Swamp Lord: I have an intelligence system

Chapter 140: Ultimate transformation, the power of authority!

The Great Demon and the Flesh Slaughterer also noticed something strange at this moment, and slowly stopped, looking at the heroic figure standing in the air.

The other party stood in the void, like a statue that collapsed time and space, giving people an incomparable sense of oppression.

The blood in their bodies was trembling, humming, and fearing.

That was the awe of low-level life when seeing high-level life.

It was the nature engraved in the soul.

If it weren't for their master, the person they loyal to with their life and soul would definitely turn around and flee at the first time.

The ancient blood in Karanis's body was beating wildly.

The golden eyes became more and more brilliant, and the energy overflowing from the corners of the eyes reflected a little light.

She could clearly sense that the power of the tall figure was soaring at an exaggerated speed.

It was like an indescribable and indescribable transformation was taking place.

The ultimate sublimation.

With the blood of the ancient gods, she could sense it more clearly than Pangran.

As the opponent's aura rose, the surrounding magic began to flow around the opponent, and the entire swamp was undergoing wonderful changes.

It seemed to be cheering, jumping for joy, welcoming, and surrendering.

The flying dragon's huge amber eyes reflected this scene, and it suddenly came back to its senses after a few breaths.

An unprecedented anger surged in his heart.

This damn bastard. He robbed it of the opportunity to be promoted! !

A human, a weak human dared to get ahead of it and get involved in such power? !

Arrogant, arrogant, and overestimating one's own abilities!

Absolutely intolerable! !


"You are seeking your own death!!"

In a rage, the deep red flames on his body suddenly turned azure.

The surrounding space was distorted.

The amber eyes gradually turned dark blue.

The rugged dragon skin was agitated with red veins, wriggling like a small snake.

The aura on his body soared at an exaggerated speed, like a goblin bomb that was detonated, and the sky became dim because of its existence.

Several heroes suddenly woke up and immediately blocked it.

The flesh and blood slaughterer suddenly appeared above his head, and the heavy battle axe in his hand chopped down.

All the power exploded.

Huh~ The space was distorted.

He chopped hard on the head, sizzling~ Sparks flew everywhere, and the flesh and blood rolled.

A huge blood mark appeared.

But the flying dragon's body did not sluggish at all, and it directly hit the flesh and blood slaughterer.

Bang~ The terrifying impact force instantly made it explode a hundred meters away, swinging and turning in the air, and all the bones in its body were broken.

The six big demons just wanted to get close, but the azure flames that could melt steel, poof~ directly burned and corroded their flesh and blood, causing large areas of ulceration.

In the severe pain, they dared not stay, and could only flap their wings again.

The sword in Kalanis's hand burst out with a terrifying sharp edge, but the moment it slashed into the flying dragon, it was burned by the terrifying azure flame.

The flying dragon was crazy and did not stop to hunt these high-level heroes. Its eyes were fixed on the heroic figure in the void.

It had only one goal!

The flying dragon flapped its wings wildly, blowing up a storm-like airflow, and its body rushed out like an arrow, rushing directly to a distance of 70 to 80 meters from Lear.

Its eyes were filled with endless anger, and it opened its huge mouth.


The dragon breath, which had already taken on a bit of black, pulled out a long flame tail and surged out.

Even the space was burned into a void, burning everything.

The dragon breath instantly enveloped the young figure standing in the air in the air.

At this moment, all the heroes were stunned.

Endless regret and anger rose in their hearts.

They, the waste, actually failed to stop this flying dragon! ! !

The void was burned out by the dragon breath, and the surroundings became pitch black.

I couldn't see what was going on inside!

That human was dead!

Feilong's eyes were filled with joy and strong feelings of relief, and endless hope rose at the same time.

That human would be burned by the dragon's breath, but the power that belonged to the gods would never be destroyed!

No matter how strong the dragon's breath was, it could never be compared with the gods!

That power was still its after all!!

The resentment in his heart was vented at this moment.

Reptiles are always reptiles. How can they compare with the noble dragon? !

That supreme power is also something that lowly humans can peek at?


Hmm? No, what is that? This, how is this possible!!

In Feilong's deep blue pupils, the shocking scene that made his heart tremble was slowly reflected.

After the dragon's breath burned the void, it gradually stabilized.

The scene inside reappeared, and the dragon's breath that burned everything was now violently washing over the human boy.

The blood-red crown on the opponent's head reflected the light of black flames.

The cloak behind him rustled.

The dragon's breath washed over it, but it was instantly melted. Its cloak and crown seemed to be swallowing its dragon's breath!

What shocked it even more was that the boy was resisting the dragon's breath with his body!

Most of the clothes on the opponent's body had been torn, leaving only the lower body robe covered by the mist.

His masculine body was exposed in the air, and the exposed body was like steel, with sharp edges and corners, and muscles full of smooth lines.

The dragon's breath was like a furnace fire, casting steel!

That was dragon's breath! !

Dragon's breath that could burn the void. Why did the opponent do that? ! !

Why? !

The flying dragon was filled with shock and reluctance.

At this moment, it was horrified to find that 12 chains composed of unique energy suddenly floated slowly on the body of the young man.

They lingered and tempered in its dragon breath.

They were the same as the chains it saw on the heart that emerged after the ancient corpse was broken.

Why did the chains that sealed the power of the gods appear on this human? !

With a heart full of confusion and doubt, the flying dragon felt humiliated again.

In front of it, using the flesh to resist the dragon's breath. Isn't this a slap in its face! !

How proud is the giant dragon, how can it tolerate the provocation of a life that looks like a bug in its eyes? ! !

The clear flame burning on its body was like gasoline poured on it at this moment, and it exploded again.

The flame tail rose twenty meters high.

In the rage, it suddenly gathered to the dragon head, like water flowing down the river, all blessing on the dragon's breath.

The dragon's breath seemed to have received a catalyst and surged instantly.

The darkness around became thicker and thicker, and the void was completely blurred.

Looking down from the sky, a giant dragon burning with flames, spewing out dragon breath that could burn the void, was burning a human boy.

This was not enough, the flames on the dragon's body surged up and burned along with the dragon's breath.

And the other party was resisting with his body! !

Such a terrifying attack did not hurt him at all!

Facing the dragon's breath, bathing in the dragon's breath.

Is this still a normal human? !

Looking up from the ground, this scene is extremely visually impactful.

At this moment, Karanis couldn't imagine how much pressure it would be to face the power that burned the void!

She felt that if she was in that position, even if all the blood in her body was awakened, she couldn't last more than a minute!

But the other party ignored it!

How crazy? !

At this moment, the boy reflected in the flying dragon's pupils gradually regained his focus and looked at him calmly.

It seems that this powerful being with pure blood and strength that even breaks through the potential limit is just a bug that can be seen everywhere on the roadside.

It doesn't attract any attention at all.

The shame and anger in his heart reached its peak at this moment.

Roar~ A deep roar came from his throat, and he flapped his wings fiercely, and the dragon breath kept approaching the other party quickly.

It directly reached the ten-meter range above the other party's head!

The dragon breath was so unscrupulous.

But the human boy remained calm.

The other party seemed to feel a little bored, slowly raised his head, and said lightly.

"Have you had enough fun?"

Play? ! !

Although the words were few, they were like a sharp knife piercing the heart of the flying dragon.

I even used all my strength, and even burned a big hole in the space.

You told me I was playing? ! !

I played with your grandfather's rotten leather shoes! !

This bastard, damn it, damn it! ! !

The flying dragon, whose defense was severely broken by a word, suddenly stopped spitting out dragon breath and bit down violently.

He wanted to bite this bastard to death in the most brutal way! !

But at this moment.


From the corner of his eye, he saw that the cloak behind the human suddenly rolled up, and the surroundings were shrouded in mist.

The open mouth seemed to be held by something, and he couldn't close it no matter how hard he bit.

"Dirty, stinky"

The boy frowned and waved his hand.

The chains lingering on his body flew up and directly wrapped around him.

The flying dragon was shocked and was about to react.

He only felt an ancient fighting spirit that came across time rising to the sky.

At this moment, he seemed to see a god of war staring at him indifferently.

His soul trembled.


A calm voice sounded.

The 12 chains tightened with a creak.

The huge flying dragon's body was imprisoned at this moment, and the flames burning in his body were suddenly extinguished as if they were immersed in the sea.

At the same time, the magic power around was completely isolated.

The body trembled, and it lost the ability to fly directly, falling from the sky like a huge rock.

How could this be possible? !

The dragon was unbelievable.

The fear in his heart soared to the extreme at this moment! !

How could this human have such a powerful force? !

Under the gaze of everyone.



The huge dragon body slammed hard on the flesh and blood ground below.

The terrifying recoil force made it bounce up half a meter before it fell completely.

The next moment.

The flesh and blood ground rolled, and a scarlet cage swept directly over, imprisoning this behemoth with a wingspan of more than 20 meters.

The ground collapsed, and the dragon's body was quickly buried, and only a head was left on the surface.

Several high-level heroes who had not yet recovered were inexplicably shocked when they saw this scene.

The level 16 dragon that they could not stop together was just imprisoned like this? ! !

Lord, what kind of power did you just control? !

Feeling the power surging in his body like magma, Li Er's mood was also fluctuating at the moment.

After several months of preparation and planning, countless efforts and hard work laid the foundation for today's crushing victory!

Finally got the harvest and picked the sweetest fruit! !

At this time, there was another movement in his mind.

The power of the swamp was in operation at this moment, and was gradually attracted by the broken godhead in the magic seed.

It merged together bit by bit.

At this moment, the whole swamp seemed to come alive.

An extremely joyful emotion rose in everyone's heart.

The swamp welcomes his master back! !

The swamps, which had been silent for countless years, finally welcomed their god once again!

At this moment, the level that Lear had been stuck on for a long time began to rise upwards, level 7, level 8, level 9. It did not slowly stop until level 11.

at the same time.

Several images quietly emerged in my mind

In a dark castle surrounded by bats.

A vampire with a pale face wearing an aristocratic evening dress was groping for the crystal ball in his hand with his eyes obsessed.

There is a faint sacred atmosphere exuding from it.

On top of an orc fortress as tall as a mountain, countless venom flying dragons with a wingspan of more than 15 meters were flying in the sky.

Shadows were cast onto the ground, like twisted monsters.

At the highest point of the fortress, a flag with a black wolf head engraved on it flutters in the wind.

At the top of the flag, a crystal ball exuding majestic magic power is providing energy to the entire fortress.

In the vast white sky, snowflakes were falling all over the sky.

In a city built with frost and snow, a lord wearing a crown of ice and snow stood on the city wall.

His blue eyes stared at the monsters that surged like the sea outside the city and were covered with ice and snow.

He held a sharp sword tightly in his hand, and the green gem inlaid on the hilt was shining brightly.

Behind him, a statue of the Snow Queen shone with light, and the cold power froze the earth.

Three pictures flashed by, and Lear immediately sensed that that was where the remaining fragments of the swamp godhead were scattered.

After taking over the authority, he could also vaguely sense the general direction.

At this moment, the vampire in the dark castle suddenly raised his head and looked into the air, his eyes turning scarlet.

"Who is spying on my treasure?!"

In the orc tribe, a venom flying dragon flapped its wings and landed on the edge of the flag on the top of the fortress.

Turning over, an orc with a ferocious head and a sharp knife appeared. His long fangs protruded from his lips, and he glanced around.

"I smell the enemy's breath and take care of our flag. This is the foundation for the rise of my Black Wolf clan!"

On the ice and snow, the lord with the crown on his head suddenly woke up and turned to look at the statue of the goddess behind him.

There was uncertainty in his eyes.

"My God, were you observing us just now?"

Although he didn't get a response, his spirits were still high.

He fiercely waved the long sword in his hand, pointing at the ice and snow monster that was rushing towards the city wall.

He looked at the soldiers on the wall.

"The great, merciful, just, eternal Lord of ice and snow is staring at us!"

"Block these low-level beings and protect the people of the Ice and Snow Goddess!"

Countless armored warriors on the city wall looked fiercely at this moment, and their morale suddenly became high.

At this moment, Lear didn't know that those pictures were aware of his gaze, and all his attention was focused on his mind.

Swamp authority! !

The power that only gods can control is now completely integrated into the broken godhead.

At this moment, he truly controls the power of authority!

And it is complete, not broken at all!

Now, he, the swamp god, will officially embark on an eternal road!

The only pity is that the godhead is severely broken, severely limiting the power of authority.

Like an elephant being forced into a mouse hole.

The carrier cannot carry the power of an individual. Only by condensing part of one's power, leaving a mouse-sized body, can one turn around in it.

However, if he can obtain all the power, he will not be able to stay in the main plane, and the rules will exclude him into the chaotic void.

But despite this, he still controls power that ordinary people can't imagine! !

Taking a deep breath, suppressing the emotions that almost exploded in his heart, he looked at the flying dragon that was imprisoned on the earth of flesh and blood.

The corners of his mouth were raised high.

Level 16 beings, a few months ago, were like gods and demons in his eyes, not to be spied on or offended.

Now in prison!

At this moment, he can ban and suppress with one hand.

The difference is as if it were a lifetime ago.

While thinking, he stretched out his hand.

The 12 chains of fighting spirit that sealed the flying dragon slowly rose into the sky and lingered around him again.

Standing in the sky, chains are lingering in circles.

Wearing a blood crown on his head, a cloak as black as ink rustled behind him.

This picture was deeply engraved in Kalanis' mind, and she felt that she would not forget it even the day she died.

The big demon and the flesh and blood slayer, the two-headed ogre chief below are slowly crawling down at this moment, saluting their master with the most humble and fanatical attitude. (End of this chapter)

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