"What's so strange about that?" Liewu frowned, thinking that Ivankov was trying to steal the credit.

"Aaaah~ I just feel it’s weird, how do I know what’s weird?"

"You are just talking nonsense!" Lie Wu slapped Ivankov's hand away in dissatisfaction and said,"Also, stay away from me! Don't touch me!"

"If you are not afraid, then don't be afraid. Why are you so fierce?"

Ivankov pouted. The muscular man was so shy that it gave people goose bumps.

Hunter Five looked at Ivankov with disgust, then waved his hand and said,"Coward, stay here. The rest of you follow me into the grassland and carry the treasure chest for the lord!!"

""Yes, Captain!"

All the leaders responded.

This time it was Ye Qianfan's turn to reach out and stop Hunter Five and the others, saying,"Hunter Five, don't be impulsive! I also think what Ivankov said makes sense. This oasis looks really strange."

Ye Qianfan naturally knew that the problem was with those trees. After all, he had a clue!

But what surprised him was the intuition of Ivankov, the dead demon!

So Ye Qianfan really wanted to know... if Ivankov could see anything from it. If Ivankov really could foresee the danger and find the cause of the crisis... then with him exploring the way, the exploration work of Hunter Five Team would definitely be much safer!

"Lord, do you believe his lies too?" Lie Wu said with some dissatisfaction:"Look at this oasis, except for a few trees, it is peaceful and quiet, there is not even a little movement, what kind of danger can there be!"

"There is not even a little movement... not even a little movement... soga!"

Ivankov repeated Hunter Five's words, his eyes suddenly lit up and he said,"It's just too quiet! Yeah~ It's just too quiet here!"

"What does"too quiet" mean? Isn't quiet good?" Liewu was puzzled, but soon Liewu, a hunter-born leader, finally reacted and said,"Yes! How can the forest be so quiet! Generally speaking, there should be birds singing or animals appearing in the forest!"

""Aiya! My little Wuwu, do you finally understand?"

Ivankov wanted to move closer to Liewu again.

But Liewu dodged him. Liewu pulled out an arrow and said angrily:"If you come closer again, believe it or not, I will stab you to death with one arrow!"

"I don't believe it! If you really want to stab the Yin family!" Ivankov turned around, raised his butt and said:"Here is for you!"

"" Get out!!!"

At this moment, a little sparrow flew towards the oasis!

The little sparrow seemed to be unaware of the danger. It just jumped a few times on the grass, then flapped its wings and flew towards several big trees!

But then... a strange scene appeared!

The big tree closest to the little sparrow actually stretched out a vine, quickly rolled up the sparrow, and then shrank back towards the trunk!

Until this moment!

Everyone saw clearly that this strange big tree actually moved a branch, revealing a big black hole on the trunk.

The sparrow was directly rolled up by the vine and thrown into the tree hole!

Then... everyone heard a strange"clicking" sound coming from the oasis!


Liewu finally felt scared.

He immediately knelt on one knee and said,"Lord, I turned a blind eye to the danger. I am not worthy of leading a hunting team! Please give my position to Ivankov, he is the one with real ability!"

"You are an old hunter who knows what to track and what not to track, while Ivankov is good at finding dangers."Ye Qianfan said:"So I think you two should divide the work and cooperate with each other. Next, Ivankov will be responsible for exploring the way, and you will be responsible for commanding everyone, understand?"

""I understand, Lord!"

Lie Wu nodded repeatedly.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Ye Qianfan drew his bow and shot the arrow of fire, saying,"Okay, let me take care of these tree spirits next!"

However, just as Ye Qianfan drew his bow and was about to shoot, the big trees seemed to sense the danger and shook their huge trunks, making the leaves rustle and even dropping a lot of dead leaves.

The next moment,

Ye Qianfan received a strange sound in his brain.

"Human! We have no grudge against you, why are you targeting us?"

"Because you have what I want here!" Ye Qianfan smiled and said,"But I think if I don't show a little bit of strength, you won't give it to me easily!"

"what do you want?"

"I want the golden treasure chest next to you, will you give it to me?"

"Golden treasure chest?" The tree spirit was very curious and asked:"What is that?"

Ye Qianfan:"It's in the lower left corner of the third tree!"

"There is nothing there except a burst of energy?"

"You can't see it?"

Until this moment,

Ye Qianfan was sure! It seemed that these treasure chests were invisible to monsters other than the players!

"What can't you see?" The tree spirit tilted its crown and said in confusion,"Although I don't know what you want, as long as you want something, you can take it! But don't disturb our peace!"

"This... is fine!"

Ye Qianfan thought about it. If he could win without fighting, it wouldn't be a bad thing.

After all, the tree spirit would turn into charcoal once burned.

It seemed useless.

Instead of that, he might as well save an enchanted arrow!

"Lie Wu, take two people and carry out the golden treasure chest!" Ye Qianfan ordered.

""Yes, Lord."

Liewu seemed a little scared, but he also knew that the Lord would never harm him, so he immediately pointed out two people and followed him into the oasis.

At this time...

Ye Qianfan suddenly shouted to Liewu and others:"Retreat quickly, these tree spirits are cheating!"

Because the moment Liewu stepped into the grass.

Ye Qianfan saw several red exclamation marks appear on the grass!

【Tree Spirit's Vines: These vines are like the hands and feet of tree spirits, they can easily travel underground and hunt their prey! Once you are entangled by their vines, the end is even more painful than death!】

"Damn you Black Mountain Old Demon!"

Ye Qianfan was almost tricked by the tree demon, and immediately got furious and said,"I told you to cheat! I'll shoot you to death with one arrow!!"


A fire arrow flew out quickly!

The tree spirit seemed to feel the threat of the fire arrow. The vines that were originally running underground all broke through the ground at the same time and rolled directly towards the fire arrow in the air!

But the fire arrow was originally composed of a large amount of fire elements, how could these rotten vines hold it?


The moment the first vine wrapped around the Fire Arrow, the vine instantly burned up. The vine trembled in pain and quickly let go of the Fire Arrow!

The Fire Arrow continued to shoot towards the tree trunk!

At this moment, the tree spirits actually did a weird thing at the same time!

They revealed the tree hole in the middle of the trunk at the same time... and sprayed a lot of water towards the Fire Arrow!

【Fountain of Life: Contains a large amount of spiritual energy, which can not only increase a person's lifespan, but also increase affinity with elements. It is a treasure that allows a mortal to quickly advance to a magician! 】

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