Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1597: Fire sword

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The piano nodded twice: "The reason why you can't get rid of the demon, just because of the lack of strength?"

"Yes!" The old man nodded.

Qin double looked at the old man. At this time, the old man was barely standing there. I can imagine how much energy he consumed in his body. It is estimated that the two thousand monks in the space of the giant sword are not much better. . Wait a moment, the monks are exhausted, and the fire dragon sword will become a demon sword. Looking up again at the sword, about 5 percent of the fairy rhyme is left at this time.

Qinshuang actually has the simplest method, which is to transfer the rich Xianyuan force in the town demon tower to the giant sword, and then use the secret method by the iron master to strengthen the fairy charm and drive out the fairy charm.

However, as a result, it will expose its own town demon tower. No one will believe that a sixth layer of monks of the Great Luo Jinxian will have so many celestial forces in the body. In this way, only the last method is left, which is enough for the iron family. Dragon Ball is impossible to give to the Iron House, she also wants to let Xu Kaiyun absorb and improve.

"How many fairy crystals do you need to completely remove the demon charm?" Qin's eyes once again fell on Tie Baiqing's body.

The iron white eyes are a bright one: "If you want to completely remove the fairy rhyme, you need at least 500 million top grades."

There are a lot of fairy crystals in Qinqin. The fairy crystals from Tang Han and Tang Li’s storage rings are more than one billion. At this time, at the side of the Tang dynasty:

"Tang Li has seen the Iron Chief!"

At this time, Tie Baiqing's gaze carefully looked at Tang Li, then his eyes flashed, his face showed a happy color:

"The original Tang Lidao friends. Tang Daoyou, can you see if you can borrow 500 million top grades? You also know that we have the ability to pay for it."

Tie Baiqing said that he is very confident. Even if he does not have a fairy crystal, he can easily earn 500 million cents. He believes that the Tang family will lend to the iron family. After all, the iron family is the first refinery family of the ink star. Even the Tang family is willing to pay the iron house.

"Iron patriarch, iron family will not even have 500 million celestial crystals?"

"Hey..." Tie Baiqing sighed a sigh: "Five hundred billion crystals are only a small matter in the Iron House, but that was before. For the past six months, they have been used to compete with the Dragon Big Demon for the control of the Dragon Sword. This is also the death of the dragon's big demon, otherwise the 500 million fairy crystals will not be able to expel the charm of the dragon in the fire dragon sword."

Tang Li turned to look at the piano double, just wanted to speak, but saw the piano double pendulum:

"Iron patriarch, I can give you 500 million cents, but you have to use the sword in your hand for the sword."

In fact, Qin double wants the fire dragon sword, but look at this situation, the iron family will never exchange with the fire dragon sword. If you come up, I am afraid that the Iron House will fight with her. However, if you can have the sword of the fire, it is enough for the monks of the piano pair to use it. After all, it is also a sword of the master.

Qin Qin is very clear in mind, even if it is 500 million top grades, it is impossible to buy a fire sword. This sword is worth at least five billion yuan.

But who asked the other party to use a fire sword for the Dragon Ball?

The dragon ball in the hands of the piano is a colorful dragon ball, and the 50 billion top grade fairy crystal is not sold. The other party actually wants a fire sword to exchange, since you have done the first day, you should not blame the piano for fifteen.

Tie Baiqing's face is a sinking, but seeing the cold eyes of the piano, knowing that this is the piano double angry. I am still too greedy, thinking that the other party does not know the value of the colorless dragon ball. I sighed in my heart. If I don't agree with the piano, I am afraid that the treasure of this town will become a demon sword.

The danger of swearing!

Tie Baiqing hated it in his heart, but he also had to agree. Although the fire sword is important, it is far less than the fire dragon sword. I will bite my teeth:


Qin double put 500 million top grade Xianjing into a storage ring, threw it to the iron white, and then reached out and grabbed the sword, and then caught the sword in his hand. The gods swept away, looking at the iron and white road like a smile:

"Is you taking back the brand of God, or am I going to wipe it for you?"

Tiebaiqing eyelids twitched a bit, and then regained the gods on the fire sword, Qin double left his own brand in the fire sword, mindful movements, they received the knowledge of the sea.

There was a smile on his face. He came to see the iron family and harvested a colorful dragon ball and a fire sword, which exceeded the expectations of the piano pair.

Tie Baiqing held the storage ring and walked toward the Dragon Sword, and then disappeared into the Fire Dragon Sword.

Qin binoculars look to Xu Kaiyun: "Let's talk."

"it is good!"

Qin Shuang and Xu Kaiyun walked aside, and Tang Li looked at the fire dragon sword with enthusiasm. Chu vigorously sat down and swallowed the medicine. Hua Taixiang sat idly on a sword, Tang Han reached out and the silver needles on the ground began to gather in his hands, and then came to the body of the colorless dragon, looking for the colorless dragon Remove the silver needle from the outside of the body, look for one root, and take out one root.

Qin Shuang and Xu Kaiyun came to a sword. The piano double dropped the flag on the five sides, shrouded the two people, and then asked:

"You are Wu Linggen?"

"Yeah!" Xu Kaiyun nodded. "I know that when I released the five-line ring, I couldn't stop you."

"The five elements of the ring? Is that the way you release the colorless ring, against the pressure of the fire dragon sword?"

"Well, it's a very strong way to defend, not only to defend, but also to attack. Only the five spirits of the monks can practice."

Xu Kaiyun looked at the piano and said: "I am practicing the Xujia Zhigaodian, Qiankun, and this can be a five-attribute fellow. The reason why my cultivation is slow is because of the five roots..."

Seeing the expression of the double play, the face became awkward: "Of course, it is also related to my character..."

"Ha ha……"

"You don't laugh!"

"Ha ha……"

"You gave me the dragon ball, I must practice it in the future."

"Give you!" Qin double raised his hand and threw the dragon ball to Xu Kaiyun.

Xu Kaiyun caught the five-color dragon ball in a hurry, and there was a deep gratitude in his heart.

what is this?

This is a five-color dragon ball! Dragon Ball worth more than 50 billion top grades! Just give yourself this, there are no conditions. Xu Kaiyun squirmed a bit of a knot, and both eyes were moist.

"Boss... Why are you so good to me?"

"I am very good to you?" Qin doubled down and said: "Are you not calling me boss?"

"Just because I call you boss?"

Qin double's look became serious, looking at Xu Kaiyun: "Opening the cloud, we are not the monks of the ink star, you do not want to be trapped in the ink star for a lifetime? Do not want to mature the road, and finally die in this ink star ?"


I am very grateful to Bai Zibing (800), earnestly study and study hard (100), seaphay (100), Mingyue Wutongdu (100) reward!



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