"Tell me what happened first?" Xu Yijing asked while holding Jin Dazhong's arms.

"This warning blog post was posted about this month, more than a month earlier than the government's statement."

Xu Yijing was so excited that she almost fell down. Fortunately, Yin Zhixiu and Jin Dazhong supported her in time.

In her opinion, her fiance did not seem to be a simple disappearance, and she was very likely still alive.

"Are you okay?" Jin Dazhong asked after helping Xu Yijing to sit on the chair.

"I'm fine. I may have hypoglycemia. I feel a little dizzy and my lower abdomen is a little sore."

Listening to Xu Yijing's words, Li Enhe bit his lips and tried to apologize to Xu Yijing several times, but he couldn't make a sound in the end.

This abnormal behavior was seen by Zheng Zaixian, who said to Li Enhe: "Let's go get some food."

"Okay." Li Enhe was relieved and left the room after looking at Jin Dazhong.

"Xu Yijingxi, now we need to cooperate to live together. If you really know something, I hope you can tell us."

Xu Yijing thought about Jin Dazhong and others risking their lives to rescue her. She hesitated for a moment and chose to tell her about her unmarried life.

"This account is likely to be my unmarried Nam Sang-won, but he disappeared in July this year..."

"Before that, he was a doctor... This is all I know about this blog post."

Xu Yijing probably thought of Nam Sang-won, and she couldn't help herself. She buried her head in her knees and cried.

Kim Dae-jung understood that Nam Sang-won should not have contacted Xu Yijing yet, so he stopped asking, left Yoon Ji-soo in the room to comfort Xu Yijing, and then left the management office.

Human desires can mutate people into monsters, and unknown creatures have strong recovery abilities. At the same time, the military has given up its responsibilities.

Kim Hye-ri's statement seems to have informed the public of more information on the surface, but in fact it has pushed more people into the abyss of despair.

This statement neither released a positive response plan nor clarified the rescue measures, which really disappointed countless people who were waiting for rescue.

Jin Dazhong stepped on the wall with his left leg and leaned against the wall, thinking about the current situation.

[When there are monsters instead of the most dangerous existence, the most dangerous are humans and special mutants. The former is difficult to distinguish between good and evil, and the latter has unknown hidden abilities. ]

Li Enhe took a few pieces of chocolate, put the chocolate on the table, and then left the room and closed the door.

"Li Enhe, do you still have any thoughts about the government now? Don't think about waiting for rescue." Jin Dazhong said.

"How much more food do you have left?"

Li Enhe temporarily put aside the guilt in his heart and began to seriously think about the next plan.

"Two and a half rooms for storage. In addition, I have two delivery trucks in the underground garage for storage."

"Don't mention the few people on the first and fourteenth floors. Even if there are dozens of people, the supply for about a month will not be a problem."

Li Enhe lifted his glasses: "If we want to survive, we definitely can't stay in this apartment all the time. We must find a way to find a place far away from people."

"Yes, but the current problem is not this. We should find a way to clear the monsters around the apartment and reserve enough self-defense supplies."

"The first step is to send a gathering message to the survivors on the other floors. You take people to clean up, and we take people to clean up. Meet in the building, first clear the monsters in the building, and gather enough people."

Listening to Kim Dae-jung's plan, Li Enhe shook his head and said, "Do you think people here are willing to take risks for others? Forget it, people are selfish."

"Then do you think that if the monsters are allowed to develop and mutate on their own, will they breed monsters like the Gu King after a while?"

Jung Jae-heon interrupted, "The Lord has given us such a test, and it is definitely not for us to be suspicious of each other. We must work together to overcome difficulties."

"I don't want us to all fight. The main door of the building needs to be guarded by people to prevent monsters from approaching."

"All people, regardless of gender, must take action. They can't sit in the nursery and waste time eating and drinking. There is also a basic order that must be established. In addition to the people in the apartment, we must be vigilant against other people."

"Well, I know." Li Enhe nodded in agreement.

12th floor, room 1202.

The little boy hiding in the closet disappeared unexpectedly, leaving only one set of clothes in the closet.

On the ventilation duct, a drop of green liquid slowly slid to the ground.

In the ventilation duct, a group of human-shaped liquid slid along the duct, and it swam on the ceiling of the 12th floor.

After swimming for most of the circle, it stopped at room 1210, because here, it seemed to hear the voices of its peers.

Through the gap in the ceiling, it quietly observed the two children on the other side.

"Dad, do you think someone will come to save us later?" The little boy Jin Yingxiu asked his father Jin Liang in a muffled voice.

Jin Liang touched his son's head and replied with a smile: "Just like that box of food, there must be good people in this world who are willing to help others. We must always have hope in our hearts, so that hope will come as we wish."

Sister Kim Soo-young asked Kim Young-soo: "Do you want to eat? You glutton."

Kim Young-soo made a face at her sister: "I don't, you don't want to eat, and you blame me."


On the ninth floor, two track and field athletes were in the room.

"Kim Bum, you are like this..."

Park looked at his friend's strange appearance in horror, and pressed tightly against the door.

Kim was delighted to see his legs become flexible. He looked at Park hiding in front of the door and bumped into him.


[Bang! ]

Like a flash of lightning, Park flashed in front of Kim's eyes quickly. He didn't stop and bumped into him directly.

The kinetic energy generated by the high-speed movement knocked Park unconscious and flew out of the room.

Park's body drew a parabola in the air and hit the wall directly. He had lost consciousness long ago and fell to the ground completely powerless.

Kim only felt that his legs were full of strength, as if he had returned from his peak moment. No, his speed could even be said to have broken through a level.

He moved quickly in the corridor, enjoying the long-lost speed and pleasure.

Since Kim Hye-ri issued the martial law statement, many things have begun to change, and the laws of this world have become different from before.

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