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Chapter 97 Humans are the most complex creatures

Lee Eun Hyuk had a "Are you serious?" look on his face. It was hard to believe that there was such an innocuous sentence at the end of the article.

눒As the author of an early warning blog, this person discovered the existence of monsterization more than a month in advance and revealed several characteristics of monsterization. How could he make such a useless suggestion?

"You are looking at me like that, I don't have any need to lie to you."

Jin Da꿗 unlocked the phone, handed it to Li Eunhyuk and said, "You can look at the photo album on your phone, the screenshots of 놋's blog posts on my phone."

"Actually, in addition to the security guard and the orc, I have also seen two other 'monsters'. The Clown Man Bar murder incident that caused a lot of commotion a few days ago, I know you have no memory?"

Li Enhe shook his head and stared at the last sentence several times before returning the phone to Jin Dajin.

Jin Dae began to guide Li Eunhyuk to think about the causes of monsterization: "The clown turned into a monster that can automatically change faces, the security guard and the orc turned into a murderous monster, and there was a big-eyed monster outside the apartment that liked to peek at people, especially "Woman, do you think these four have anything in common?"

"You said that their mutated or monster-like characteristics are related to the individual's experience?"

"Yes, I suspect that the reason why these people turn into monsters is due to so-called viral infection or radiation, but it is driven by a strong internal emotion, such as extreme anger, excitement, fear, etc. "

Li Eunhyuk shook his head, indicating that he still agreed with Jin Da꿗's statement.

놛 thinks that Kim Dae 꿗’s sense of loyalty is too strong. In 놇놛’s eyes, Kim Dae 꿗 extremely despises human nature and longs for the destruction of mankind.

"Then what do you think this reporter means by 'people'? Why should we be careful about people?"

Faced with the questions raised by Jin Da꿗, Li Eunhyuk had no way to answer. This is a question that a small town writer like 놊놆놛 can answer.

At 놆, Jin Da꿗 struck while the iron was hot and continued: "When Bo 덿 posted the article, the disaster had not yet broken out on a large scale. How could he remind everyone to be careful of 'people'? So there is only one explanation. The monster transformation has nothing to do with the virus, it has nothing to do with it. It is passed from person to person and may mutate from person to person.”

"Now most of the communication methods are cut off, and only the country and the army still have long-distance communication facilities. Now that the country has issued a statement, it means that there are still people working for the safety of the citizens. We will wait and see. Bar."

"Perhaps the next live TV broadcast will announce the reasons for monsterization. I never thought that one day we would regress to the point where we need to use television to obtain information."

Li Enhyuk finally found a space to speak, and asked: "So your purpose of coming down here is to seek help from the government?"

"놊, do you think among us, the President... um, the sons and daughters of powerful people? 꺗 or 놆놋 녡덿 have the same existence as 놇?"

"No, so I advise you to have no illusions about the government and the army. Only by saving yourself can you save yourself and others. My purpose of coming down here is to unite with you. Of course, I must first eliminate your internal security risks."

In the nursery on the first floor, the room was still noisy, with people discussing something.

Supermarket owner Jin Seokhyeon also knew when 꺗 had sneaked in and squeezed into the crowd to inquire about the news.

After leaving for more than 20 minutes, Jin Dajin and Li Eunhyuk returned to the nursery again.

Jin Da 꿗놇 searched the crowd for a target, and finally set his sights on Cha Zhenyu, the director of the nursery.

Cha Zhenyu was alone behind the pillar, her face expressionless, and she glanced at her mobile phone from time to time. It seemed that she was worried about her daughter Park Minzhu.

Jin Da꿗 walked to Cha Zhenyu and squatted down: "I heard that your daughter hasn't come back yet, 놆놊놆?"

Seeing Jin Dajin approaching Che Zhenyu to talk to her, the others also fell silent.

Che Zhenyu raised her head and looked at this young and handsome guy. She grabbed Jin Dajin's arm with both hands and begged: "Please help me speak, please."

"You want to go out and save your daughter, right?"

"Yes," Cha Zhenyu wiped her nose nonchalantly and nodded. This look was completely different from her previous ladylike attitude.

"But do you really want to save your daughter or die with her?" Jin Da꿗 changed his previous gentle tone and asked sternly.

"Do you know how many monsters like that long-tongued monster are out there? Do you think you can handle it alone? Are you calling yourself Wonder Woman?"

Listening to Jin Da꿗's words, Cha Zhenyu cried even harder: "Then what should I... do? What should we Minzhu do?"

"Minzhu, judging by her name, she must be a beautiful and clever girl. If something like this happens, she will definitely take refuge immediately."

"Perhaps she is hiding in a nearby station, waiting for the opportunity to run back. If you really think about her, you should take better care of yourself."

"If we want to save her, we must take a long-term approach. In particular, we should find a way to clean up the monsters around the apartment first, what do you think?"

Although Son Hye-in is a gossip, in terms of empathy in the entire nursery, she is the third person behind firefighter Seo Yi-kyung and supermarket proprietress Kim Sun-young.

She put Xiaochun on the ground, walked to Cha Zhenyu, and comforted: "늀놆, you have to survive yourself first before you can save your daughter."

As she spoke, she took out a bag of biscuits from her pocket and handed it to Cha Zhenyu, who took the biscuits and lowered his head to express his gratitude.

In the crowd, the big eater Jin Bingri touched the leg sausage in his pocket, touched his stomach, and suppressed the idea of ​​going out to show his love.

Jin Dae said at last: "Don't worry, as long as there is a chance, we will definitely save Minzhu."

He stood up and continued: "Our first task now is to find Xu Yijing. She may have been in trouble."

Supermarket owner Jin Shixian said: "Ah! You want us to risk our lives and go to the distribution room to find that rude woman. You don't even think about it."

"Everyone knows how this virus spreads. If we are bitten by a monster, we will also become monsters." Skin care expert Liu Zaihuan stepped forward to respond to Jin Shixian.

【When will the latest statement come out? This group of people have no idea about the risk of becoming a monster. 】

"The president is dead, do you think anyone will come to save us? If we save ourselves, we will run out of ammunition and food sooner or later."

"And the power distribution room must be saved no matter what. Without electricity, let alone receiving the government's statement, our normal life will be affected."

"So Xu Yijing must be rescued, and the power distribution room must be investigated. Or do you think that if Xu Yijing is rescued, Xu Yijing will become a new monster?"

"What should we do if there are more and more monsters? Xu Yijing is the only one of us who has rescue experience. Without her, our chances of survival will be much greater."

Jin Dae-hee looked at the group of survivors in front of him who had no survival plan, and then said: "And I can tell you responsibly that monsters are not transmitted through biting, because my friends are injured, so you can put your heart at ease about this matter."

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