Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1598: Anti-bite

"Don't want to!" Xu Kaiyun was also serious.

"So we have to cultivate well, improve our cultivation as soon as possible, and prevent the maturity of the avenues. So, we can leave the ink star. Your cultivation is... too low! Even if you want to help me, Can't help much."

Xu Kaiyun's face instantly rose red. If it was in the former Taikoo space, Xu Kaiyun had only two words:

Not satisfied!

However, now that the ink star and the piano have experienced this period of time, he has been convinced by the piano. At this time, there was no dissatisfaction in my heart. It’s just that there’s still some innocence in my heart. When he was in the space of Taikoo, he was repaired as if he were the same as Qinqin. Now he is only the fourth layer of the Tianxian period, and Qinqin is already the sixth layer of Da Luojinxian.

"I... although I am low, but... my cultivation is very powerful, can... the more challenging! I am... very powerful."

"Oh?" The face of Qinqin showed a smile on his face: "Then I will wait for you to catch up with my cultivation. You and me will fight, let me see how powerful you are."

"Do not catch up with you!" Xu Kaiyun's face appeared from the channel: "I am Wu Linggen, you are just a single root. And I am practicing Qiankun. As long as I break through the sixth floor of the Tianxian period, I can If you fight, if I break through the seventh floor of the fairy season, I will be able to defeat you."

"Well, I am waiting for you!"

Qin double waved his hand and put up the flag, and they walked toward Huatai. Xu Kaiyun held the Dragon Ball and followed him.

"Too fragrant, protect the law for me, I want to heal." Qin double sat down beside the flowery incense, took the medicinal herbs and began to heal.

"Tang predecessors, for me to protect the law, I want to practice." Xu Kaiyun came over, and did not polite with Tang Li, sitting cross-legged, holding the Dragon Ball in both hands began to practice.

Tang Li nodded and watched as he watched the giant sword in front of him. I saw that the demon rhyme above the giant sword was quickly expelled. At this speed, it should be completely removed from the demon rhyme in two hours.

One hour!

Two hours!

Qin Shuanghe Chu vigorously spit out a breath and opened his eyes. The injuries on both of them were healed. Qin double slowly suppressed his cultivation, and at this time her cultivation has reached the critical point of breaking through the seventh layer of Da Luo Jinxian. It's just that this is not a good place to break through.

The eyes glanced at the strong, and could not help but nodded. The cultivation of Chu was also reached the third layer of Da Luo Jinxian. After re-precipitation and cultivation for a period of time, it should reach the critical point of breakthrough. Although it is dangerous on this road, there is no doubt that it has played a catalytic role in the cultivation of everyone such as Qin Double.

Danger is always accompanied by harvest!


Tang Han walked to the front of the piano with a bracelet and raised his face:

"Sister, I have reached the critical point of breaking through the second layer of the fairy season. Can I break through here?"

Tang Li's face was pumped, and Tang Han did not ask him, but ran to ask the piano pair. It can be seen in Tang Han's heart that he is more trusting than Qin.

The heart sighed, but there was no slightest disappointment, but the heart was also eager to try. Because of the experience during this time, his cultivation has reached the peak of the first layer of Xuantian in nine days. After accumulating for a period of time, he can reach the critical point of breakthrough.

However, I also lamented that the dangers encountered in this year are more than the dangers he has encountered in his life. I have almost died many times.

"Don't break through, wait until you leave, find a safer place."

"Yeah!" Tang Han nodded.

"Miss sister!" Chu vigorously came over: "In fact, I am breaking through."

"I know!" Qin double smiled: "You have already peaked!"

"Oh, huh..." Chu vigorously grabbed his head.

"What's great!" Hua Taixiang came over and said: "I am also at the peak, the seventh layer of the Great Luo Jinxian."


At this time, the huge dragon sword shimmered, and then the figures appeared from the dragon sword. One by one, the court is full, even if it is the first in front of the iron white green, there is no weakness before, strong atmosphere. The piano double wrinkled his brow and then reacted. To get rid of those demon rhymes should not need five billion top grades, the reason why there are so many iron whites, is to let the iron family's monks resume repair.


A veteran of the fifth floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian passed by Tie Baiqing and went straight to the piano.

"Taro, are you swindling our patriarch's fire sword?"

The look of Qin Double is a sinking. Before she opens her mouth, the flowers are too sweet and I am not happy.

"You are so confused? My sister bought it from your patriarch with five billion top grades."

"500 million top grade Xianjing? Ha ha..." The old man said disdainfully: "500 million want to buy a fire sword? Are you daydreaming? Are you bullying me iron home in danger, the danger of swearing?" ”

"Your family may not buy it at the beginning!" Hua Tai said with anger.

"That is the celestial crystal of our iron family is exhausted. You hand over the fire sword, we iron home to give you 500 million top grade Xianjing in half a year.

Do not!

600 million, can you? "The old man looked at the piano doubles disdainfully."

"The deal has been gone!"

The piano said faintly, then walked toward the body of the colorless dragon. Before she did not close up the body of the dragon, it was because I saw Tang Han looking for silver needles in the dragon body. Now Qin Qin has no intention of quarreling with the iron family, and he wants to take away the body of the dragon.


The old man took the first step and collected the body of the dragon, and then looked at the Xukaiyun Road that was being cultivated:

"If you don't fire the sword, you can do it. This corpse is owned by our iron family, and the dragon ball will be handed over, even if the transaction is completed."


When his words were not finished, he felt that his hand with the storage ring was caught, and then his body flew up.


Tang Li and other people’s eyes jumped straight. In their eyes, they saw that the piano double held the old man’s wrist, smashed the old man’s body, and then fell heavily on the ground, not only the ground. Come out of a big pit, and just flip the old man's eyes.

Qinqin unscrupulously smashed the storage ring on the old man's finger. The gods were surging, and they wanted to erase the mark on the ring, but they were bounced. At this time, the old man climbed up from the ground and sneered:

"You are a big Luo Jinxian, want to erase my gods brand?"

Qin double raised his eyelids and glanced at him. He frowned and thought for a moment. When he thought about it, the spirit in the heart would transmit a mysterious and mysterious breath, and easily erased the brand of the **** on the storage ring.


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