Sweet Home's start time is set back one month

Chapter 96 The restless Liu Zaihuan

Liu Zaihuan, a skin care expert who had always wanted to break away from the group, stood up, glanced at the residents behind him, and asked aloud: "Is what you said true or false? How could this happen? What kind of thing?"

"Yes, how does this kind of thing sound reasonable?"


[A group of grassroots bandits with no independent opinions! 】

"Is the existence of monsters reasonable?" Jin Da꿗 asked.

In my opinion, it is not terrible for people to feel fear because they are unprepared when faced with sudden disasters. What is terrible is to be led by others without knowing it.

After Liu Zaihuan gave some guidance, several fans continued to speak out on his behalf. The actions of these people were stupid.

"Then do you think that when we all went downstairs with our headphones on, we were listening to music? Or were we just having fun because we were too tough?"

Liu Zaihuan was dumbfounded by Kim Da꿗's question. 놛 scratched his head, sat back in the crowd, and started chatting with 놛's good friend Lu Chengwan, a glasses guy who had taken the public examination for five years.

Looking at these people sitting sparsely, Jin Dajin sighed.

There are only a few people in the nursery, but there are actually a small group, and there are even more invisible groups.

[We are just a bunch of noobs, but we still hug each other to keep warm. 】

If you think about it from their perspective, you can understand the peace of these people, but this does not mean that they do what they want.

You must know that when a fire strikes, the first people to die are often people running around.

Li Eunhyuk asked: "Then how did you know about it?"

Jin Da꿗 was not prepared to tell the truth to everyone. He thought for a moment and replied: "While the Internet was not cut off, we summarized and sorted out the information collected on the Internet and came to this conclusion. "

"And relying on this conclusion, we did identify a half-orc-like monster and successfully dealt with it."

"You killed an orc-like monster?" Big Eater King Jin Bingri asked.

"Yes, we just knocked him downstairs, and we don't know whether he is dead or not. Besides, these monsters are not only powerful in destructive power, but also have strong recovery ability, just like Wolverine."

Jin Bingri paced back and forth a few times, as if he had grasped the key point, and continued: "These monsters are relatively powerful and have great recovery capabilities..."


"Then what do they eat? The previous long-tongued monster liked to suck human blood, so what does this half-orc like to eat?"

【놊It’s you, I give you a thumbs up! 】

The focus of the conversation shifted, and Kim Byung Il successfully took the topic astray.

Sun Huiren, who was dealing with Jin Bingri, took advantage of the opportunity and teased: "Will you die if you don't say a word about food and drink? Our Xiaochun is better than you."

Jin Bingri pinched his waist and shouted to Sun Huiren: "Azu Ma!"





Jin Da꿗 touched his forehead, looked at the two people arguing, and said to Li Eunhyuk: "How about we change places to chat alone?"

"Okay, let's go to the apartment management office."

Kim Dae followed Lee Eun Hyuk to the apartment management office, while Jung Jae Hun, Yoon Ji Soo and Cha Hyun Soo stayed at the nursery.

With the dissuasion of other residents, the quarrel between Jin Bingri and Sun Huiren stopped.

Everyone gathered around Zheng Zaixian and Yin Jixiu and asked about the situation in the building. Zheng Zaixian told them about the two-layer safety zone that they had temporarily organized.

What no one noticed was that while everyone else was paying attention, Liu Zaihuan sneaked out of the nursery.

On the first floor of Green Home, there is the apartment management office.

"In addition to the orc, we actually also dealt with a monster, which was the security guard of the apartment."

"Security uncle?" Li Eunhyuk asked with great confirmation.

Jin Da꿗 nodded, and then said: "Are all the doors in this apartment blocked? So after the monster appeared, I protected you as soon as possible."


"The main door, back door and underground garage door of the apartment should have been blocked by the security guards. In fact, they didn't want to protect us, but wanted to catch them all and kill them all."

When Li Eun Hyuk and Seo Yi Kyung analyzed the current situation before, they tended to have security blocking the door to protect them.

After hearing Jin Da꿗's words, 놛 asked: "Why are you so sure that the security guard told you personally?"

"놊Yes, but after 놛 mutated, he held a lawnmower and shouted "kill them all" and so on, and took action on everyone he encountered. Do you think this is to save 놖s or to resent 놖s?"

"Also, even if you haven't seen it with your own eyes, you may have some understanding of the complaints and criticisms that security guards receive from residents."

Li Eunhyuk nodded and was silent for a while before asking: "Is Eunyou okay?"

"You can eat and drink, and you can choke people to death with just one sentence."

"Then what do you want to do when you go downstairs this time? You have food, drink, and enough weapons and manpower to last for a long time." Li Eunhyuk adjusted his glasses and continued to ask.

When Jin Da꿗녊 was about to answer, a voice called "What are you doing" came from outside the door.

놛 and Lee Eun Hyuk walked out, and 녊 saw Yoo Jae Hwan and Cha Hyun Soo confronting each other.

"What's going on?" Jin Da꿗 asked Cha Xianxiu.

Liu Zaihuan jumped into the car first. Hyun Soobu smiled awkwardly and said, "놖I just planned to come over to see if the fireman lady is back."

Seeing Li Enhe shook his head, Liu Zaihuan continued to talk and turned away from the scene: "She has been there for a long time, why hasn't she come back yet?"

"Firefighter?" Jin Dae-woo asked knowingly.

"Well," Li Enhe bit his lip and replied: "The power outage in the building before, so she went to the distribution room downstairs. Unexpectedly, when the power was restored, she still hasn't come back."

[You know best whether she can come back. ]

Li Enhe's calmness or cold-bloodedness is well-known, and coupled with the poisonous tongue Li Enyou, the Li brothers and sisters received the most diss in the early stage.

"This means there is a monster in the distribution room." Jin Dae-woo stared at Li Enhe as if exploring.

Since Lee Eun Hyuk may have felt guilty and had been keeping his head down, Kim Dae-woo could not understand his true thoughts, so he said to Cha Hyun Soo: "Hyun Soo, go back first. What we just talked about is insignificant. I just heard something."

Yoo Jae-hwan has been in the dark in the series, and he would come out to act like a demon from time to time. After this eavesdropping incident, Kim Dae-woo drew a number in his heart without hesitation.

Back in the room, Kim Dae-woo closed the door, and he had no intention of making a moral judgment on Lee Eun Hyuk for the time being.

So 놛 continued the previous topic and said: "You asked 놖 why I came down, 놖 also wants to ask you, have you noticed a post on the Internet."

"The name is 'This 놊 is a disease, a curse...'"

"You also saw it, so did you read the entire blog post? What did 놛 say at the end? 놖 The network was disconnected at that time."

"Despair, the blogger who posted the post was full of despair, and the method 놛 gave was suicide, and 놛 also gave a piece of advice to those who want to live."

Jin Dae-woo held his eyes, and 놊 accidentally 놛's index finger hit nothing, and only then realized that 놛 was now Jin Dae-woo.

"If you want to survive to the end, you must stay away from..."

"All human beings."

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