This time.

Ye Qianfan did not let Mu Ba and Yao San send Daji back alone.

Instead, he personally sent everyone back to the villa, and asked the servants to open up a piece of land in the corner of the garden as a cemetery for the sacrificed soldiers.

When Ye Qianfan pulled the scarecrow out of the pit, the sacrificed citizens had turned into ashes along with the mud monster, so Ye Qianfan could only make a cenotaph for it.

As for the ceremony, it will naturally be held after Ye Qianfan has gone to the treasure land!

The time for exploration during the day cannot be wasted.

Otherwise... more and more people will die later.

With the white eagle and the scarecrow, Ye Qianfan rode a bone horse all the way to the treasure land.

Along the way, he did not encounter any crisis.

Although he did not know when the sister of the wilderness witch would come to take revenge, Ye Qianfan still had to do the necessary protection. He planned to wait until the sun went down and return to the villa, then repair the guardrail first, and plant tentacle sunflowers to prevent invaders.


The journey of more than ten kilometers was completed in less than half an hour at the speed of a bone horse.

The so-called treasure place was actually in a pile of rocks, and at the entrance to the treasure was a statue-like thing, a towering gate frame, and next to it stood a stone man leaning on a sword.

But the strange thing was... the gate of this so-called treasure place was really just a 20-meter-high door frame, with nothing inside?

Ye Qianfan rode his horse and turned twice in the door frame.

At the same time, he touched the stone sword in the stone man's hand, but there was still no change!

"Lord, look at the patterns on the stone man's toenails."

The scarecrow was tied to the horse, head down, so he could see clearly.

Upon hearing this, Ye Qianfan immediately jumped off the horse.

He actually discovered that... the ten toenails of the stone man were carved with different patterns.

Could this be the earliest nail art?

Ye Qianfan was about to touch it, and suddenly saw some red exclamation marks on these nails!

【Warning to the naughty kids: don’t touch it!】

【Each symbol represents a corresponding threat. Among these ten symbols, only one is the correct way to wake up the stone man. The other patterns represent various mechanisms. If you don’t want to die, don’t touch them!】


This hint was finally useful once.

Ye Qianfan then carefully examined the patterns on the stone's feet. Among them, there was a pattern similar to a bow and arrow. Needless to say, it represented a thousand arrows piercing the heart.

But he didn't know why.

Ye Qianfan scanned and felt that these patterns looked like various weapons, each of which looked dangerous.

After leading the bone horse back to a distance of 20 to 30 meters, Ye Qianfan took out a short bow and shot at a seemingly correct toenail of the stone man!


The arrow hit the stone man's nails!

The next second, the stone man's big stone sword arrived in the blink of an eye and directly cut the arrow in half.


The broken arrow fell to the ground.

After the stone man cut off the arrow, he returned to calmness, as if he had never moved.

Is it necessary to try all ten arrows?

Anyway, it is far away.

Ye Qianfan does not have to worry about the stone man attacking him.

How smart!

The second arrow!


A stream of fire burst out from the stone man's mouth.

The broken arrow that had fallen on the ground was even burned to charcoal by the fire.

One can imagine how powerful this fire is.

The third arrow!


A big pit appeared under the stone man's feet, sucking the charred broken arrows into the ground.

If Ye Qianfan had just stood there, he would have sunk in now!


Ye Qianfan shot the fourth arrow, the fifth arrow, and the sixth arrow...

They corresponded to acid water, falling rocks, ground spikes, retractable stone pillars, thousands of arrows piercing his heart, and a spiked iron ball falling!

The ten toes of the stone man corresponded to ten ways of death!


Isn't there a correct way to wake up the stone man?

How come all ten of them are death traps?

Ye Qianfan was confused.

He had no choice but to take out the map again and carefully study the pattern of the treasure land drawn on the map. Then Ye Qianfan found that there were a few clouds floating in the picture of the treasure land from time to time.

☁️ ☁️ ☁️

And under the clouds, there seemed to be some very small patterns hidden. After carefully observing for a while, Ye Qianfan discovered that there were actually three patterns. The first one was a star, the second one was a moon, and the third one was a sun.

The patterns were very simple, and these three patterns happened to be on the toes of the stone man.

Could it be... that all three patterns had to be pressed at the same time?

But Ye Qianfan remembered these three patterns. The star represented a way of death by being pierced by thousands of arrows, the moon represented a way of death by falling rocks, and the sun represented a way of death by being hit by a spiked iron ball.

Each one was a bit miserable!

Ye Qianfan naturally didn't want to take the risk, so he turned his head and looked at the scarecrow!


"What do you want to do?"

"I think……"Ye Qianfan rubbed his hands together and said with a smile:"Help me try the password!"

"Let me try?" The scarecrow took a deep breath and said,"My Lord, you should have seen the arrows shot out from the stone man, the fire sprayed out, and the stones falling down, right? You still want me to try?"

"I have found the password, nothing will happen, don't worry!"

Ye Qianfan said as he tied three arrows on the scarecrow's arms, corresponding to the positions of the stars, the moon and the sun!

But the scarecrow jumped and roared:"Since there will be no problem, why don't you try it!"

"You won't die if you try, but I may die at any time if I try. Who will help you find work and weave your body then?" Ye Qianfan said in a gentle and persuasive way,"Don't you think so? Brother Scarecrow!"

"Get lost! I am neither human nor ghost now, all because of you!"

"Hehe, I promise that if you help me try it out this time, I will definitely get you the best body, the best suit, and even install a mosquito net to prevent insects and crows. How about it?"Ye

Qianfan continued to offer generous conditions.

The Scarecrow snorted coldly and said,"I'm going to sleep in the service room for a night!"


Ye Qianfan agreed immediately.

The scarecrow then jumped towards the stone man and turned around and asked worriedly:"Are you sure everything is fine? The password must be correct, right? I don't want to be burned by fire, or I will really die!"

"Don't worry, there will be absolutely no problem!" Ye Qianfan vowed!

"Okay, I'll believe you this time!"

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