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Chapter 20 The Most Unlucky Traveler (I)

Jin Jung squatted on the bed with his head pressed down. The feeling of exhaustion after the adrenaline just stimulated him came over him. His mood was not very high at this time, and he could even be said to be very depressed.

[If I continue like this, I will go crazy. Colonel Robert Neville at least has a dog at the beginning. What do I have? A bunch of game coins. ]

Jin Jung took out his mobile phone, and after importing contacts, he initiated a KakaoTalk friend request for Li Enyou.

[Ding! ]

On the 8th floor, Li Enyou was flipping through comic books on the bed. After hearing the notification message on her mobile phone, she smiled and picked up her mobile phone to check.

"In addition to a few friends and Li Enhe, there is only Azaxi who knows my mobile phone number. Li Enhe, who is reading a book outside the room, will naturally not do such a boring trick, so..."

[You have a friend request, please check it carefully. 】

Li Enyou clicked on the notification bar, and the screen jumped to the friend application interface of KakaoTalk.

The applicant's avatar was a cartoon image. Although she had never seen this kind of hot-blooded animation, Li Enyou could still tell the source of the avatar at a glance.

"Isn't this the figurine on Azashi's desk? You actually use Chinese characters as a nickname. Are you showing off that you studied in China? 'Jin Jizhong'?"

Li Enyou couldn't help but give a thumbs up to her smart brain, and then she clicked the "agree" button with a "heartache".

Entering the chat interface, she pretended not to recognize Jin Jizhong, and asked in a tentative tone: "Who are you and why do you want to add me as a friend?"

['I'm your father. '][Withdraw. ]

After Jin Jizhong withdrew the message, he still felt a little regretful, and even slapped the innocent mouth.

[I'm a bit tongue-tied, but my name is written on it, didn't Lee Eun-woo see it? ]

[Are you asking knowingly? Or, no way, as a Korean, don't you even know basic Chinese characters? No, I have an obligation to spread...]

Seeing Kim Joong withdraw the message again, Lee Eun-woo said again: "Will you die if you don't send Chinese characters?"

Tilting her head and thinking for a moment, Lee Eun-woo deleted all the text in the input box and wrote again: "Can you not send Chinese characters?"

After clicking send, Lee Eun-woo added a scoundrel rabbit angry emoticon.

[No! ][! ]

[Kim Joong]

Seeing Kim Joong send her a message in Chinese and Korean, Lee Eun-woo was furious and swiped the screen. She gave all the treasures she had collected for many years to Kim Joong without reservation.

In Room 1502, Jin Xiaozhong watched the screen slide automatically and shook his head helplessly.

[Kids nowadays are really funny. They use nuclear weapons when something happens. Since you have used nuclear weapons, don't blame me for sending out Yan Shuangying. ]

In this way, the two people's literary fight turned into a fight without any technical content. In the picture-fighting competition to see who has the faster hand speed, Jin Xiaozhong and Li Enyou fought for ten minutes with emoticons.

There is no winner in the world of nuclear weapons!

Jin Xiaozhong's side stopped the "attack" first, not because they could not output for a long time, but because a phone call kept coming.

Even if Jin Xiaozhong hung up twice, the call came for the third time, so Jin Xiaozhong had to retreat helplessly and answer the call.

"Mr. Jin Xiaozhong, your express has arrived. Are you home now?"

"Excuse me, I'm really sorry. I was playing games just now and didn't notice it. Hello, can you deliver it upstairs?"

"Yes, please wait a moment. I'll push it upstairs for you."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

On the 8th floor, Li Enyou saw that Jin Xiaozhong was the first to silence, so he asked in private: "Azaxi, why didn't you send it? Are you afraid?"

After waiting for more than ten seconds, after seeing the message displayed as unread, Li Enyou asked in private again: "Azaxi?"

On the chat interface, two unread messages were lying quietly.

"Hmph," Li Enyou threw the phone on the bed and said angrily, "Men are like this, flirting with people and then leaving."

'Why flirt if you don't marry?' This is really unfair to Jin Xiaozhong. At this time, Jin Xiaozhong was moving the express delivery into the house. As a customer who paid for half-day delivery, Jin Xiaozhong experienced the joy of buying and receiving the same day.

After taking all the express delivery back into the house, Jin Xiaozhong thanked the courier brother: "Thank you, it's really hard work, please wait a moment."

After speaking, Jin Xiaozhong turned back to the house, took out two bags of red ginseng juice and a bottle of Samdo water, and handed them to the courier brother, who was moved.

Facing Jin Xiaozhong's gift, the courier brother bowed to thank him, thinking that this was much better than those customers who threatened to give bad reviews if they didn't take the garbage downstairs.

"Thank you, I'll go first."



[I feel so good, doing good things can make people happy. I have to care for the "mentally retarded children" again, and today's happiness will be full. 】

Li Enyou lay on the bed and looked at the screen of the mobile phone quietly, silently drawing a person in his heart.

Suddenly the screen lit up, and the person marked "Weird Azaxi" called.

"One, two, three..."

After counting three seconds silently in his heart, Li Enyou answered the call.

"Enyou, is your brother at home at noon? Come and have lunch with me?"


"Then come up quickly."


Li Enyou got out of bed, combed her hair in front of the mirror, and then opened the door slowly.

She said proudly: "I'm going to meet my friends, so I won't be back for lunch."

"Well, I'll be careful on the way."

After Li Enyou deceived Li Enhe, she turned around with a triumphant smile on her face. After putting on her shoes, she walked out of the house.

"Friend, aren't your friends in class, Li Enyou?" Li Enhe said to himself while holding his glasses.

After Li Enyou walked out for nearly ten minutes, Li Enhe followed her out.

In Room 1502, Li Enyou was unpacking and packing the express blind box while complaining to Jin Yuzhong: "I thought you asked me to come and eat something delicious, but it turned out to be a takeaway."

"By the way, Azaxi, did you win the lottery?" Li Enyou pointed at the express delivery full of money and asked.

"Yes, I won 1.4 billion yuan. I am now the richest man in Green Home, you should treat me better, okay?"

"Tsk," Li Enyou looked unconvinced.

Seeing Li Enyou's questioning expression, Jin Xiaozhong confessed like a drama queen: "Alas, I really didn't expect that you, Li Enyou, are so disgusted with the rich and love the poor, and I looked down on you. Alas, you are so different..."

"Azaxi, if you keep talking in a weird way, don't blame me for stabbing you with a knife."

As he said that, Li Enyou took the utility knife in his hand and gestured twice in the direction of Jin Xiaozhong.

Out of fear of having more holes on his body, Jin Xiaozhong immediately closed his mouth, and at the same time made a zipper-closing gesture at his mouth, and at the end he also made two "OK" gestures.

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