"Swish, swish, swish!"

Countless arrows shot out from all directions, piercing the scarecrow like a hedgehog!

The scarecrow yelled at Ye Qianfan in his mind:"Didn't you say there was absolutely no problem? What on earth is going on... Ah!!"

A huge rock came from nowhere... and fell directly from a high place, smashing the scarecrow's head flat!

Fortunately, the scarecrow had no brains...

Otherwise, even the brains would have been smashed out at this time.

"F**K you, you said you were fine! Is this the way you look…Ahhh!!"

The scarecrow screamed before he could finish his words.

Because the spiked iron ball representing the sun… directly broke the stick on the scarecrow’s lower body!


Ye Qianfan looked at the horrible scarecrow in front of him, laughed dryly and said:"Oh, it was just a mistake!"

"Don’t be afraid, you won’t die anyway, so just treat it as a training!"

"I promise to help you recover when I get back!"

Then, he dragged the scarecrow that was smashed into pieces back. He squeezed its head again, trying to make it rounder, although it looked very square now!

Because the scarecrow's head was made of straw, it was still usable.


Ye Qianfan picked up the wooden stick on the scarecrow.

It was completely broken. Even the Sunflower Manual was probably not broken so thoroughly.

It couldn't be saved.……

"Is it really irreparable?" The scarecrow's face changed drastically and he said,"This is my only leg. If I lose even this, what will I do? Woo woo woo……"

"It’s okay, I’ll just change it for you now!"

Ye Qianfan said as he took out a wooden stick from his backpack and poked the scarecrow from bottom to top!


"Oh oh…oh oh oh……"

The scarecrow made a sour sound.

Ye Qianfan slapped its flat head and said,"What the hell! Can you feel it? Now that the prosthesis is installed, get up quickly and continue to try!"

"Still trying? I'm almost stabbed to pieces, are you still human?"

""No, go!"

Ye Qianfan admitted without hesitation.

Then he patted the scarecrow's butt and said,"Okay! Okay! Go back and promise to let the service help you fix it, okay!"

""We agreed to be on duty! You can't lie to me!"

The scarecrow cried and jumped to the stone man's feet.

Taking advantage of this time, Ye Qianfan studied the map again. He soon found that the cloud cover pattern was regular, first the sun, then the moon, and finally the stars.

Does it mean that the buttons need to be pressed in order?

"Brother Scarecrow, quickly press the symbol of the sun, then the moon, and finally the stars!"

Ye Qianfan instructed the Scarecrow.

The Scarecrow trembled, and according to Ye Qianfan's request, he pressed down on the nail art of the sun and said,"Is it really okay this time? You promise, don't do it again!"

"It should... maybe... be okay... right!"

After failing N times, Ye Qianfan was indeed not so confident!

However, as the scarecrow quickly pressed the sun symbol, and then the moon symbol, the trap did not activate. Ye Qianfan's eyes suddenly lit up and said:"I said there is no problem! Look, there is no problem at all!!"



The scarecrow sneered and pressed the last star symbol.……


The huge stone man actually moved, then raised his hand and stretched.

But when the huge stone man stretched, he accidentally slapped the scarecrow standing at his feet with a sword and sent it flying!


The scarecrow flew out directly.

Ye Qianfan blocked the sunlight with his hands, watched the flying scarecrow from afar, and mourned for it for three seconds!

He finally understood that this guy was a non-African!

Everything before... had nothing to do with his decision at all, it was purely because the scarecrow was too dark!


The huge stone man stretched himself and then spoke:

"Who woke me up?"

"It's me!" Ye Qianfan raised his hand from afar and said,"I'm planning to enter the treasure land. Could you please let me pass, Brother Stoneman?""

"The boy was lucky, he was able to calculate the password correctly and pass the test."

The stone man moved his toes and swept away the sand in front of him, revealing an extremely complex formula underneath.

After Ye Qianfan saw the formula carved on the ground, he opened his mouth in surprise!

(๑ʘ̅ д ʘ̅๑)!!!

So there were calculation questions!

And he passed the test purely by guessing and pressing buttons randomly.

"I was saying, why is the scarecrow so un-African, hahahaha……"

Ye Qianfan scratched his head and smiled awkwardly:"Brother Stoneman, since I have passed the test, can I go in?"

"Of course!" The stone man said in a gentle tone:"But before you go in, you must answer a question for me first!"

"what is the problem?"

"Do you think I look like a human?"

The stone man suddenly asked a strange question.

Ye Qianfan was about to answer when he remembered the story of the legendary Wong Tai Sin. It was said that a weasel that had cultivated successfully would run down the mountain and stop passers-by to ask a question.

That question was exactly the same as the stone man's!

If you answer"yes", it means you have given it half of its lifespan and helped it grow up.

If you answer"no", it means that the weasel has not yet reached the level of cultivation. Your words will directly damage its cultivation. The weasel will naturally cause trouble for you, and may even pester you for the rest of your life, making you unlucky for the rest of your life!

The stone man's question was really suspicious!

Just when Ye Qianfan was suspicious……

【Don't answer Stone Guard's questions! It's a trap!】

【If you answer that it is 'like' a human, it will replace you as a human, and you will have to guard the gate to the treasure land for it until the next substitute appears!】

【If you answer it"not like", it will be furious because you have deprived it of the opportunity to leave here! So it will do everything it can to kill you!】

【PS: Don't try to provoke the Stone Guard. It has been standing here for nearly a hundred years and has absorbed enough elements of heaven and earth. Its full-strength attack is comparable to that of a great mage! So... don't provoke it!】


Ye Qianfan was speechless at this hint.

You've been talking for a long time, but you haven't said a single useful word. How do you crack it? Tell me!

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