Sweet Home's start time is set back one month

Chapter 74 I didn’t expect it to be you (I)

[Another big problem of life and death has been solved, which is really not easy. 】

Kim Dae Jung lay lazily on the mattress, recalling the scene where Kim fell down the stairs on the 12th floor.

Originally, he was still a little unable to understand Kim's subsequent behavior. Under those circumstances, he had to hang a rope from the 12th floor and go downstairs to look for food.

Instead of choosing to endure hunger for a while, as an adult, Jin really couldn't understand the seriousness of the matter.

However, after hearing the Jin siblings talking to their relatives, Jin Dazhong learned about the activities of the Jin siblings and the current situation of the Jin family's impoverished life.

Children may only feel the joy of seeing their relatives, but they are unable to realize the bitterness of their own relatives hidden behind their smiles.

Kim lives in a green home, wearing a shabby T-shirt and pants, her hair lacks care and maintenance, and she exudes the aura of a loser.

All these indicate that Jin lived a poor life, which may be the reason why he later wanted to rope down from the 12th floor to find food.

According to the conversation with the daughter of the Jin family, Jin Dazhong learned that Jin was too old and usually earned money by doing odd jobs. He had no insurance and no guarantee for his daily life, so Jin lost custody of the child.

The Jin siblings only knew that they could see their parents during the week, but they did not realize that although the week was a holiday for ordinary people, for their parents, it was an important time to do odd jobs.

The daughter and son of the Jin family reunited in Zhou Da. Sacrifice was the golden period for Jin Jin to work.

Unfortunately, when Jin came downstairs, the three members of the Jin family had already been resting for a long time, and the children couldn't stand it any longer.

Jin thought that going downstairs by hanging the rope would be enough to avoid the monsters in the building, but he didn't expect to encounter a long-necked monster. He was so frightened that he couldn't hold on to the rope for a while and fell downstairs.

[But it’s okay now. That box of food is enough for the three of them to live for at least three or four years. 】

After lunch at noon, Kim Dae Jung and Park Se Ri chatted for a few minutes and then went to contact the latter.

Jin Daezhong was spinning his phone and said to himself: "Since my mother-in-law came, I have returned to my de facto single state, eating and sleeping alone in the room."

Normally, it's okay to say that Park Se-ri helped Kim Dae-jung gain a reputation and even came over to stay with Kim Dae-jung in the room for a while.

But after weeks, Park Se Ri was completely locked in by Li Enhui. Li Enhui looked closely at Park Se Ri, and the young couple became "weaver girls and cowherds" who were looking forward to their working days.

Bored, Jin DaZhong began to check the weapons in the house.

According to his estimation, the disaster happened today.

Today, eight days have passed since Cha Xianxiu moved here. The disaster happened a week after Cha Xianxiu moved here.

Moreover, the boss-level figure in the apartment, the security guard, has been missing for a long time. In addition, the Jin family only come here on weekends and go back on Sunday afternoon. All signs indicate that the date of the disaster can only be today.

The first is the three 꿛 guns. After all, 꿛 guns are far less lethal to monsters than knives. If they are used to defend against humans, after a little inspection and cleaning, Jin Dazhong put the 꿛 guns back into the box.

Secondly, there are two iron baseball bats in this room. Jin Dazhong picked them up and waved them twice. This is one of the melee weapons to deal with monsters. Baseball bats are not like knives. There is not much skill in using this kind of blunt instrument. , simple and practical, easy to use.

In addition, there is a crossbow he took from 1509 on the floor next to the refrigerator.

This crossbow is a powerful weapon for medium and long distances. However, the interval between reloading the crossbow is too long and its use limitations are too great, making it not suitable for use alone.

After 4 o'clock in the afternoon, Kim Dae Jung suddenly received a message from Yoon Ji Soo.

The photo that Yoon Ji Soo sent over was a bit blurry. In the photo, a person was carrying a lawnmower, wearing a black hat and a blue shirt. It was not difficult to see that it was Xu who was missing the apartment security guard.

Jin Daezhong climbed up from the mattress and typed: "Zhixiu, where are you taking photos?"

"It's on the 15th floor, but the security guard is a little strange. I don't know why he went up to the platform with a lawnmower on his back."

[He must have mutated. Fortunately, you are far away. Don’t go out and run around. Call a few people to take a look. 】

"Okay, I got it."

Jin Dazhong quickly notified Jiang Minhao to come up and help. The two met at the stairs and prepared to go up to the stage to find out.

When they walked to the stairs leading to the platform and were about to go up the stairs to find out, the door of the platform was opened from the outside. With the afternoon sunshine, a man with a shaved face appeared with a lawnmower on his back. In front of the two of them.

At this time, the security guard's face was covered with flies, a bit like the oily girl Shino in Naruto. Only an outline of his face was left, and he shouted intermittently: "Rotten...dried fish..."

Jin Daezhong and Jiang Minhao looked at each other, and they retreated tacitly and exited the stairs, while the security guard stepped down the stairs step by step with a slight limp.

"Is this?" Looking at the security guard's face covered with flies, Yin Zhixiu covered her mouth in surprise.

Although she was scared, Yoon Ji-soo still held the baseball bat and approached Kim Dae-jung and Kang Min-ho step by step.

Jin Daezhong and Jiang Minhao looked at Yin Zhixiu and scolded her unintentionally. They each stretched out a hand to block Yin Zhixiu and slowly retreated.

After all, the rotating lawnmower in the security guard looked very destructive. Kang Min-ho was only carrying a crossbow. Kim Dae-jung and Yoon Ji-soo’s baseball bats were too short. The space in the corridor was small. It is not conducive for the three of them to expand.

"놖 and Yin Zhixiu attract him from the front, you go around and harass him, and find a way to lure him to the platform." Kim Dae Jung's brain started to think quickly and he suggested.

"Well, you two, be careful." Jiang Minhao didn't hesitate, then he picked up the crossbow and walked around the other side from the direction of the elevator entrance.

"Zhixiu, if you continue to be so reckless, you may not have such good luck next time." Kim Dae Jung wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with a smile.

"Hey, you are still talkative. You should think about how to deal with this monster first."

Only now did Yoon Ji-soo fully believe in Kim Dae-jung's theory of the world. Although her legs were trembling, there was no hint of timidity on her face.

"Look at his left foot. It looks like he broke it. He's limping and has difficulty moving. Let's buy some time for Jiang Minhao first."

In this way, Kim Dae-jung and Yoon Ji-soo each held a baseball bat and gradually backed away from the security guard. By the time they retreated to the elevator entrance, Jiang Minho had successfully circled behind the security guard and fired the first crossbow arrow, hitting the security guard directly. 놅Back of the heart.

"Uh... um..."

The security guard felt the pain and rotated his head 180 degrees, changing the target of attack to Jiang Minhao. Then his body turned fully towards Jiang Minhao and chased after him.

In the corridor, Jin Dazhong grabbed Yin Zhixiu and said sternly: "Don't go, so as not to get in the way."

After that, Jin Dazhong strode to catch up with the platform. He had a bottle of alcohol spray and a lighter stuffed in his pocket. This was one of his most important things. Monsters like cold and are afraid of heat, and are most afraid of fire.

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