【bite! The text message is coming~~~]

【Hana Bank】Notice:

Dear Mr. Jin, the credit card activation business you have reserved will be handled by our bank staff Lin Xiujing at home. The time is set at 9 a.m. on Monday. If you have something to do that day, please contact our staff Lin Xiujing to modify the appointment time. Lin Xiujing’s phone number is 010xxxxxxxx.

[By the way, there is this thing, I almost forgot. 】

"No wonder rich people can always have money, money, money. Only if they have certain assets and can continue to generate profits, or have certain assets and can continue to increase in value, can such people not Being exploited, Ma Zicheng won’t bully me!”

After Jin 꺶꿗 sighed as usual, he sat up from the bed.

"Tsk, tsk, it's better not to let Li Enyou come over tomorrow, lest she see the inappropriate scenes."

Thinking about this, Jin 꺶꿗 sent a message to Li Enyou on his mobile phone.

[I have something to do tomorrow, please come over again. 】

"Why? My brother went to find you?"

[No, what's wrong? Why is your brother looking for me? 】

"It's nothing, it's just that I told him that I was working at your place, and he was a little worried. I heard that he went there before, and I guess he must have gone upstairs just now."

"But don't worry, the room number I told him is 1509, hehe!"

[That’s okay, just remember not to come over tomorrow morning! ! ! 】

"Did you do something bad?"

After sending the last message, Kim ended the meaningless conversation.

[Does Lee Eun Hyuk care about his sister or is he really a girl control? 】

"Forget it, I don't want to think about it anymore. Let's think about how to spend the remaining money."

Jin 꺶꿗 sat in front of the computer, opened Gmarket and started placing orders.

【Drone x10】

[Mobile phone x10]

【Sanduoshui x5】

[XJ instant rice x20]

【Microwave oven x2】

"It's better to buy the valuables here separately so as not to attract anyone's attention."

떘꿢I tidied up the room again, and the time came quickly. At night, Jin 꺶꿗 finished washing and lay on the bed.

He planned to adjust his sleep schedule from the beginning of the day. Since he woke up so early every day, in order to avoid mental problems in the future, he had to advance his bedtime to nine o'clock accordingly.

Because he was in an apocalyptic world like Sweet Home, he helped Jin successfully get rid of his mobile phone addiction, but even so, he didn't fall asleep until half the night.

When Jin 꺶꿗 was asleep, the right arm hanging outside the mattress actually hung straight down. The weird thing was that the 90-degree bend did not seem to be the elbow.

【Pa! 】

Jin 꺶꿗Sleep 꿗 turned over on his side and threw his right hand hard on his face, which instantly restored his clarity.

He touched his phone to check the time, and the screen showed "July 27, 4:20 AM".

[Damn, why is it ten minutes earlier than yesterday? 】

"What the hell?"

Jin 꺶꿗 had no choice but to get up and wash up, then turned on the air purifier and sat at the computer desk.

The first is a routine 30-minute information retrieval. Unlike yesterday, sporadic violent killings have occurred in some districts today.

The official description is a copycat crime. The suspect brutally dismembers the victim. Because the scene is extremely bloody, the screen is filled with harmonious mosaics.

At the same time, officials called on citizens not to spread bloody videos, but to no avail.

Strong netizens have always liked to confront officials. Through the photos uploaded by netizens, Jin 꺶꿗 keenly grasped the truth of the matter.

Hidden up by the Korean government, the monsterization incident began to brew quietly from the incubation period, and finally entered a small-scale outbreak period.

껩Thanks to South Korea's small country, all the bad things about Sesame can be hotly searched, so small-scale monster injuries are now in the eyes of the Korean people in the form of criminal cases.

But except for a small number of people like Jin 꺶꿗 who understand the truth of the matter, some people still don't know the danger of approaching.

[It seems that within a week at most, the monster transformation will enter the expansion period. This wolf is really coming! 】

At around seven o'clock, Jin 꺶꿗 returned to his green home after having breakfast, while other residents in the apartment had just woken up.

After the elevator door opened, Jin 꺶꿗 looked at the girl carrying a bass on her back. Although he smiled in return and wanted to ease the relationship between the two, Yin Jixiu didn't seem to buy it.

As the two of them walked in, they just bowed their heads to say hello out of politeness when they walked towards each other.


After Kim 꺶꿗 walked into the elevator, she saw Yoon Ji-soo preparing to press the door-close button, so she smiled and called her.


“I’ll give you red ginseng, and your energy will be full!”

Jin 꺶꿗 forced the red ginseng to Yin Zhixiu, then pressed the elevator close button for her, and then ran out of the elevator in small steps.

Yin Zhixiu looked at this delicate boy and was a little confused. She was obviously a little repulsive to her yesterday, but she looked like nothing happened today.

"Is it possible that he likes me?"

Thinking about this, Yin Zhixiu shook her head. She didn't like men. After all, she had gone through the process of growing up with others.

After tearing off the red ginseng packet, Yoon Ji-soo drank the red ginseng with golden 꺶꿗 body temperature. She smiled and shook her head.

"No, probably not!"


【bite! bite! 】

"金꺶꿗xi, 金꺶꿗xi?"

"Which one?"

"I am Lim Soo-jeong, a salesperson at Hana Bank."

"Wait a minute, I'll come right away!"


[Wow, your voice is very sweet, Ness! 】

Jin 꺶꿗 simply arranged his clothes, took two pieces of his hair and patted it to make it fluffy, and then he opened the door.

After opening the door, a beautiful urban woman appeared in front of him.

He wears professional attire, has a natural appearance, and has a standard professional smile on his face that is a little baby fat. Although it is fake, it is just pleasing to the eye.

After looking at Jin 꺶꿗, Lin Xiujing crossed her hands and said hello to Jin 꺶꿗 with a smile: "Jin 꺶꿗xi?"

"Please come in, please come in." Jin 꺶꿗 opened the door completely and turned to one side to make room for entering the house.

After Lin Xiujing entered the house, she took off her high heels and placed them on the shoe rack in the entrance hall.

Jin 꺶꿗 guided Lin Xiujing to sit at the small low table. Lin Xiujing walked towards the room and said with a smile: "Jin 꺶꿗xi, you are the only person I have ever seen who can treat you normally after receiving the 꺶 award."

"Where, where."

[This is saying that the place I live in is dilapidated! 】

Lin Xiujing took out the documents from her bag, knelt down in front of the small table, and introduced the credit card application procedures to Jin 꺶꿗.

"Hello, this is your credit card. This is the document you need to sign. You only need to fill in some personal information on the document and sign your name. This credit card can be activated on the same day."

Listening to Lin Xiujing's introduction, Jin 꺶꿗 couldn't help but nod.

"Hello, let me ask you, what is the limit of this card?"

"Theoretically, it is consistent with the amount of your account, but I don't think you will spend more than a billion in a month, so to some extent, it is unlimited."

"Okay, I understand. I'll take a look at the file first. Please wait a moment."

Lin Xiujing's smile froze for a moment, but quickly returned to her previous professional smile.

"Jin 꺶꿗xi, your room is very simply decorated."

[Although this place is broken, it can’t hold me back from passing the level! 】

Seeing that Lin Xiujing had nothing to say, Jin 꺶꿗 decided to tease her.

"I'm not interested in money! As a human being, we should be noble and moral people."

"A pure person, a person who has escaped from vulgar taste..."

In Jin 꺶꿗's shameless self-praising, he saw the slippery red liquid on Lin Xiujing's nose, and instantly shuddered, and his body suddenly retreated.

【Come again? 】

"Lin Xiujingxi, wipe your nosebleed." Jin 꺶꿗 threw a pack of tissues over.

"Thank you, I'm sorry!"

"It's okay. If you don't work too hard, isn't it just performance?"

"Here, I'll sign."

Jin 꺶꿗 looked at the ID card and quickly filled out his personal information, not forgetting to sign a handsome signature at the end.

Closing the document, Jin 꺶꿗 transformed into his close friend 꺶: "Listen to me, people are here and happy for 꺶. Just like 꿷, you must have half a day of field work. After you finish my work, go Just relax, no one will know."

"Go, go now. If your bank calls, I will cover it for you."

Lin Xiujing watched Jin 꺶꿗 load the documents for her, then sent her out the door, and walked to the elevator without a look on her face.

"What a considerate boy. I blame Xiaoyuan for dragging me to eat instant noodles last night. I got angry and had a nosebleed the next day, which made me embarrassed in front of customers."

After arriving on the first floor, Lin Xiujing returned to her beautiful appearance and walked out of the green home.

"I was mentally prepared to be harassed before I came here. I didn't expect Kim to handle business so readily. This is much better than some rich people who live in high-end villas."

"If we were all people like Kim 꺶꿗Sian눃, our female bank employees wouldn't have such a hard life."

After sending Lin Xiujing away, Jin 꺶꿗 couldn't calm down for a long time. At this time, he had some psychological shadow.

[Oh, a beautiful day starts with a scare? 】

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