Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2328: ambush

Although Qin Shuang needs to comprehend four types of sword codes, although the later each of them is, the harder it is to understand, and the more time and energy it takes, but looking at Qin Shuang today, 10,000 years should be enough?

Where did they know that Qin Shuang not only possessed the time flow rate of the town demon tower, but also took the December fruit to obtain such a speed of realization.

Bi Chongtian exclaimed, "Let's go to the next place!"

Qin Shuang said, "I won't go with you. I need to retreat for a while. When I break through, I'll go to you."

Everyone's eyes could not help but swept towards Qin Shuang. Sure enough, seeing that Qin Shuang had reached the critical point of breakthrough, Bi Chongtian immediately waved his hands:

"The beast tide is not bad these days. We just need to trim it and wait for you to break through."

This is where several medium-sized sect gates and dozens of small sect gates converge. Those dozens of small sect gates have long abandoned their sect gates and have joined several medium-sized sect gates to resist the beast tide.

Qin Shuang was invited to the best Dongfu, and Qin Shuang was not polite. After entering the Dongfu, they offered exquisite swords, blue dragon swords, phoenix swords, basalt swords, and unicorn swords, and set up a five-element sword array. Sitting cross-legged, holding the town demon tower with both hands, began to cultivate.

The breakthrough point was originally reached. With the help of the strong Xianyuan power of the town demon tower, only on the third day, Qin Shuang came to an end and was repaired to climb to the second floor of Xianhuang.

After another day of stabilization, Qin Shuang came out of Dongfu, and after four days of adjustment, the monks of the ethnic group also recovered to their peak state, and even many monks achieved breakthroughs. It is those immortal emperors, the breath on his body also has a faint change. It seems that continuous killings have gradually approached the breakthrough point.

The Terran Army began to sweep through the Chaos Beasts, and the Chaos Beasts began to show a slump. In the hunt for Tianxing and others, it is estimated that in another half year, the beast tide of the Terran Territory should be over. As for the barbarian territory, the human race will certainly help. After all, this is the era of the Hundred Alliance. But, of course, ask for benefits.

How many years have it been!

In the face of the Barbarians, the Terrans have never occupied an advantage. It is usually the Barbarians who ask for a lot of resources from the Terrans to help the Terrans.

Three days later.

The Terran Alliance once again met the Chaos Beast Tide. This encounter was not only a half-step human chaos beast, but also nine immortal beasts. In this way, the immortal emperor of the human race was entangled by the chaotic beast immortal. The remaining immortals were completely pressed by the half-step human chaos beast, and soon the emperor was injured. At this time, Qin Shuang launched a sneak attack on the Chaos Beast by using Fire Thunder Wings and Linglong Sword, and one sword killed the Chaos Beast half step. With today's fire thunder wing grade, coupled with the power of Qin Shuangxian Emperor's peak, it has been difficult for half a step to hide behind. The remaining chaotic beasts fled.

Seven days later, the Terran Alliance encountered Chaos Beast again. Li Tianxing and others all thought about it. They went to siege the half-step human statue, and Qin Shuang hid underneath.


The strength of this beast tide is very strong. There are more than a dozen immortal-level chaotic beasts, and the half-step man respects several immortals who are besieging him. Qin Shuang was still not in a hurry, and saw a chance, the fire thunder wing appeared on the back, suddenly a fan, like a lightning, toward the half-step human respect.


The half-step man smashed the sword of Linglong with a punch. Rao was the power of Qin Shuang, who was already the peak of the Emperor, and was shocked to fly up nearly 100 meters in the air.

Qin Shuang's heart raised a little anxiety, this is definitely the half-step human chaos beast had long been prepared, otherwise it would be impossible to hit his sword with precision. Then her face changed, and she saw four huge bodies rushing towards her, each of them exuding a half-step breath.

This is ambushed myself!

Qin Shuang quickly reacted to it. It should have been several sneak attacks to kill half-step human respect, and it had spread through other chaotic beasts. Of these five half-steps, one seduces oneself and four hide in ambush. Once he appears, he will besiege himself.

Qin Shuang didn't want to, and immediately flew the thunder wings, turned into a lightning, broke away from the coalition, and fled away. She knew that she was staying here, and they could not help a little while hunting the sky. It was better to run away and attract five and a half steps. She believes that five and a half steps will chase her. Because they are here to ambush themselves, how can they let themselves escape?

An immortal emperor can sneak a half-step deity, and if he is a chaotic beast, he will not let such a monk grow up, he will definitely be killed in the cradle.


Sure enough, five and a half-step people chased after Qin Shuang. Xiandi Xing and other immortals were anxious and followed. However, at their speed, they were quickly dropped without trace, but they still probed the fluctuations of space and pursued the direction of Qin Shuang's escape.

"Master of hunting, you can't let Qin Shuang be in trouble!" Bi Chongtian caught up with Hun Tianxing: "We have to catch up, let our life stop the Chaos beast, and get time for Qin Shuang to escape."

"Shut up!" Li Tianxing yelled, "If you talk, you won't be able to catch up."

Bi Chongtian closed his mouth and pursued Qin Shuang's direction.

As Qin Shuang fled, the mystic knowledge spread backwards, and then came to a conclusion that at his own speed, the latter half of the step could not catch up with himself, and the distance between himself and the Chaos Beast would gradually increase. But the problem is, if they can maintain this speed all the time, and give them a few days, they can completely get rid of the chaotic beasts behind them, making them unable to lock themselves from a long distance.

However, I was unable to maintain this speed for a few days.

Not to mention a few days, now the fire thunder wing is already the top quality celestial celestial treasure. When the Qin Shuang did not break through the imperial emperor, the strength of the body can be maintained for half a day, even if it now breaks through the second floor It just barely lasts for a day. After a day, your own strength will be consumed and become a lamb to be slaughtered.

Qin Shuang forced herself to calm down. The first thing she needs to do now is to determine where she is fleeing, and then how to escape?



Five and a half steps of humans chased and killed themselves, it can be seen how much determination the Chaos Beast made this time, even if the Tuxingzong had a large array of string moon peaks. If the Chaos Beasts are all concentrated on the Moon Peak, the large array cannot be stopped.

Where can I stop Chaos Beast?


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