Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2327: Clearance

"Yuan Shen is in place!"

The four gods of Jinmu Shuihuo returned to their place, and the Qilin sword in their hands was replaced by the celestial celestial sword, and the hilt was held in both hands, and a mysterious trajectory was drawn in the air.

Five elements!


The five-line rotation is like a world, and it is toward the half-step people. That half-step person’s gaze reveals infinite murder, and the heart secretly:

"When a weak person grows up, he must become the enemy of the Chaos Beast!"

He held out a big hand and grabbed the past toward the five elements. The big hand instantly covered the sky and caught the five elements in his hands. A loud bang, the five elements were pinched in his hands.

"It's still not!" Qin's eyes are shrinking: "Even if you use the five elements, it is only the equivalent of the nine layers of the Emperor."


The fire thunder wings appeared on the back of the piano pair, and the wings were unfolded. Only one fan was moved, and the shape of the piano pair suddenly flew past the half-step person. The half-step man was laughing after the pinch of the piano.

"Ha ha ha..."


A sword screamed, and the laughter stopped. The exquisite sword cut through the neck of the half-step person. Even if he was a half-step person, he could easily smash the five elements of the piano, but he could not stop the true body of Xianbao. Cutting.


The shape of the piano pair flew like a lightning bolt.


A thick blood rushed and rushed the half-hearted head to the sky.


The huge body fell to the ground.


After a moment of silence, the chaotic beast waved a scream of fear and fled to all sides.

On the opposite side, the seven emperors who were bathed in blood looked down at the piano doubles from the air, and they blinked hard.

That's right!

That woman is a fairy emperor, how can I kill a half-step person?

That sword... is Xianbao?


Even if it is Xianbao, there is not enough power, and it is impossible to break the neck of a half-step person.

"Changdaoyou!" Six people from Hunting Skywalked.

On the opposite side, the seven emperors suddenly woke up from the confusion, and then they saw seven people in the hunting sky, and they were overjoyed:

"Hunter, Haizong, Bi Zong, you are here!"

“How is the loss?” asked the hunting hunter.

"Oh..." Chang Chengzhu sighed: "There are more casualties, but it is good for you to come in time, otherwise the city will break, I am afraid I can't escape a few people."

Looking at the surrounding mess, remembering the scene of his own ancestral door, several people could not help but sigh.

"Pay the sovereign and Li Zongzhu?" asked the Changcheng master.

"Degraded!" Hunting Skywalking looks stunned.

The faces of the seven emperors on the opposite side are now mournful, and the Changcheng Lord is bowing to the piano:

"This friend is?"

"I will introduce you to you." The face of Hunting Sky finally showed a smile: "This is the inheritor of my native ancestor, Qin double. And when this catastrophe is over, I will pass on the position of the lord." Give the piano double."


Chang Chengzhu’s gaze could not help but look at Qi Renfeng. Then he heard the words behind the hunting sky, and he was shocked. The five elements and five sects have always been non-inheritors, because the inheritors have obtained incomplete inheritance. Take the ancestral ancestors as an example. The person who cultivates the unicorn collection is the highest one who cultivates to the peak of the emperor. How can a fairy emperor act as a five elements? The patriarch of such a sect?


"I think we will soon have the Emperor who cultivated the Kirin Collection!" Hunting Skywalker flutters.

The Changcheng Lord suddenly remembered the scene of the bombardment of the mountains, and he could not help but blurt out:

"Qindaoyou got to know the sword of the earth?"

Hunting Tianxing proudly nodded, Changcheng Lord looked at Haizhen and Bi Chongtian again, but the two were shaking their heads. The main city of Changcheng is facing the hunting sky and the double arches:

"Congratulations to the lord, congratulations to the piano teacher! You, please enter the city!"

Hunting Skywalker shook his head and said: "We have to go to the next place and say goodbye."

Another nine days.

The shuangqiu seven people fought for tens of thousands of miles, and they have merged with the team of the ancestors. Shabaji is also among the ranks of the ancestors. At this time, Qin double has begun to comprehend the fire phoenix sword. Before the 9th, Qinshuang fought fiercely on the 16th, and the four gods of Jinmu Shuihu had learned their respective swords in the town demon tower for more than 40 years. There were no fire sects and water sects around them. Looking at the eyes of Jin Zongzong’s lord Bi Chongtian and Mu Xingzong’s main Haizhen, Qin Shuang had to choose the same as the woman’s Haizhen, the wooden dragon’s sword.

I am really happy, Bi Chongtian is disappointed.

On the 9th, Qinshuang has been fighting on both sides, while comprehending the Qinglong swordsmanship. For more than 40 years in the town demon tower, the four great gods have realized the top three of their respective swordsmen to 80%, but it is also because Only comprehend 80%, and when I reached the fourth form, I began to get tough because the foundation of comprehension was not enough.

Qin double did not join the mid-Xian Emperor who besieged the half-step person. At this time, with the inheritance of Yan Renfeng, there are already 12 warriors who have reached the semi-step of the Emperor of the Emperor, which makes The Terran Emperor slightly prevailed. After all, the Chaos Beast is only a half-step person, not a true human respect.

The piano pair is on the ground, and together with the monks of the people, it is killed with the chaotic beast. The first style of the Qinglong sword code at this time has already become perfect.


A scream of a dragon, a huge green dragon with the sword, the piano face is happy.

The first style of the Qinglong Sword Code is complete!

She looked up at the battlefield in the air and found that the advantage of the twelve human race masters was expanding, and they began to concentrate on comprehending the second style of the Qinglong sword.

There is no half-step person respect around her. The strongest one is the chaotic beast of Xiandi level. With her Xiandi peak, she is not afraid. As long as she does not exhaust her power, she will not be hurt by the Chaos beast. . The second type of Qinglong swordsmanship is only the remaining 20% ​​without comprehension. Qin double gradually forgets me and is immersed in the comprehension of killing.

I don't know when she was around, she woke up from the comprehension, and looked around, and saw the chaotic beasts fleeing in all directions. Twelve great monks fell to the ground, and the half-step man who respected the chaotic beast had fallen to the ground and his body was torn apart.

"Qin Shimei!" Haizhen's body shape swept, and it appeared in front of Qinqin. His expression was excited: "I have seen you already started to understand the second style?"

"Yeah!" Qin nodded.

"So fast!"

Haizhen looks great, and Bi Chongtian is also happy. Since Qinshuang can understand the Qinglong swordsmanship, he will certainly be able to comprehend the White Tiger swordsmanship in the future.

The key point is that Qin double is really fast!

Originally thought that Qinshuang also needed at least 10,000 years, even hundreds of thousands of years, but did not expect this less than a month, Qin double has already realized the first style. So, I don't think it will take hundreds of thousands of years?


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