Swamp Lord: I have an intelligence system

Chapter 141 Absolute power, it’s so fucking satisfying!!


At this time, a roar of a beast from a far distance broke the silence on the field.

Li Er came back to his senses and turned his head subconsciously.

His eyes were deep and dark, as if he could see through time and space at this moment.

When he retracted his gaze, his eyes immediately became cold.

He glanced around and said slowly.

"A large number of wild monsters have flooded into the swamp. You should return to the city of Wei Lu immediately and lead the team to stop them."

"Don't let those monsters crash into the territory."

The breath of the swamp authority is a fatal temptation for most wild monsters.

All projects in the city of Wei Lu are now in operation, and any accident may cause huge losses.

"As you wish."

The heroes who knelt on the ground came back to their senses from the shocking scene just now, and immediately responded.

They returned to the territory immediately.

Seeing this, Li Er didn't worry much and slowly landed in front of the flying dragon.

At this moment, only a huge dragon head floated on the ground, which was twice as high as that of an ordinary person.

The ferocious appearance makes people tremble.

Seeing Lear approaching, the other party's suppressed anger can no longer be tolerated at this moment.

"Bastard, you lowly bastard!!"

"If I hadn't been unprepared, how could I have let you succeed!"

Lear looked at the flying dragon who was forcibly trying to save his reputation, his face calm.

"There is not much difference between having you and not having you in this battle."

"You don't think that you can control this power without me, do you?"

The flying dragon wanted to say something, but Lear had already stepped forward.

The scarlet cage melted away like a tide at this moment.

The flying dragon noticed his movement and immediately became alert.

"Human, what do you want to do?!"

Lear ignored him and approached him. He stretched out his right hand and pressed it on his head. The surging power like a tsunami burst out.

Penetrate into the body!

Endless divine power surged unscrupulously at this moment.

Like a collapsed mountain and a broken galaxy.


The rolling divine power overwhelmed Feilong and invaded his mind, but the next moment, Li Er was surprised to find that the other party's soul did not exist alone, but had completely merged into his own body.

Cannot be enslaved.

Noticed Li Er's emotional change.

Feilong came back to his senses from the horror, his eyes were full of mockery.

"Don't think about it, human, how could the great dragon be enslaved by outsiders?"

"Even if the gods come, they can't do it!"

"The blessing of the Dragon God has completely integrated our souls and bodies. Unless we are willing, no one can rely on external forces to make us surrender!"

Higher life forms naturally have the pride of higher life forms.

Its methods are not comparable to ordinary life forms.

Li Er raised his eyebrows slightly.

This is a bit unexpected.

There is no experience of enslaving dragons.

At this moment, he seemed to sense something.

His mind moved slightly, and the flesh and blood on the ground rolled.

A three-meter-long mechanical broken finger emerged.

Treasures left by 12 goblin creations that killed gods and demons.

"Sir Lear, I didn't expect you to control the power of the swamp so quickly. It's really surprising."

The old voice of the goblin god sounded in the air with a little surprise.

Lear nodded.

"Your Majesty Azaro, it's a coincidence."

"It seems that you have recovered a lot."

"Thanks to your recent help."

The flesh and blood slaughterer will inject divinity every one or two days, which allows the goblin god to recover continuously.

Although this divinity is insignificant compared to his former power, it is more precious to help in times of need.

Lear nodded, as if he thought of something, his eyes did not move.

"Your Majesty Azaro, I don't know how the goblins enslaved those imprisoned enemies in ancient times and made them obey orders."

The flying dragon on the side heard what Lear said and immediately mocked him.

"Human, stop daydreaming!"

"The Dragon God is blessing all dragons!"

"Unless you can break through my blessing, that's even better. My God will notice it immediately."

The Goblin God also responded at this moment.

"This flying dragon is not wrong. The blessing of the Dragon God can make all dragons maintain the autonomy of their souls. If someone can annihilate the blessing of the Dragon God, the other party can directly notice it."

"It's easy to kill dragons, but it's hard to enslave them."

"That old dragon has survived from ancient times to the present and is one of the most powerful gods."

"Even a being like the God of War can only tie with it."

This made the flying dragon more proud.

He almost didn't look at people straight in the eye.

It seemed that he had completely forgotten that he was still a prisoner.

This death made Li Er's mouth twitch.

Just as he was about to speak, the Goblin God continued.

"But nothing is invincible. Flying dragons are inferior bloodlines in the dragon clan, and are often not regarded as the same clan by orthodox dragons."

"But the bloodline in this flying dragon is pure, which is rare. It is normal to have the blessing of the Dragon God. It cannot be enslaved by traditional means, but it can be transformed by ancient means."

"Sir Li Er, I wonder if you are interested in owning a mechanical flying dragon?"

This made the flying dragon's eyes change immediately. He turned his head to look at the mechanical broken finger, with a tone of shame and anger! !

"Damn bastard, a lowly soul dares to talk about dragons arrogantly!"

"Noble blood flows in my body!"

"You are the inferior life! Bastard!"

He didn't take the so-called mechanical flying dragon seriously at all.

The blood flowing in his body is the thing that makes him most proud. The other party is so dismissive. Isn't this contempt for him? !

Lear frowned slightly.

"Dry tongue!"

The flesh-and-blood earth rolled and collapsed suddenly.

The flying dragon continued to collapse, its mouth was directly buried, and only a pair of eyes and half of its head were exposed on the surface.

I can't even say half a sentence.

I could only express my anger with my eyes, but no one paid attention to it, and I became extremely depressed again.

Lear looked at the mechanical severed finger and asked with interest.

"Your Majesty Azaro, the mechanical flying dragon. How can I get it?"

There is a two-headed ogre chief in front of him. He is very interested in mechanical transformation.

The fantasy version of cyberpunk is also very exciting.

The dull voice of the ancient goblin god sounded.

"My strength has recovered a little. It's not difficult to transform a level 16 inferior dragon."

Feilong was about to explode when he heard this. His eyes were so wide that he could have cursed for half an hour without covering his mouth.

"But if you want it to gain higher growth potential, you need to prepare some high-level metals with 4 stars or above."

"The ore produced by the vein in the Scarlet Carrion Land can be used as the foundation stone."

Lear nodded.

He glanced at the inconspicuous scarlet magic iron ore in the corner.

It seems that we need to pay a lot of blood and flesh again.

The reserve power of hunting the fallen demon was so strong before, but it has only been a while now, and it is almost unbearable.

This consumption is not ordinary.

However, these reserves were transformed into substantial power, greatly increasing the power in his hands.

Absolutely no loss.

Moreover, the Spider Banshee of the Night Shadow Clan is still in the territory.

Trade with the other party can provide him with massive amounts of high-quality ore.

Judging from the fact that the other party can easily take out so much fine gold, he doesn't know how rich his family is.

Now that the authority is in hand, you can take the time to visit the Yeying Clan.

Foreign trade is definitely the fastest and safest way to earn resources.

Predation is about fishing from the lake, a one-time transaction, and it is gone after it is done. Trade is a long-term flow, and it has the stability characteristics that the territory most hopes for.

After calming down, he looked at the mechanical severed finger.

"Your Majesty Azaro, I will gather the high-grade ores as soon as possible. I will trouble you then."

Lear still maintained enough respect for this ancient god.

Not to mention anything else, the knowledge the other party controls alone is a huge wealth.

Thinking of this, an idea flashed in my mind.

"Your Majesty Azaro, I admire the knowledge of goblins very much. I wonder if it is possible for your Majesty to teach goblin knowledge in the City of Dew?"

After saying these words, the ancient goblin was stunned for a moment, and then said with a bit of surprise.

"Lord Lear, is this okay?!"

Although the goblin civilization was as bright as the sun, it was eventually destroyed by the gods and cut off all civilization.

Even the glorious history they created has been completely buried and is no longer known to the world.

This moment left him confused.

Is there any point in all this when he is the only goblin left?

Lear's words gave him some hope again. Perhaps he was not the only one who longed for goblin civilization, wasn't he?

"Of course, if you don't mind, I will give a special course on goblin knowledge in the City of Dew."

"You can serve as a lecturer and impart knowledge that once was so glorious."

Whether it is destructive weapons such as goblin bombs, mechanical transformation techniques, or methods of manufacturing machinery, goblin civilization is outstanding.

How lucky it is to have such a master who is proficient in goblin knowledge and even created goblin civilization and is willing to teach him everything. It is definitely a bombshell for the territory.

It feels like a big boss who has obtained dozens of the highest professional titles at home and abroad and created an era to specifically cultivate talents for himself.

And he has already had ideas about imparting in-depth knowledge. Basic knowledge education in the territory can be completed quickly with the presence of the Swamp Banshee.

But deep knowledge is not something that can be easily achieved.

The ancient goblin god came with a voice of strong joy.

"Of course I am willing!"

What you want!

The goblins have been submerged, and he also needs a fulcrum to rebuild the goblin civilization.

As long as a torch can be lit and a seed left, the goblin will surely make a comeback!

This is Lear giving him a chance.

Feilong on the side looked at the two of them but neither of them took it seriously, and his eyes were bloodshot with anger.

But he couldn't speak, and even with all his strength, he couldn't shake the scarlet carrion land. He could only hold back his anger.

Once the discussion is completed, this battle will come to an end.

After months of preparation and accumulation, he finally gained control of the power he had dreamed of.

Swamp authority!

Lear took a deep breath and returned his attention to his body.

Level 11, finally breaking the stagnation of several months.

And this level is far from expressing his true combat effectiveness.

The power in the body is surging like magma at this moment. The bones, muscles, blood vessels. Every inch of skin and every cell are filled with majestic power.

Even if he was in a head-on battle at this moment, fighting against the flying dragon, he could still lift off the level 16 being buried in the earth!

Resisting Dragon Breath relies on pure physical strength!

This is the ultimate transformation brought about by authority.

And the ordinary magic power turned into a vast ocean, boundless.

It was many times stronger than before.

He felt that he could release the swamp gift several times without any effort.

The enhancement obtained by this transformation could no longer be simply described by level. It was a transformation of the life level.

He took a deep breath and his perception escaped.

A little intoxication flashed in Li Er's eyes. At this moment, the entire mud swamp was within his perception range.

He could clearly know how many wilderness monsters had set foot in the swamp.

He could even mobilize the power of the swamp directly as long as he wanted!

Whether it was to stir up a mud storm or collapse the earth, it was all in a thought!

As long as he was in the swamp, this was his absolute home ground!

It was far more exaggerated than the domain of Kalanis.

He was the god of the swamp, the only master, and the great existence praised and revered by all wetland life.

At the same time, the energy of the swamp was also pouring into his body.

Every minute and every second was strengthening his soul and body.

However, this transformation has reached its extreme, and it will be difficult to achieve another transformation in a short period of time.

After Li Er calmed down, his eyes became happy.

Although there are only a few harvests this time, it is definitely the best in history.

First of all, the complete swamp authority.

If it were not for the lack of the swamp godhood, he would be able to completely control the rules of the swamp at this moment.

But even so, he who holds the swamp authority can already show some of the majesty of God.

Secondly, he knows where the remaining swamp godhood is. And can faintly sense the approximate location.

In the future, as long as he becomes stronger, he can retrieve the remaining swamp godhood at any time.

But at that time, he will also be excluded from the main plane by the rules, which requires long-term consideration.

Third, the 16th-level flying dragon, this fierce existence that is besieged by several heroic dawn messengers and still cannot be stopped.

Although he was finally suppressed by him in the scarlet rotten meat land, the opponent's strength is indisputable.

He still remembers the scene when he just stepped into the swamp, the flying dragon flew across the sky, and the whole swamp became silent.

That was the most direct display of high-level life force, which left a deep impression on him.

He didn't expect that in just a few months, he would trample this life that he could only look up to, under his feet.

When the goblin ancient god transforms it into a mechanical flying dragon, it will gain a new powerful combat power.

Finally, the shocking fighting spirit of the power to seal the swamp!

This is the power that a demigod has been nurturing for who knows how many years, and it can be seen that it can still seal the power of the gods after its own death.

But by chance, after he cut off the chain and released the power, he lost the chain that imprisoned the target, and it became his power by accident.

Since then, these 12 chains have become his private property.

Even if the demigod who has turned into scum is revived, it cannot be taken away.

Fighting Will Chain

[Level]: Special

[Features]: A demigod who lived in ancient times spent his entire life, nurturing through countless bloody battles, and was only tempered when he fell. The stronger his own fighting will, the stronger the fighting will chain.

[Evaluation]: If the holder has an unyielding soul and supreme fighting will, even a divine weapon will be dim in front of it!

Although the attributes are simple, its power can be seen from the fact that it can directly seal a flying dragon.

After that, his means of attack became diversified, and he no longer needed to rely on his subordinates as a support. He himself was the most ferocious existence.

Even if he did not use the power of authority, he could imprison a high-level life of level 16 with just a thought.

This is power, absolute power! !

Lear's mouth curled up high.

There was a wanton light flashing in his eyes.

After pursuing it for so long, I finally got it! !

Satisfying! !

It's really fucking satisfying! ! (End of this chapter)

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