Raising his wrist to the level of his eyes, Zhang Sheng looked at the evolution chip on his wrist thoughtfully.

He felt that the evolution chip would definitely be more useful than just increasing the number of slots in the inventory after upgrading.

He came to the next store, which was a store that mainly sold camouflage uniforms.

The ground was full of camouflage uniforms, and the various styles of clothes were dazzling.

The entire store was covered with blood, and it looked like it had been visited by zombies.

There were two corpses with their internal organs ripped out on the ground, and the evolution chip on the wrist was extremely conspicuous.

It seemed that the two of them were besieged by zombies just now.

Just as he was about to walk over to collect their corpses, one of the corpses suddenly moved.


Before it turned into a zombie, Zhang Sheng rushed over and smashed their heads with a baton.

[Gain 2 experience points! ]

[Gain 2 experience points! 】


[Get 5 crystal cores, get 1 novice big shorts]

[Get 5 crystal cores, get 1 novice big shorts]

Pick up a set of black dark night camouflage clothes in the store and put them on.

This store also sells black military boots, and Zhang Sheng immediately picked a pair of suitable ones to put on.

"Finally, I don't have to run around in a pair of big shorts!" Zhang Sheng looked at the heroic figure in the mirror and nodded secretly.

With a height of 1.8 meters, after putting on this dark night camouflage uniform, the whole person's temperament changed 180 degrees in an instant.

This is too cool!

Looking at the handsome guy in the mirror, Zhang Sheng nodded with satisfaction.

Before leaving, he picked up a military backpack on the ground.

His inventory only has 16 slots, which can't hold so many things. At this stage, he must use the backpack to collect as much supplies as possible.

Go back to the store and stuff the snacks and food on the ground and on the shelves into the military backpack.

The heavier ones were put into the inventory.

After the backpack was full, he was ready to leave.

"We must find a tall building to hide before dark!"

The zombies in the daytime were so fierce, and they must be even more fierce when night came.

The streets nearby were all 3-story or 5-story houses, and most of the doors downstairs were damaged.

After a careful glance, Zhang Sheng shook his head and walked forward.

The buildings nearby were not suitable as hiding places at all.

Although the 5th floor was safe, he had to find a building with an intact door.

Life is only once, so everything must be done with extreme caution.

At the moment Zhang Sheng left, in a room in a nearby 5-story building, a pair of eyes stared at his back through the window.

"Damn bastard, this didn't kill you!" Li Xiaotian gritted his teeth and looked at Zhang Sheng who was gradually disappearing from his field of vision.

"What's so arrogant about a lousy wandering swordsman? I'm a flash fighter, a rare profession!"

"Bah!" Li Xiaotian spat at Zhang Sheng's back in anger.

Under his feet were two girls tied up with ropes, who looked to be young girls around 20 years old.


The two girls in bikinis had a pair of big shorts stuffed in their mouths, which made them unable to say anything and could only make a little sound through their throats.

Li Xiaotian became extremely irritated because Zhang Sheng didn't die. He looked back at the two girls with a fierce expression on his face, "Stop making so much noise. Do you want to die!"


The two girls shook their heads, with pleading expressions on their faces.

Looking at the two pitiful girls, Li Xiaotian's eyes showed no mercy. He snorted coldly and said in a cold tone: "I'm telling you, I'm in a very bad mood now. Don't force me to kill you!"

The two girls fell silent after hearing this, and were too scared to make any sound.

Looking at their curvy figures and white thighs, Li Xiaotian's anger kept rising.

Now he wanted to vent, but the current situation was extremely bad, and he didn't dare to mess around.

The zombies outside had different hearing than ordinary people. If the two women screamed too loudly, it would be terrible to attract them.

"Damn it!" Everything went wrong, which made Li Xiaotian so angry that he punched the wall.


A loud noise came out.

Frightened by the loud noise, his face suddenly changed, and he woke up completely.

After a while, a zombie's cry came, "Ah~ho!"

After hearing the zombie's cry, Li Xiaotian dared not make a sound.


After walking on the street for an unknown period of time, Zhang Sheng suddenly saw two familiar figures.


It was the one calledZhang Shan's man and the spirited young man named Lin Jun.

Both of them had turned into zombies at this time. When they saw Zhang Sheng, they immediately pounced on him.



He pulled the metal bow hard, and a metal arrow flew out quickly, shooting Zhang Shan's head.

Killing the stronger Zhang Shan first would save a lot of trouble later.

Looking at Lin Jun, who was only about 10 meters away from him, he slowly put the metal bow into the inventory and took out the baton.

Although he had turned into a zombie, Lin Jun was still wearing tights, bean shoes, and dressed like a spirited young man.

Compared with Zhang Shan, Lin Jun was relatively thin and could not cause any harm to Zhang Sheng at all.


When the baton came into contact with its head, its head suddenly broke into pieces like a watermelon explosion, and objects of various colors splashed out.

Fearing that he would be stained by those dirty things, Zhang Sheng hurriedly stepped back several steps.

[Gain 2 experience points! ]

[Gain 2 experience points! ]



[Gain 5 crystal cores, gain 1 novice big pants]

[Gain 5 crystal cores, gain 1 novice big pants]

Since Zhang Shan and Lin Jun are both newly transformed zombies, they have nothing on them except the evolution chip and big pants.

Throwing away the two big pants, Zhang Sheng quickly left here.

He could see dozens of zombies rushing towards him not far away.

The sound of fighting just now attracted all the nearby zombies.

In a wide place, if he was surrounded by zombies, he would not be able to survive.

Looking at the zombies rushing towards him nearby, Zhang Sheng felt a little speechless, "What are these guys' ears made of? So sensitive!"


After launching the skill, Zhang Sheng felt that his thighs became light, as if his whole body had no weight.

When the zombies surrounded him, he had already run hundreds of meters.

"So fast!"

The feeling of running like a whirlwind made him feel like he was about to fly, and a cloud of dust kept rising behind him.

With the acceleration of sprinting, Zhang Sheng quickly left the zombies behind.

An 8-story hotel suddenly appeared in front of him.

Deng Laihui Hotel, this is it!

Although the big words Deng Laihui Hotel on the sign were no longer glowing due to the power outage, its full appearance could still be seen clearly.

The door of the hotel was locked with an extremely thick stainless steel lock, and there were several bloody handprints on the glass of the door.

Looking through the glass door into the front hall inside, there were several skeletons lying on the ground.

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