"Everyone, be on alert!"

Ye Qianfan shouted hurriedly.

Except for Shi Liu, the people in the territory only then noticed the green monster that appeared not far from them.

The original archers were all hurriedly holding their bows and arrows, ready to shoot arrows, but Ye Qianfan felt that the fighting power of these people in the territory was unreliable! If they really relied on them, it was estimated that everyone would die this time!

""Daji, protect the people!"

Ye Qianfan shouted to Daji, and then he quickly drew out the Wind Arrow. Just when he was about to aim at the goblin, he saw the goblin move!

The speed was so fast... like a flash of green light!

The goblin was very smart. It did not attack Ye Qianfan, the main force of the battle, but the people who looked the weakest on the side!

Fortunately, Ye Qianfan had arranged Daji in advance to protect the people!

Daji was... the most agile among all of them!


Daji turned into a flash of white light and immediately blocked Shi Liu's way. Then, she slashed the invisible air in front of her with her sharp claws!


A scream rang out in the air.

A few drops of green blood splashed out and dripped onto the ground!

Ye Qianfan then realized that the goblin had appeared near Shi Liu without him noticing when!

It turned out that this goblin had been making a feint to the east and attacking in the west from the very beginning.

He had never thought of attacking the weakest subject, but was staring at Shi Liu, intending to take back its weapon!

But its agility was not as high as Daji's, so its trajectory was captured!

That's why it was injured!

It must be said...

the goblin's feint to the east and attacking in the west was really awesome!

And Ye Qianfan also took advantage of the moment when Daji captured the goblin and immediately shot the Wind Arrow!

The speed of the Wind Arrow was extremely fast!

Almost at the moment when Ye Qianfan released the bowstring, the arrow reached the target point!


The sound of an arrow piercing flesh rang out.

The goblin screamed once again, and then reappeared in front of everyone!


"Shoot quickly!!"

The people in the territory reacted one after another.

Those with bows and arrows quickly shot arrows, and soon, four arrows shot by the people in the territory also hit the goblin one after another!

At this time, the goblin immediately turned into a complete hedgehog, and the wind arrows also began to blow a tornado in the goblin's body.

In an instant... the goblin's flesh was directly torn apart by the tornado!


Then it quickly spun along the tornado.

It looked like a pile of crayfish thrown into a washing machine, all minced into crayfish paste!


There were exclamation marks all over the ground.

Ye Qianfan didn't want to collect them all, after all, the bloody and messy things on the ground were disgusting.

But in order not to pollute the environment, he still bit the bullet and collected them all!

【Goblin Meat +100】

【Earth Beast Core +2】

【Goblin Fang +2】


Ye Qianfan looked at the so-called meat paste in his backpack.

He couldn't think of what this meat paste could be used for, so he clicked on it and took a look.

【Goblin meat paste: The taste is very woody, like the taste of old sow meat, slightly sour! But the flesh and blood of the goblin contains the power of agility, which can be eaten by the people or pets! 】

There is a bonus meat filling...

It seems that it can only be left to Chusi to make dumplings!

The goblin was dealt with.

Ye Qianfan looked around again. There seemed to be no other dangers in the entire gray mining area!

But in order to ensure the safety of the miners.

He still asked the white eagle to patrol above the entire gray mining area!

""Eagle Eye!"

At the same time,

Ye Qianfan also used the Eagle Eye effect.

This way, he could check the gray mining area, which was not small in size, faster!

The fog in the gray mining area was not thick, only a thin layer, so it did not affect the White Eagle's vision!

Soon... the White Eagle had already completed a round of inspection.

Ye Qianfan was sure that there was no danger, so he let Shi Liu's team stay to mine. As for how to distribute it, Shi Liu was responsible!

"You don't need too much magnetic ore. Iron ore and ferrous iron ore are more effective, so dig more!"

"Yes, Lord!"

After arranging the task, Ye Qianfan led the Hunter Five team and left the gray mining area directly.

Heading east!

【East: Go east for another 2000 meters and you will find a gold treasure chest】

【PS: There are a group of tree spirits around the gold treasure chest. They are very powerful, but you can try to use fire arrows to deal with them! 】


If it weren't for the lack of time, Ye Qianfan would have wanted to take the gold treasure chest!

However, the prompt on the gold treasure chest has actually changed. Yesterday's prompt about the tree spirit was……

【PS: There are a group of tree spirits around the gold treasure chest. If you don't have enough firearms, I don't recommend you to provoke them! If you want to rely on a little campfire to deal with them, you may regret it! 】

And today has become……

‘You can try to use the Fire Arrow to deal with them', which also means... that after obtaining the Dragon Bow, his combat power has become much stronger, and he has been rated by the system as a level that can fight the tree spirit!

In this case... let's go!

Ye Qianfan led the team towards the direction of the tree spirit.

However, he didn't know... shortly after he left, in the depths of the gray mine area, several large rocks were suddenly moved away, and a group of goblins wearing red, green and green hats jumped out.

They all held fine steel pickaxes in their hands and were ready to go mining!


The territory of the tree spirit!

Ye Qianfan led Lie Wu and others to the territory of the tree spirit very quickly.

After all, it was only 2,000 meters away from the villa area. With the help of prompts and kerosene lamps, they arrived very quickly.

The territory of the tree spirit was actually an area similar to an oasis.

The ground was covered with neat green grass, as if covered with a whole green carpet. In the middle of the grass, there were six or seven big trees!

The diameter of each tree should be more than three meters, and the roots of the big trees were very long.

Each root was like a willow branch, floating in the wind!


Everything in front of him was so peaceful and beautiful.

It even gave him a sense of comfort and ease, as if he could sit under a tree and read a book slowly!

And the golden treasure chest... was not hidden at all, it was placed openly under a big tree!

The golden light was still shining on the treasure chest!

It was so dazzling!

If Ye Qianfan hadn't seen the hint in advance... he would have rushed forward and opened the treasure chest to see what was inside.

At most, he would have suspected whether there was a treasure chest monster hiding in the treasure chest.

But he could never have thought that... the real danger in this place was actually those big trees that looked the most peaceful and harmless!

"Lord, do you want that treasure chest?"

Lie Wu was naturally unaware of the crisis in front of him. He just saw Ye Qianfan staring at the golden treasure chest, so he said directly:"Let us carry it for you!"

""Aiya! You can't go!"

Before Ye Qianfan could speak, Ivankov suddenly raised his hand to stop Lie Wu and said,"The Yin family always feels that this piece of grass is weird!"

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