"Boom boom~"

Ye Qianfan ran in front, and a group of snow monsters chased him wildly from behind!

If Ye Qianfan hadn't been very agile, he would have been torn to pieces by the snow monsters, and the snow monster queen's white hair was also torn off!


The Snow Monster Queen's scream immediately aroused the fury of the male Snow Monsters!

They even beat their chests while running!

They let out angry roars!


The roar resounded across the entire ice field.

The snow mountain was originally shaken by the explosion of the magma octopus, causing the ice and snow to loosen and become extremely unstable.

Coupled with the running of a group of snow monsters at this time, countless roars and footsteps……



The snow mountain began to roar like a mountain god!

The next moment, the snow mountain began to shake.

The shaking sound of the snow mountain far exceeded all other sounds.

Ye Qianfan and the snow monster also stopped at this moment and looked towards the snow mountain!


Everyone was stunned.

Ye Qianfan didn't expect that his behavior could cause an avalanche.

All the snow monsters were also stunned. They didn't expect that their behavior would disturb the mountain god. The snow mountain actually collapsed!

Countless ice and snow slid down from the mountain peak at an extremely fast speed.

This time, let alone Ye Qianfan's agility bonus, even if he became a god of agility, he would not be able to escape.

In the blink of an eye, the ice and snow sliding down from the snow mountain directly covered all the people and monsters... including Ye Qianfan, the snow monster queen, and the group of snow monsters following him!

In an instant... all traces on the snow disappeared.

The white ground was so clean!



Chu Si and others watched the sun gradually set and the thick fog gradually rose.

But the Lord and Lie Wu's team had not returned yet. At this time, both Shi Liu's team and Yao San and others had returned.

Only the Lord had not returned yet!

"Lord! It's the Lord who's back!"

Chu Si and the others stood at the door of the villa, looking into the depths of the fog.

At this time... a dim light lit up in the fog.

It was the light of the kerosene lamp, and it was also the light that guided everyone back!

When everyone heard that it was the Lord who had returned, they all smiled.

But when the light of the kerosene lamp got closer and closer!

Some sharp-eyed people found……

"Why are there only five people?"

The attendant exclaimed,"And it seems that the leader is not the Lord, but Hunter Five! Where is Lady Daji? Why doesn't she seem to be following?"

Daji looks different from them. She is also the most recognizable person in this team. At this time, they all discovered that Daji and the Lord did not seem to have come back with them!

"Lie Wu!"

When Lie Wu and his companions broke through the fog and returned to the gate of the villa, everyone came forward and asked,"Where is the lord? What's going on? Why didn't the lord come back with you?"

""Has the Lord not come back yet?"

Lie Wu and the others were also surprised.

They originally thought that with the Lord's speed, he should be able to return to the villa faster than them!

But now from the service staff, Lie Wu and the others know...

The Lord has not come back yet!

What is going on!!

"Didn't come back!" Shi Liu also asked in surprise:"Didn't the Lord take you to the ice field? Why did you come back, but the Lord didn't? Did you guys do something to the Lord?"

"How could we?!"

Hearing this, Lie Wu immediately knelt on one knee and said,"We are loyal to the Lord, and his heart is clear!!"

"We are absolutely loyal to our Lord!"

"Even if the Lord asks us to die immediately, we will not say no!!"

Several members of the Hunting Team 51 knelt down and swore.

Even Ivankov was no exception!

Although he did not respect the Lord as much as others at the beginning, after this incident, Ivankov also had infinite admiration for the Lord!

At this moment... he heard that the Lord had not returned yet, and his eyes were immediately blurred with tears!

Did the Lord really sacrifice himself for them?!


Absolutely impossible!

"Actually, it is like this……"

Liewu told Chuwu and others what happened on the ice field.

After knowing that the lord was willing to do so much for them, the mere subjects, everyone suddenly became tearful!

They all gathered at the door of the villa, ignoring the gradually deepening fog. They just held hands and waited for the return of the lord!

But they waited and waited... from the bright day to the dark night when the sun set.

The lord still didn't come back!

Many people gave up waiting.

Although Chusi wanted to wait, the kitchen still needed her, so she could only return to the kitchen with tears in her eyes to prepare dinner for the lord and other subjects. The night gradually deepened... from time to time in the fog, terrible sounds came from time to time, and various black shadows swayed.

The service made an exception and took out a few kerosene lamps and placed them by the gate of the villa. Although this was a waste, and although the lord would scold her for being a spendthrift, she still hoped... if the lord could come back, she hoped that he could see the dim light at the door of the villa from a distance.

That light might be like the light from a lighthouse, guiding the lord home!

Unfortunately... to their disappointment.

They waited from dusk until the kerosene lamp went out, but still could not wait for the lord.

"Leader of the fifth hunting team, you guys should go back and rest as well."

The attendant said with a hint of frustration,"It has been ten hours since the sun went down. The Lord may……"

"Shut up!!!" Lie Wu slapped the servant's hand and said,"The Lord will be fine! I warn you, if you dare to say a word again, I will chop you off on the spot!"

""Captain Liewu, don't be impulsive!"

Everyone hurriedly stopped Liewu.

Chusi had already heated up the dinner again and again. This was the third time she came to the door of the villa and persuaded Liewu and others,"Captain Liewu, I also believe that the lord will definitely come back, you should go and have your meal first!"

"Only when you are full will you have the energy to continue waiting for the Lord and work for him tomorrow, right?"

Chu Si's words eased Lie Wu's mood a little.

Although he didn't believe that the Lord would never come back, everyone knew... the horror of this fog!

Once you get lost in the fog, once you can't go back after sunset, you may never...

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