Sweet Home's start time is set back one month

Chapter 100 Martial Law Order Issued

Qingwatai, since President Lee Myung-hui was granted mercy, Kim Hye-ri, the head of the National Special Affairs Handling Group, has successfully taken over the power of the country in accordance with the Wartime Self-Defense Law.

At a meeting with a limited number of participants, she made the final decision and officially decided to release the latest research results to the public and put the right of self-defense on individuals.

Soon, alarms sounded across the country one after another. This highest-level warning indicated the arrival of a major event.

Residents who still had the conditions turned on the TV, and the TV signal was restored again.

After a few minutes, the TV showed a new live broadcast screen, and the screen prompt bar showed that this was the highest level of emergency news.

[All citizens, please note that this is not a drill, please listen carefully. ]

Then, the soldier who shot the president last time appeared on the podium, and she issued a martial law order in a tight suit with a solemn expression.

【As of 12:00 tonight, August 17, 2020, in accordance with Article 77, Paragraph 1 of the Constitution and Article 2, Paragraph 2 of the Martial Law Act, I hereby declare that the Republic of Korea is under a state of emergency martial law. 】

【At this time, the military is in charge of public security and justice in the martial law area. The military has confirmed that the majority of non-specific citizens have transformed into unidentified creatures. 】

【Although the specific cause of the mutation has not yet been determined, experts speculate that the mutation is related to human desires, rather than a virus transmitted through the respiratory tract or blood. Those who have symptoms such as hypothermia, nosebleeds, fainting, auditory hallucinations, and visual hallucinations should be isolated immediately. 】

In a convenience store in Yongsan District, Seoul, where no "people" are, a disheveled man is watching TV.

【Unidentified creatures have excellent recovery and rebirth abilities. Before they are completely transformed into unknown creatures, severe amputations and injuries cannot be recovered. This is the only time to eliminate unknown creatures, so we call it golden time. 】

【If you subdue the unknown creature, please be sure to burn it. This is the only way for civilians to deal with unknown creatures. 】

While listening to TV, the man used a utility knife to cut his arm.

The tip of the knife pierced the skin and blood flowed, but within a few minutes, the wound on his arm healed again.

Except for the blood stains on the utility knife and his arm, he had no scars on his body.

There were a lot of bloodstains around his seat, and it was obvious that this was not the first time he had self-harmed.

"So that's it."

The man said to himself, unplugged his fully charged mobile phone, and left the convenience store with his backpack.


In the nursery on the first floor of Green Home, the survivors gathered together to watch the latest emergency news.

【The military is capable and willing to solve the current situation. Please come alive and wait for the problem to be solved. Good luck to everyone. 】

As the female officer on the screen said her last hope, the TV lost the signal again.

An urgent message, different people get different information from it.

Supermarket owner Jin Shixian waved his hands excitedly and said: "Okay, okay, we are fine, just wait for the soldiers to rescue us."

"As long as we hold on, the army will come to rescue us."

Civil servant Lu Chengwan also said happily: "I know, I know."

For Lu Chengwan, although he has not completed the qualification confirmation, it is believed that the country will also handle special matters in this special situation.

According to this understanding, he is now a member of the government.

The big eater Jin Bingri sitting behind the two of them became serious after listening to the message.

Seeing the two idiots rejoicing without grasping the key point here, he couldn't help but kick Lu Chengwan: "She wants us to find a way to survive."

Jin Bingri frowned and glanced at Lu Chengwan and Jin Shixian. These two people were so confused about the seriousness of the matter.

"Did she mean that?" Lu Chengwan's smile completely disappeared, and he asked.

Jin Shixian smacked his lips and replied: "No problem, she wants us to hold on, wait for her to solve the problem."

"Right? I said that's what I meant."

"Hold on what?" Big eater Jin Bingri sighed speechlessly with his head raised.

"Yes, that's what I meant." Jin Shixian and Lu Chengwan rarely understood each other, and his view of Lu Chengwan also changed.

In Jin Bingri's eyes, this was the tacit understanding of two idiots. He stretched out his hand and asked: "Do you really think that's what it means?"

"Yes." Jin Shixian and Lu Chengwan answered in unison.

Kim Seok-hyeon pointed at Kim Byung-il and threatened, "If you think it's not true, return the money you owe me."


The skin care expert Liu Zaihuan focused on the cause of the monster mutation. He asked the person behind him, "She said that desire will turn people into monsters? Is this reasonable?"

"Didn't you see a bunch of monsters outside?" Sun Huiren replied.

"So what Kim Dae-jung said is true. Monsters are not spread by viruses at all."


14th floor, room 1408.

Jiang Minhao shook his head and thought of the clown man before. He said, "Humans really have endless desires."

"Golden period, we must grasp this important time point." Fatty detective Li Chenglu said.


In the apartment management office on the first floor, Kim Dae-jung and his three friends, Li Enhe and Xu Yijing also read the latest news.

[I don’t know if Nam Sang-won called Seo Yi-kyung? Minami Aihara definitely knows more about monsterization. 】

Jin Dazhong asked Xu Yijing: "Xu Yijingxi?"


"Excuse me, what should we do in this current situation without rescue?" Jin Dazhong asked Xu Yijing tentatively.

Xu Yijing thought for a moment and replied: "Well, first of all, we need to stabilize the psychology of other survivors, and then distinguish the mutants to prevent them from suddenly mutating and causing harm to others."

"In addition, the collection of survival supplies must also be put on the agenda."

Jin Dazhong nodded repeatedly after hearing this: "There must have been many outbreaks of monster transformation before. Xu Yijingxi, do you know anything about this matter? After all, you were also a public official before."

Jin DaZhong unlocked the phone and handed it to Xu Yijing. On it was a screenshot of the blog.

After Xu Yijing saw the four words "Kelu", her heart trembled inexplicably. She remembered a conversation she had with her fiancé Minami Xiangyuan a month ago.

Kelu Kelu is the name of Nan Xiangyuan's blog. Even though Nan Xiangyuan tried his best to cover it up, Xu Yijing still realized that something was wrong.

She originally thought that Minami Xiangyuan might be a little afraid of marriage and wanted to vent some pressure, so he registered a private account.

But before she could find out everything, Nan Xiangyuan disappeared.

"Where did this come from?" Xu Yijing covered her mouth, holding back tears.

"Xu Yijingxi, do you know anything about this matter?"

Ps: xi (the honorific after the title, translated as Miss/Mr.).

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