Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1613: Holy Ritual Array

Over Haiyue City, when he saw Ling Tian offering a thousand sword formations again, the ghost master Xuanming's expression changed.

Before, Ling Tian used this sword to counter his ghost claws. Although the Thousand Sword Array at the time was no match for him, but now only half a month later, Ling Tian's Thousand Sword Array is no longer what it used to be!

Not only benefited from Ling Tian’s understanding of the sword formation, but his current cultivation level coupled with the blessing of the dragon sword immortal sword, Xuan Ming ghost master had to admit in his heart that if Ling Tian was allowed to contend with a thousand sword formations at this time His ghost claws can definitely be picked up!

"What a perverted guy, can I sacrifice a thousand sword formations after how long I have been away from Jiuxiao!?"

As the Lord of Nine Heavens, she can also use Qianchen Sword Formation, although she believes that her sword formation is far more solid and proficient than Ling Tianlai's.

But Ling Tian is a junior, and it hasn't been long since she obtained the Qianchen Sword Formation technique, and she herself has been enlightened for hundreds of years!

Moreover, even though Ling Tian's sword formation had shortcomings, it was even more fierce than her in terms of killing and killing.

At the very least, she couldn't bless the power of such fierce fire on the sword formation.

But no matter what, the might of Ling Tian's sword formation was already able to envelop a radius of ten thousand meters, and besieged all the shadows of the turbulent magic witch and fierce god.

"Huh, a mere sword formation, can trap me fierce!?"

Within the fierce god, Qu Tu let out a roar, the shadow of the fierce **** condensed by the magic mist, slammed his arms and shook out, as if he wanted to smash the sword formation with one blow!

Puff puff!

However, as soon as the arm of the fierce **** touched the sword formation, the fiery sword shadow frantically strangled the fierce god. The original immortal shadow of the fierce **** was burnt by the flames of burning slaughter. Rattle.


Sure enough, it seemed that he was extremely jealous of the Fire Burning Prison Flame, and Qu Tutong was shocked and terrified, as if he had suffered a great deal of pain.

And the place strangled by the sword formation, the shadow of the fierce god, can't recover!

It turned out that the Fire Massacre Flame also restrained the witch!

"Damn it, what's the matter with this sword formation!"

Ling Tian's thousand sword formations far surpassed Qu Tutong's imagination. The hundreds of feet of sword shadows bathed in flames, each of which looked like a real fairy sword and sharp, even the fierce **** and demon shadow could not escape being burned and killed.

"Hmph, Qu Tutong, this battle is to teach you a lesson from the Demon Witch Clan!"

"Human race, it is no longer the human race of the past, and the Eastern Region will no longer let your demons trample on it like it did five hundred years ago!"


Ling Tian lifted the sword to Xuantian, bright as a star.

The voice fell, and a thousand swords madly cracked the fierce God of Qu Tutong.

It is only a matter of time to kill it.


"Warriors of the Demon Witch Clan, defend our glory, even if you die, you have to pay the price for the clan!"

"Citizens of the Nine Demon Kingdom, sacrifice your belief in the gods and kill all the human races in front of you!"

The voice of Qu Tu Tong, who was strangled by Ling Tian Qian Sword Formation a little bit by bit, is still majestic. With his sacrificial roar, the hundreds of thousands of demons and witches in the East China Sea suddenly became crazy, and the whole body was boiling with magic mist. Just above the hideous head, the magic pattern appeared, and behind it was spreading a series of dark flesh wings, grinning towards the human army.

Its combat power turned out to have skyrocketed a lot.

For a while, the human race that originally had a huge advantage began to show some signs of retreat.

"Ma De, these monsters are really evil! Brothers and sisters, don't keep it. If we kill one more witch warrior, the human race will die one less, kill!"

Ye Gucheng screamed, stimulating the vitality of his whole body to the extreme, and his hand was wrapped in the Golden Dragon Spear with the invincible sharp energy of the beginning, and a single shot crucified the crazy witch warlord to the surface of the sea. Above, and then the golden gun shook the sea for a long time, and smashed into the army.

Ye Gucheng became fierce, and Leng Xuanye, Qin Shaoyang and others were even more unwilling to show weakness, and they had exhausted all they had learned throughout their lives.

Of course, among the arrogant Tianjiao who possessed the primordial age, Qin Mingyue and Ji Jiuyou were the most vicious.

That's right, it's even more terrifying than that crazy witch warrior!

I saw the bright moon hanging high behind Qin Mingyue, surrounded by the Wuhuang glow, making her look like an immortal princess, flying with the moon sword in her hand, and the whole sea clouded up, and the engulfed witch warrior did not have a living mouth. .

The sea of ​​swordsmanship uses the sea as the sword and the clouds as the body. Above the sea, it is almost invincible.

But Ji Jiuyou seemed even more cruel.

She used to be the first arrogant of the Ghost Valley, with a shadow on her back, the gray and black Wuhuang Xiaguang condensed into the shape of a devil, holding a giant sickle, like the death of the underworld, the black sickle violently extinguished and the light of the underworld, even if it was. The witch warrior, like a mud puppet, fell apart, and in the blink of an eye, countless witch warriors died tragically under her giant sickle.

It was just two women who were frightened to kill the witch army.

"Hehe, Shichahai's witch army still wants to counterattack? The method of offering sacrifices to the heavenly devil is that they desperately counterattack, and it is time for our Wen family's treasure to check it out."

"Detonate Prisoner Devil Reso!"

Over Haiyue City, the Meng Family Patriarch Wen Tingjun burst out of laughter and joined the battlefield first, and then he gave an order.

The Wen family warriors who had hidden on the seabed in advance all activated the deep seabed organs.

These organs looked extremely sophisticated and complicated. They looked like turrets diving into the rocks on the seabed, but with the barrel facing upwards, a round of artillery shells exploded from the seabed amidst the roar of artillery.

In an instant, there were bursts of water on the surface of the sea. Those shells seemed to be extremely sensitive to the witch's breath. After going out to sea, they would automatically search for the witch warrior, and they would explode as soon as they approached.

Although the power of the explosion is not tyrannical, there is a large chain net with thunder light hidden in it, which binds the witch warriors one by one in the air.

Although the binding time is only a dozen breaths, this is enough for the human warrior to rush.

And the witch army also because of the appearance of the prisoner Resso, the charge that had just risen was declared dead.

Seeing that the Shichahai army, which he had been in business for hundreds of years, was retreating steadily, it was about to be wiped out on the East China Sea, and Qu Tu roared with the shadow of the fierce god.

"Ling Tian, ​​I will never die with you!"

"Even if I die, I will bring your human race to bury me in Shichahai!"

Qu Tutong knew that he was completely planted in Ling Tian's hands this time, but the great general of the Demon Witch Clan who was as proud as him would naturally not be caught.

Immediately, in the sword formation strangling, the shadow of the vicious **** and demon burned frantically, and the violent energy made Tianhai dark.

In the horrified eyes of everyone, the energy obtained by Qu Tutong burning the fierce **** seemed to have set up a large array, and a crack was torn apart by the large array of energy above the sky, in which the magic mist rolled and the fierce might set off a gust of wind, causing the East China Sea They all roared, as if something terrible was about to come out of it!

"Hi, this Qu Tu is crazy, he actually burned himself to set up the sacred sacred array of the witch, trying to send the powerful person of the witch clan over!?"

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