Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 620: sensation



"When other elders preached the altar, there was no end to it. I don't know. I just know that I only preach once a year. This is extremely precious for the disciples of Zongmen. In order to be able to grab a good position, I will advance a few times. The day arrived. But the endless has not come once." Zhang Zongzheng also smiled bitterly.

The eyes of everyone looked at Wanzhong Mountain, and the face of Wanzhongshan showed a sinuous color:

"The endless is to ask me a few times."

Yang Yingtian sighed and said: "Wan Shidi, this time I come back endlessly, don't let her leave at will. I went to Yiye Island this time and I have reached an agreement with the island of Mishima, we held the Luofuzong and the Three Islands. An exchange game."

"What exchange?"

"We are the chief disciple of our Luo Fuzong and the chief disciple of Mishima. As long as our chief disciple of Luo Fuzong successively defeated the chief disciple of Mishima, they promised to let them Luo Luozong lead the army, and the first choice Pick the landing site and the occupied site. The other three islands are selected one by one according to their respective rankings."

"How can this be done?" Wanzhongshan condensed: "As long as the white ball defeats the chief disciple of any island in the Three Islands, it proves that we have the qualification to lead the army alone. Why should we continuously defeat the chief disciple of Mishima? ”

"This is no way to do it!" Yang Yingtian sighed a sigh: "The Three Islands just don't want us to lead a single army. If we want to lead a single army, we must come up with strength. We have a younger brother though Luo Fuzong." This Mahayana period gives me the opportunity to propose with Mishima, but it is only an opportunity. Our strength is still too low compared with the Three Islands. And the three islands have already been showdown with me, this is the last for us. Conditions, if we don't agree, they will be inside before they will go outside."

Speaking of this, Yang Yingtian sighed a sigh: "This world is ultimately respected by strength. Today, we have a Mahayana and a three-half-step Mahayana. But with any island in the Mishima. Compared with this, there is no small gap. It is a rare opportunity for us to enter the mainland of the warriors. If we can lead a single army and occupy a resource independently, perhaps we can take off and become a three The fourth largest force on the side of the island.

We know that Sandao is also very clear. So they can't agree. However, the strength of our Luo Fuzong is different now. When it is not necessary, they are not willing to completely tear their faces. Therefore, I have proposed two choices for me. One choice is the strongest of our Luofuzong and the best of their three islands. The second is our strongest disciple on Luofu Island and the strongest disciple of Mishima. Although Wanshidi broke through the Mahayana period, it was only an early stage of Mahayana. It could not be the opponent of the Mishima Island, and the Wanshi brothers were defeated in public, and the blow to our Luofu Island was too great.

not to mention……

Once the main island of Mishima is in a bad mood, in the trial, the teacher will be seriously injured or killed, it will be the loss that our Luofuzong can not bear. Therefore, I can only choose the second one. ”

"But... if the fly is seriously injured or killed in the test..."

"As the chief disciple, there must be preparations for the dedication of the Zongmen." Yang Yingtian condensed.

"But... the white repair is still too low compared to the chief disciple of Mishima. It can't be an opponent."

Yang Yingtian’s look also became dignified: “If the sky wall can be opened, in the sky wall, the white repair should be able to have a leap.”

"I don't know what happened to this sky wall?" The people could not help but sigh.

"Forget it, let's go to the Zongmen disciple to see the image of Fengming."

Endless peaks.

These monks are doing their work, it is a quick call, less than a day. The two-story wooden building has been covered, and the furniture, including the furniture, has been cleaned up and cleaned up. Yan Xiake also led the mountain springs, forming a stream through the Lingguo woods into the flower sea, into the pool. The gazebo next to the pool was also built. A cobblestone paved path lingered in the sea of ​​flowers, and a bluestone step went down the hill. At this time, Qin double is using the spirit fruit to entertain these brothers and sisters, and suddenly heard the bells of the disciples.

After the piano double followed the crowd to the square, listening to the elder's dignified voice, and then seeing the image on the light curtain, the piano double is stupid.

"Isn't that the image of killing the knives on the stage of life and death as Feng Ming?"

one day!

Only one day, the entire Luo Fuzong spread the story of Feng Ming, so that Qin double can not laugh.

Qin double had little time in Luo Fuzong, even though she was famous in Dabie, but as she left, she was not forgotten by the people, but she was gradually forgotten by others, but she did not think of her other identity, but it was caused by Luo Fuzong. Such a big sensation.

Qin double was called Dongfu by Wanzhongshan. First, the black face reprimanded the piano for a double, and then Yan Lingqin was not allowed to leave Luofuzong again. Finally, I checked the strength of the piano pair. Qin double also wants to know how to repair the thirteenth layer of the endless Yuan Ying, and how much it will reach compared with the monks in the monastic world, so that he will not hide his strength of wood properties and battle with the mountains. At the end of the Qin doubles, the sword field of the second world was made, but it is still not the opponent of Wanshan.

"Master, what level do you think I should belong to now?"

Wanzhongshan looked at the piano with a burning gaze, and his face was gratified and excited:

"Endless, if you don't use the sword field, you don't need your great powers. It's just that your cultivation is equivalent to the third layer of the gods. I really don't know how you cultivated this gimmick." Is it really because you originally tempered the sea to the third stage, and reached the reason for the solid silk thread? And your power to know the sea is really strong, and it can be as long as the teacher."

Wanzhongshan sighs there, but Qin double knows that it is just because the force of knowing the sea is quenched to the third stage. It is only a factor, and another important factor is that other monks practiced to the tenth in the Yuan Ying period. The peak of the layer has reached the limit, and its limit is the thirteenth floor of the Yuan Ying period. There are also exercises for self-cultivation. I am afraid that the Mishima monks can't compare them. These three aspects add up to make their own cultivation equal to the third layer of the gods. As for the power of knowing the sea is extremely strong, it is that the broadness of his knowledge of the sea has reached the distraction period.

"Master, how is my repair compared to the Mishima monks?"

Wanzhongshan said with joy: "Even if you are compared with the most outstanding monks in Mishima, you can only be the second layer of their sacred period."


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