Ling Tian's eyes flashed, and a burst of flames spread across the surface.


However, Ling Tian Wanhuo is in the body, how can he be afraid of mere flames?

Immediately with a cold snort, the coercion dissipated, and the flames all over his body were shaken away. When he opened his eyes again, he found that the sky was gone, and there was a fiery red canyon around him.

Eyes condensed, looking forward, Ling Tian's pupils suddenly shrank!

In the middle of the gorge, there was a huge golden tree of hesitant gold!

That tree covered the sky and sun, and it was far more luxuriant than the giant spirit tree he had seen before!

It's just that the tree looks like it is full of rich fairy qi, and the clouds are shining and shimmering, which is more luxurious than the giant tree of spirits.

But this was not enough to shock Ling Tian.

At this time, his gaze was already chained by a fiery red figure on the golden tree.

Can't move anymore!

After a while, Ling Tian exclaimed and blurted out.

"Hi, Fire Phoenix!?"

A fiery red divine bird stood steeply above the golden tree, the front of the deer, the tail of the snake head, the tail of the snake, the turtle back of the dragon, the beak of the swallow-jawed chicken, and a pair of fiery red wings gathered in front of him, full of power, no Divine beast, what is it! ?

Moreover, this sacred bird is standing on the golden tree, isn't it the phoenix inhabiting the parasol tree!

Perhaps it was shocked by Ling Tian's sudden appearance, that flaming divine consciousness suddenly opened a pair of flame wings, and rose into the sky.

But after circling in a circle, he couldn't fly out of the canyon. In the end, he had to give up and flew back above the golden tree.

However, after this observation, Ling Tian could see it.

There will never be any living phoenix in these four elephant towers.

This divine mind above the golden tree is full of blood, and it is clearly transformed by a drop of essence and blood!

Essence of blood! God knows how pure the blood is!

However, since he appeared in the Four Elephant Pagoda, Ling Tian certainly didn't need to be polite.

Immediately when his divine thought moved, the flame bird above the golden tree whimpered and collapsed into a fire-colored blood fog, which was forcibly taken back into his hands by Ling Tian.

The blood mist condensed, and finally it condensed into a drop of vermilion blood like a flame gem, which fell on his palm.


At this time, the golden tree where the divine bird inhabited turned into a golden stone monument standing in the canyon.

The legacy of the Suzaku, the ancestor of the Luan bird, the phoenix in the flame, stays before Nirvana.

On the golden stele, the sixteen seal characters are shining brightly, but the origin of this drop of blood is clearly stated.

As expected by Ling Tian, ​​this drop of blood was the descendant of the Vermilion Bird, the ancestor of the Luan Bird, that is, the Yanfeng of the Phoenix line, which was left before Nirvana.

Looking at the blood surging with sacred energy, Ling Tian couldn't help feeling excited.

This drop of blood and divine light is introverted. Although it does not seem to be the blood of the true sacred beast Phoenix after real Nirvana, Yanfeng is also the closest bloodline of the Fire Phoenix.

This blood is of inestimable value, and it is entirely possible to create another sacred beast!

Ling Tianwan did not expect that such a drop of essence and blood was hidden on the sixth floor of the Four Elephant Pagoda.

"Hey, why isn't it the dragon blood?"

Holding the essence and blood, Ling Tian shook his head, unavoidably sighing in his heart.

Another round of enhancement of his physical essence, blood, dragon bone and ice flower is still passable, but the delay in training the dragon blood overlord body still makes Ling Tian feel a little anxious.

This drop of Yanfeng Essence Blood can definitely be compared with the superb Dragon Bloodline, if it can be refined, it will fly into the sky.

But now, he can only look at the blood and sigh.

"Perhaps, a useful opportunity in the future."

After thinking about it, Ling Tian sent the blood back.

The essence and blood once again turned into a fire phoenix, hiding in the golden stele.

After coming out of the sixth floor room, Ling Tian couldn't help but smile.

I thought this level could give him some chance, but it was a drop of Yanfeng essence that was useless to him.

The four days of the world were fleeting. When Ling Tian, ​​Qin Mingyue and others came out of the Taoyuan, in front of the Imperial Palace, Xiao Feng, Wen Tingjun and others were all dressed in costumes, waiting.

"Go, this is your first time to be the Sect Master."

Qin Mingyue let go of Ling Tian's big hand, and Ji Jiuyou and other women retreated to both sides.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Tian walked out of the Imperial Palace slowly.

The imperial palace was built at the highest point of imperial palace, standing here, leaning over, you can see the splendid scenery of the Zongmen Mountains and rivers.

At this time, there were hundreds of thousands of warriors standing above the Dazongmen Square.

Among them, standing in the middle are the first disciples of Yu Tianzong, consisting of the Beggar Gang, Wushuang City, Wen Family, and Tang Sect. There are hundreds of thousands of them!

Among them, there are so many scattered immortals, far more than any one climbs to Sendai.

At this time, their faces all held proud looks.

Being able to become a disciple of the Imperial Sky School makes them very proud.

The prosperous aura rose from the body of hundreds of thousands of warriors, intertwined and entangled into the sky, and the general trend that turned into a tremor over the entire Eastern Region shocked the viewer.

Yutianzong is only the first construction, the momentum is already so prosperous!

Seeing this glorious scene, Ling Tian's heart was also agitated, and the coercion in his body broke out in an instant, and the double primordial martial arts spirits rose into the sky, turning into a bright beam of light, as if to penetrate the sky.

In an instant, Ling Tian's power was overwhelming, and within the Eastern Region, no one could rival.

The faces of the tens of thousands of disciples standing on the Zongmen Square immediately showed deep awe, respectfully saluting and shouting in unison.

"I'll wait to see Sect Master Ling Tian!"

The entire sect, hundreds of thousands of monks, all bowed and bowed together.

This is the change of status, the most direct change brought about, today's Ling Tian already has a position far superior to the lord of the immortal in the human race, belongs to the pinnacle of the entire race, and deserves the awe of countless warriors!

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