[Battle for the Yeti Queen's Husband: The strongest male Yetis compete violently, and the winner will obtain all the female Yetis and the right to reproduce with the Yeti Queen!】

【PS: Obtaining the right to reproduce with the Snow Queen is the dream of all male Snow Monsters. However, male Snow Monsters who fail in the competition will be permanently expelled from the Snow Monster tribe and have to find their own way to survive!

After reading the prompts, Ye Qianfan realized that these Snow Monsters gathered together... to compete for the position of the king's husband!

It seems that this population of Snow Monsters is quite special, and they still have a matriarchal system!

And the petite Snow Monster standing next to the two Snow Monsters should be their queen, right?

If... their queen is stolen!

Ye Qianfan felt that the scene must be very exciting just by thinking about it!

Returning to where the subjects were, he roughly recounted what happened before.

"Lie Wu." Ye Qianfan said to Lie Wu, Daji and others,"I will lead these snow monsters away, and then you can take the opportunity to leave and go back to the villa! Do you understand?"

"My Lord, then...then what will you do?"


Liewu and others were worried about Ye Qianfan.

But Ye Qianfan smiled and said,"I'm agile and fast, those big snow monsters may not be able to catch up with me! Don't worry!"


Lie Wu burst into tears, knelt on one knee on the ground, and bowed to Ye Qianfan and said:"What Lord has done for us, Lie Wu will always remember it in his heart!"

"We will remember this in our hearts!!"

Everyone knelt down and kowtowed to the Lord.

Because they also knew that the previous events were probably not as simple as the Lord said.

But the Lord was willing to sacrifice himself for them, which moved them to the extreme!

But they didn't know...

In fact, Ye Qianfan was just thinking that if his people died, it would be a waste of labor, but if he really wanted him to sacrifice himself to save the people, it would be impossible.

He just wanted to give it a try...

If the snow monster didn't run with him, he would have to say"bye-bye" to the people!

As for sacrificing himself, Ye Qianfan didn't even think about it.

"Okay, stop kneeling here and there, it's like we're parting forever." Ye Qianfan stood up, waved his hand and said,"I just did what I should do!"


Everyone choked up.

However, Ye Qianfan shrugged. In fact, he would have done the same thing even if there were no people in the territory!

So he could understand the excitement of the people in the territory...

But he would not explain it.

After all...

It's the law of profiteers, but why should I explain it if I can get benefits.

As a beautiful lie, there is nothing wrong with it. It's really good for everyone!

【Loyalty of subjects +10】

【Loyalty of subjects +5】

【Loyalty of subjects……】

""Okay, let's go!"

After Ye Qianfan received the system prompt, his mood suddenly became cheerful.

Then he took out a few pieces of snow monster fur, quickly made a snow monster sweater cloak with a hood, and then put it on himself. At first glance... he really looked like a smaller snow monster.


He walked towards the snow monster stealthily.

Sure enough, no snow monsters along the way recognized him as a non-tribe existence, until he walked to the edge of the snow monster circle, those snow monsters still didn't recognize him!

Although surrounded by dozens or hundreds of snow monsters, Ye Qianfan was a little panicked.

But fortunately... all the snow monsters were paying attention to the dispute between the king and the husband at this time, and no one seemed to notice his existence.


""Ah, hiss!"

The big snow monsters in the field were already fighting to the death.

They even rolled to the ground. They were biting and tearing each other's fur with sharp teeth and claws!

Soon blood oozed from the fur, revealing a little scarlet color.

However, just when they were fighting to the death... an arrow suddenly rushed past them, with a purple ghost claw tied to the top of the arrow, and then flew all the way to the side of the snow monster queen, and the arrow fell on the ice and snow staff in the queen's hand!

But the ghost claw tied to the arrow suddenly grabbed the snow monster queen's wrist with a"click" sound!

The snow monster queen was shocked!

The two big snow monsters who were originally fighting for the position of the king's husband were also shocked. They stopped their actions and stared at the arrow and ghost claw that suddenly appeared!

No one knew what happened!


But before they could react, the Snow Monster Queen was suddenly pulled down by something, and then it was like a sled, and was directly pulled up by Ye Qianfan, the Husky. The man and the Snow Monster ran wildly on the snow! They dragged a long mark on the ground!



It was not until Ye Qianfan dragged the Snow Monster Queen hundreds of meters away that the Snow Monsters realized that their Queen had been dragged away!

They were immediately furious and could no longer hold back. They all chased after Ye Qianfan!

Ye Qianfan dragged their Queen away like this.……

ヽ(∀<●) o—————(・ω・」∠)_At the same time, hundreds of snow monsters were also held back. One person led a group of wild monsters and ran wildly on the ice field!

When the people saw this, they took advantage of the opportunity when the snow monsters were led away and quickly slipped away!

After Daji sent the people out of the ice field, she suddenly turned back resolutely. Lie Wu quickly stopped Daji and said,"Lord Daji, please come back with us! The lord is taking a huge risk, and we can't cause him any more trouble!"


However, Daji's tail swung unhappily.

After warning Liewu with its claws and teeth bared, it circled around Liewu!

Liewu and others watched Daji leave and lowered their heads silently, because Lady Daji knew the danger inside, but she was still determined to save the Lord, and they……

"Hey, Xiao Wuwu, you don’t have to think so much~"

Ivankov suddenly patted Liewu on the shoulder and comforted him:"The lord naturally has his own ideas. We are his tools... No, we are his subjects. As long as we do what he says, it will be the right choice!"

"It’s time for us to hurry back to the villa, as time is running out!"

"With our speed, it may be difficult to get back, so let's not waste any more time.~"

"Don't call me Xiao Wuwu anymore!"

Lie Wu was furious, and then he looked at the gray sky again. The fog had become very heavy at this time.

Even the range of the kerosene lamp seemed to be not that far.

This was the sign before the sun set!

"Let's go!"

Liewu knew that Ivankov was right. The Lord had agility, but they didn't!

If they didn't leave now, they would really be sorry for the Lord's great kindness in saving them!

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