Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1614: Kutu Thunder Cinder Peak Battle

The owner of the dark night whispered, and there was a frightened look in his eyes.

"Although what is transmitted will not be the main body of the mighty, but at least 80% of the battle power of the mighty is possessed, just don't know which terrifying existence of the magic witch he is going to send over!"

Master Jing Zen splashed all over his body, his face was a little dignified, and said, "Everyone, maybe we really want to make a move!"

Hong Lao and the others also felt the terrifying coercion in the rift, and their tyrannical cultivation bases were all raised.

"Huh, okay, Terran!"

"Unexpectedly, the general of my Qutu family was forced to summon me with holy sacrifices!"

Sure enough, the crack opened more and more, and a shadow of a fierce **** emerged from it.

Although Ling Tian couldn't see the existence of this witch from the form of the shadow of the fierce god, it was definitely much more tyrannical than Qu Tutong.

The form of the fierce **** is similar to the one sacrificed by Qu Tutong, but it is more magnificent and huge, and above the pitch black color, there is also a faint pale gold color.

In addition, when this fierce **** completely walked out of the rift, Ling Tian's pupils shrank.

The shadow of the fierce **** between the two is still not small,

The fierce **** of Qu Tutong is round and wide, shaped like a beast, with wings on its back.

But this fierce **** is as large as 15,000 feet. Not only does light gold loom from the black light, it looks like a human, but it is covered with black thorns like cones, evil face and fangs, and the back is more Two pairs were opened, that is, four black wings!

Suspended in the sky, like a demon coming to the world.

"Hi, this... the four-winged demon witch's fierce soul, is it possible that this is Qu Tu Lei Jin, the national teacher of the Nine Devil Kingdom!?"

"Definitely Qu Tu Lei Jin! The Netherworld Demon Kingdom was the main force that invaded my human race five hundred years ago. Over the past five hundred years, the Netherworld Demon Kingdom has grown stronger and stronger. Although it is not comparable to the terrifying Demon Kingdom of Heaven and Wu, it is also Absolutely stronger than any climbing in Sendai!"

"Qu Tu Lei Jin was suppressed by Senior Qi Tian five hundred years ago. I didn't expect this old thing to die!"

Jing Chan and others immediately recognized the shadow of the four-winged fierce god.

However, although Ling Tian hadn't seen this group of terrifying evil spirits manifest, he was no stranger to the breath of this witch.

This guy was the one who had fallen from the direction of the Demon Witch Clan when he fled from Shichahai back then.

At that time, he used the begging order of the Taoist priest to take the deadly blow.

Unexpectedly, now that this old thing is still in the shadows, he was summoned by Qu Tutong.

But Ling Tian's pupils suddenly shrank when the fierce god's wings were unfolded.

How could this fierce god's form and aura resemble the Heavenly Demon that had appeared in the Southern Tang Realm! ?

Moreover, the extinguishing aura in this aura is almost the same as the nirvana tsar who once destroyed the Great Heaven Sect!

At that time, Lingtian hadn't felt it in Shichahai, but now it was already determined that this Demon Witch Clan, the Netherworld Tsar, and the Heavenly Demon definitely have a certain connection.

The demon, it's really lingering!

Not only that, the terrifying aura of the shadow of the fierce god, although not as good as the Sky-Claw Claw that once appeared in Shichahai, is still not something he can easily resist now.

It might be possible unless he came out with the full set of the primordial martial arts of the God of War.

However, Ling Tian knew that the whole set of primordial energy could not be used now.

"Hehehe, I said, it turns out that the four masters of the human race are all there. Five hundred years ago, if it weren't for the old thief, I would kill a country, it would be enough to suppress you all!"

"Today, you still cannot escape to death!"

"Great tsar of nirvana, I succumb to Thunder Cinder, let us use your supreme power to slay all races and avenge my blood and hatred for the witch warriors who died in Shichahai!"

"Jin Lightning Gun, kill!"

With a roar, the shadow of the fierce **** and devil, with four wings bursting fiercely, his hands were condensed into a witch's spear that penetrated the sky and the earth, carrying the supreme mighty power of the world, and then slashed down!

The horror of this shot, even Qin Mingyue and Ji Jiuyou and the like, are all cold and cold to the bone!

This is definitely a blow comparable to the great perfection in the late Sanxian period!

"Ma De, this old Qu Tu Lei Jin is even more fierce than five hundred years!"

Upon seeing this, the ghost master Xuan Ming took Guigu warriors back and forth again and again, afraid of being affected.

Now, perhaps he is desperate to make a tie with Qu Tu Lei Jin, but now this is just the body of a fierce **** from this fruit crossing the void!

God knows where the body is!

"Don't hesitate, everyone, join forces to break the enemy!"

Hong Lao looked at the extinction shot that had locked Ling Tian and was about to stab, and immediately the combat power of the Sanxian perfect state broke out, the light in his hand flashed, the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword was born, and the shadow of a thousand swords cried out. , Is greeted.

"Amitabha Buddha, again poor nuns, even if they are crushed, they can't tolerate a demon country master in the human race!"

This is the case of Master Jing Zen, her robes stirred, and a string of Buddhist beads rose from behind to greet her.

Immediately, the owner of the dark night Leng Aotian, the beggar gang Xiao Feng, and the master of Wushuang City Ye Tianche also shot at the same time, and the three of them joined forces to contend with the strength of the Sanxian Consummation Realm!

On the East China Sea, Qin Mingyue and Ye Gucheng and other dozens of people also gathered together, performing all their stunts. A dozen tyrannical killing moves were condensed into a bright arrow, and they were also shot to welcome the national teacher. go with.

"Old thing, I used to say in Shichahai, my Lingtian will destroy you and annihilate the Devil Kingdom!"

"Then today, it starts with you!"

Although he couldn't use all his hole cards, Ling Tian would not be frightened by this Kutu Thunder Cinder.

Immediately, Ling Tian poured all the energy of Qi Haixing Hanoi into the Dragon Yuan sword, and the fire in his left hand rose up, his four fingers gathered together, and the pure sun vortex condensed.

When all the auras reached the extreme, the energy of the double primordial martial arts behind Ling Tian suddenly poured into Ling Tian's body, and then slashed out with a violent sword!

"Four fingers are pure Yang, sword and finger are one!"

"Crack the sky, open the sky for me!"

The eyes under Ling Tiangui's face burned with endless flames of war, and the Long Yuan sword in his hand poured out almost all the energy.

That shocking sword light really cut down like the sky.

In the middle of the blast, the strong suction power of the pure Yang finger combined with the full blows of the Hong Lao Jing Zen and Qin Mingyue behind them, with heavy blessings, and finally converged into a shot that was able to match the thundering embers of Qu Tu. Soaring into the sky.


The two martial arts are so tyrannical that they will be together in the blink of an eye.

In an instant, everyone's eyes were instantly flooded with violent light, and everyone was blind.

There was no explosion, as if the whole world was lost.

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