After pulling the lock with his hands, Zhang Sheng found that he couldn't open it with his current strength.

How to get in became a problem.

He suddenly remembered that there was usually an evacuation staircase behind the hotel.

When he came to the back of the hotel, it was blocked by a 2-meter-high wall.

Seeing the barbed wire above the wall, Zhang Sheng broke them with a baton and then climbed up.

Sure enough, he saw a staircase behind the hotel.

The staircase was made of iron and was rusty.

It made a "squeaking" sound when stepped on.

The door connecting the staircase to the second floor was locked. Zhang Sheng pushed hard and found that the door did not move at all.

Helplessly, he had to continue going upstairs.

When he came to the third floor, there were bloody handprints everywhere around the door, and a blood-stained notebook lay quietly on the ground.

He walked over and picked up the notebook.

[Get the task item, Ghoul Notes, start the Ghoul Clearing Task]

[Ghoul Clearing Task]: 1-star task, clear all the ghouls in the Denglaihui Hotel. After completing the task, you can get 50 crystal cores, 300 experience points, and ghoul summoning skills.

Hmm? I took a task for no reason.

Without thinking too much, Zhang Sheng opened the Ghoul Notes. The first page showed a humanoid monster.

Jagged teeth, sharp claws, and sewn eyes.

The second page records the ghoul's attack methods and skills.

Ghouls not only use sharp claws to attack, but also extend an arm from their stomachs to sneak attack opponents.

This information is extremely important. Fortunately, there is this notebook, otherwise it would be terrible if they were sneak attacked when the fight started.

The third page writes the ghoul's weaknesses.

Ghouls' weaknesses: Their heads are extremely fragile, and they can be easily headshot with blunt instruments and sharp blades.

Looking down at the baton in his hand, Zhang Sheng thought: "Blunt weapon, isn't this it?"

The back of the notebook records how the ghouls were produced and the relationship between the ghouls and the owner of this notebook.

After a quick glance, Zhang Sheng found that these ghouls were actually made by the owner of the notebook.

The owner of the notebook is called Robert, the director of a biological research institute.

These ghouls were also living people before, but they were transformed into monsters by Robert.

"Robert is simply perverted and crazy!" Zhang Sheng secretly despised him in his heart.

This mission is only one star, which means that the combat effectiveness of the ghouls is not very strong.

And after knowing the ghouls' attack methods and their weaknesses, it is much easier to kill these ghouls.

Along the way, he has figured out that if he wants to survive in this world, he can't live long just by running away and hiding.

He must become stronger, and the way to become stronger is to constantly kill zombies to gain experience.

Now that this mission has appeared, it is an opportunity to become stronger, and he can't miss it.

Thinking of this, Zhang Sheng gritted his teeth and walked in.

"Skeleton summon!"

Just in case, he summoned the skeleton soldiers first.

Ordered one of them to clear the way in front, and left one to stay by his side to guard him.

The hotel was very quiet, and there were only the footsteps of Zhang Sheng and the two skeleton soldiers in the corridor.


A shrill cry suddenly came from the front.

A black shadow crawled over from the front ceiling at a high speed, and Zhang Sheng's face suddenly changed slightly.

The ghoul appeared!


The monster that appeared was exactly the same as the monster drawn on the first page of the notebook. Its ugly and terrifying face made Zhang Sheng's heart tighten.

Their eyes were sewn up with some kind of thread, their noses were flattened, and a big mouth with jagged fangs filled the whole face.

The ghoul opened its mouth and roared at Zhang Sheng.

Transparent saliva kept flowing from the corners of its mouth.

An extremely unpleasant stench of decay came over, almost making Zhang Sheng faint.

"This smell is simply..."

Zhang Sheng held back the stench and ordered two skeleton soldiers to start fighting.

The ghoul hung upside down on the ceiling with its feet, and the sharp claws on its hands grabbed Zhang Sheng fiercely.


The claws were blocked by the skeleton soldier's bone knife, making a crisp sound.

Another skeleton soldier quickly stepped forward and slashed the ghoul's thick arm with a knife.

Blood splattered everywhere, and the ghoul's arm broke with a sound, and blood condensed into a ball continued to splatter from the wound.


The ghoul let out a miserable cry.


A metal arrow flew towards the ghoul's head at a high speed.


The metal arrow accurately penetrated the ghoul's head.

A huge pain came, and the ghoul screamed, fell from the ceiling and fell to the ground.


The ghoul fell to the ground, its body trembling constantly, and its wails of pain were endless.

"Bang!" Zhang Sheng walked over and switched his weapon to a baton.

He swung the baton and smashed it hard on the head, blowing it off.

"Kill the ghoul and get 20 experience points!"

"Fuck, killing a ghoul actually gives 20 experience points, which is equivalent to killing 10 level 0 zombies." After seeing the experience points, Zhang Sheng couldn't help but exclaimed.

The combat power of the ghoul was indeed as he thought, not very strong, and could be easily killed.

[Ghoul Clearing Task Progress]: 1/20.

There are actually 20 ghouls!

He looked at the ghoul under his feet and put his hand on it.


[Obtain crystal core*3, obtain ghoul bones*18, obtain ghoul teeth*26, obtain ghoul claws*2]

After collecting, the ghoul's body turned into a light spot and disappeared into the air.

I don't know what these ghoul materials are used for. They don't look very heavy, so Zhang Sheng had to put them in his military backpack first.



Several ghouls' unique cries came from the front of the corridor.

Hearing the sound getting closer, he immediately switched his weapon back to a metal bow.

The ghouls were very fast and appeared in Zhang Sheng's field of vision in an instant.

This time there were three ghouls!


One of the ghouls immediately pounced on Zhang Sheng after seeing him.

Looking at the ghouls with their teeth and claws bared, Zhang Sheng was not panicked at all. He calmly pulled the metal bow and shot an arrow quickly.



The metal arrow instantly penetrated the ghoul's head, killing it, and blood splattered.

"Kill the ghoul, gain 20 experience points!"

Its corpse continued to smash towards Zhang Sheng due to inertia.

He hurriedly stepped back several steps and dodged the corpse.


At this moment, what Zhang Sheng didn't expect was that a ghoul's cry came from behind him, and his face suddenly changed.

No, there is another one behind!

Without any hesitation, Zhang Sheng hurriedly switched his weapon to a baton and blocked his head.


A metal collision sound came, and Zhang Sheng was blown away by a huge force and fell to the ground.

Zhang Sheng did not choose to get up, but rolled to the left side of the room without a locked door, and rolled into the room.

The other two ghouls had already fought with the two skeleton soldiers.

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