"That's good. Remember, no matter what happens, don't be reckless. Apart from others, you are the biggest supporter of others."

"Yeah. Even if you say that..." Jiang Minhao had a smile on his face. Looking at the serious look on Jin Da꿗's face, he changed his words: "I know."

After leaving the 14th floor, Jin Da꿗 turned to the 13th floor again, ready to see if Bian Shangyu had returned home. He rang the doorbell at the door for a long time, but did not wait for any reply.

[It seems that Byun Shangyu is on the 8th floor now. 】

Jin Da꿗 temporarily stopped looking for Bian Shangyu, and he took the elevator to the first floor.

Leaning against the doorframe, Jin Da 꿗 stood at the door of the security room and saw that there was no one in the room.

"This Azahi has been absent from work recently." Sun Hui, holding the dog in his arms, said, "I don't know if he is ready to change jobs, so that's why he is so unskilled."

[He is ready to change jobs, but he just jumped from the human world to the monster world. 】

"Is this 께chun? It's so cute." Jin Da꿗 pointed at the 께dog and smiled.

Sun Hui smiled and replied: "Yes, it's Chun, hello."


【Woof woof woof! 】

뇽Doing "께春" 놅께The dog barked at Jin Da꿗, seeming to hate Jin Da꿗 coming near it.

"I'm sorry, 께Chun was not like this before. 녦땣It's just that she hasn't had a good rest recently, and she's too irritable." Sun Hui explained. After all, Jin Da꿗 was praising her 께Chun, as the saying goes, don't hit her smiling face. People.

"It's okay. If we meet more in the future, 께Chun won't be so hostile to 놖."

"By the way, has the security guard been absent from work recently?"

While teasing the beloved dog in his arms, Sun Hui replied: "Anyway, I have seen this Azashi twice in the past few days. He is not at his post most of the time."

"Well, I know. Maybe he is really ready to change jobs. After all, staying here is too stressful."

"Yeah, let's just say 놖, this apartment has no secrets for 놖."

Looking at the back of Sun Hui꿦놅, Jin Da꿗 said to himself: "It seems that the security guard has turned into a monster..."

Room 1406.

After installing a simple door frame and nailing the door curtain, the work of connecting 1406 and 1405 was officially completed.

"Kong Shanzhi, wouldn't it be nice if you lived with Detective Kim? Why bother?" Li Chenglu asked while sitting on the ground, panting.

"This is to make it easier for you two to work. It's not what you said."

Jin Baola pinched Kong Shanzhi's shoulders, curled her lips and said, "Don't deceive yourself."

"By the way, I'm going back this afternoon. I won't bother you two here all the time. You see, Detective Jin just went back to his room to stay there as soon as we arrived."

"Hey, Paula, you are just joking, there is no such thing. You stay here for another two days, and we will go climb Longma Mountain tomorrow and relax."

Kong Shanzhi cleverly used Longma Mountain as a cover. She pointed at Wang Wei and Li Chenglu and said, "And you two, let's go hiking together at Longma Mountain tomorrow."

Yongmasan Mountain is the highest peak of Mount Acha and is a holy mountain climbing spot in eastern Seoul.

"Isn't Detective Kim going?" Since being impressed by Jiang Minho, Li Chenglu has become a fan of Jiang Minho, and he can't do without Jiang Minho.

"He has other things to do, so he definitely won't be willing to play with us."


With the arrival of the weekend, the green home became lively again.

The security guard has disappeared for at least a while, but no one has complained to the apartment management office. It seems that everyone has forgotten about it. The disappearance of the security guard just means that there is one less window for them to vent their anger.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Kong Shanzhi took Jin Baola, Li Chenglu and Wang Wei, and the four of them carried 께늵 on their backs and headed east towards Mount Acha, preparing to conquer Mount Longma today.

On the first floor of Green Home, apartment residents came in and out in twos and threes.

For them, weekend is a day of reunion. Sons and daughters who go out to study and reunite with relatives after a long absence will have a rare gathering on weekends.

Jin Liang picked up his son and daughter from the subway station. Although he didn't have much money left, he still chose family and spent this weekend with his daughter and son.

After returning home with his daughter Jin Xiuying and son Jin Yingxiu, Jin Liang took out two bottles of Sanduo water. The bottles contained not pure water but cold boiled water.

The tight financial situation no longer allowed him to buy pure water as extravagantly as possible. After finishing their lunch meal, the three of them only ate instant noodles in the afternoon.

Just when he was looking at his son and daughter in a daze kindly, the doorbell rang suddenly.

[Ding dong! 】

Jin Xiuying put down the bottle in her hand and said with a smile: "Dad, come and open the door."

"Okay, go ahead and see who is outside the door?" Jin Liang touched his daughter's head and smiled.


Jin Xiuying opened the door and walked out, but she didn't see anyone. She only saw a cardboard box on the ground. She shouted to Jin Liang, "Abba?"

"What's wrong?" Jin Liang walked outside the door, looked around, and saw the box of instant rice. He couldn't help but lick his lips.

"Take it home and take a look first?" Jin Liang thought.

He picked up the box. The box was very heavy, and it was obvious that it was definitely not empty. However, the tape on the surface had been torn, which showed that it was not necessarily instant rice.

Putting the box on the table, Jin Liang opened the stacked boxes and saw the items in the box.

Although the box was not full of instant rice, it was full of food.

There was also a piece of irregularly torn toilet paper on the top with a few words written on it. Jin Liang picked up the toilet paper to check.

[The box is full of food, given to you, just enjoy it with gratitude.

--Keyboard Man]

Although I don’t know who is so loving and sent them a box of food.

But thinking that this weekend will not be hungry, Jin Liang smiled and said to his son and daughter: "Dad’s friend gave you snacks."

He took out a bag of red ginseng from it and gave it to Jin Xiuying, asking her and Jin Yingxiu to drink it.

Watching his children jump to the window and drink the red ginseng, he continued to read the words on the back.

[There are 200,000 in the box. Be nice to the children and take good care of them. 】

Jin Liang quickly took out the food in the box and checked it one by one. Sure enough, he found four 50,000 yuan in a medicine box.

"Who could it be? He knows the family so well?"

Although he was not sure who the other party was, Jin Liang knew that the other party must have no ill will towards him.

He thought that he would only check the nearby surveillance later, when the apartment management office was open, to see what this good man looked like.

For him, this box of food and 20,000 yuan solved his urgent needs and preserved his dignity in front of his children, but it did not mean that he would accept these gifts in vain.

If he had the opportunity in the future, he would definitely return this kindness. He must set a good example for his children.

After quietly putting the money into his trouser pocket, Jin Liang had no worries at all. He smiled and asked, "What do you two want to eat this afternoon? Dad will give you some."

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