Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 619: sigh



Chu Yun is amazed: "But don't you think she is growing fast? Even Xia Ke is not her opponent. I think Xu Feibai may not be her opponent."

Zhang Zongzheng was disappointed and said: "These disciples are inferior to the endless, but they are too bad. Even the murderous murder of endless suffocation can't stand it. Next summer, enter the warrior continent, how to face the demon?"

Chu Yun shook his head: "Mr. Zhang brother, you are a bit demanding. In today's monastic field, how many disciples can compare with endless? In the past year and a half, we are under the pressure of four islands, and these disciples are practicing hard. Mutual challenges, the strength has improved a lot. I think the four disciples of Mishima are just like this."

"But the situation facing our Zongmen is very sinister!" Yang Yingtian sighed: "The Three Islands will not let us become a military force alone. Once we return to the Three Islands, it must be treated as cannon fodder." The leader of the demon encounter. Have not experienced life and death, how to demon slayer? Only like hentai, between the heart and the murderous, this is the real monk."

"You have just seen it. The endlessness is just outside the momentum, so that the so-called Junjie in those sects will be shackled. This is still endless only for a year and a half in the mainland of the warriors. The warriors on the mainland of the warriors have been honed for several years. Nowadays, we don’t say that the demon slayer is the martial art on the mainland of the warrior. I am afraid I can’t match it.”

The faces of the elders are disapproving, Chu Yundao: "The sovereign, we practiced the exercises that are stronger than the ancient exercises. The strength is higher than the warriors. How can those warriors be our opponents?"

Yang Yingtian shook his head and said: "I just received the news. A few months ago, the Yaozu appeared a enchanting genius, called Fengming. This Fengming provoked a huge wave in the demon world. It is said that it was only the initial repair of the demon god. However, it has repeatedly killed the demon **** peak, the third in the demon **** list is invincible, killing the second place, is already a semi-sacred demon knife Gao Litian. Later, it blocked the Qingniu family's demon master, killing seven hundred There are a lot of demon gods and demon saints.

"How is this possible?" Chu Yun could not help but sigh: "A demon **** can kill a demon **** in the early stage. It is also understandable that killing a half-sacred also has a weak possibility, but killing the demon, how is it possible?"

"This news will not be wrong?" Zhang Zongzhen also suspected: "Kill more than seven hundred demon monks, and there are many demon gods and demon holy? Not to mention that it is a demon god, it is an early demon, and can not Do you do it?"

“It’s not true.” Wanzhongshan also nodded: “And the lord just said that it’s Fengming alone to intercept a group of demon monks, and there are hundreds of demon monks, and there are demon gods and demon saints. It is very difficult for a person to face a demon saint, let alone face a few demon saints."

"Don't say that it is a demon, it is to face more than a dozen demon gods at the same time, and it will die. The demon is bragging?"

"It should be bragging, not to say that the Terran people of the mainland have a enchanting genius, called Yuehuang Qinshuang? Both the Yaozu and the genius of Fengming, how have you not heard of Fengming challenging the piano?"

"I see that the reputation of the piano is too illusory, and it is mostly bragging. It is estimated that the strength of the piano pair is the same as that of the chief disciple of Mishima."

Yang Yingtian sighed a sigh: "I was talking with the three islands about the news that the Luofuzong led the army and received the army from the island of Mishima. The three islands said to the disciples of Zongmen. If you encounter Fengming on the mainland of the warrior, you must flee in the first time, or you should report to the elders in the first time, and you must have the elders of the top grade. It can be seen how powerful Fengming is."

“Do the three islands really say this?” The elders could not help but be in a daze.

You must know that the three islands are different from the five. There are two types of elders in five categories, the top elders and the elders. As long as it breaks through the sacred period, it can become the elders of the next product, and the distraction period is the elders of the top grade. The Mahayana period like Wanzhongshan, in the current five, the past six, it is a single elder.

But in the three islands is different, the three islands are also divided into the elders and the elders. The cultivation of the sacred period can only be the identity of the disciple. Only the distracted monks can be the elders of Mishima, and the monks can be the elders of the top grade. And the three islands owner warned the disciples, let them report to the elders, what does this mean?

This means that you need to master the Mahayana period before you can play against Fengming.

Does Feng Feng really have the strength of the Mahayana period?

"Actually, the enchanting like Fengming, there are one or two of all ethnic groups." Yang Yingtian sighed a sigh: "When the island was negotiated with the island of Mishima, the owner of the island was given I am a jade. Although the scene of the double-blocking of the Qingniu family and the scene of her escape from the piano have not been recorded, the scene of her killing the knives in the ring is still recorded and passed down. You see This is Fengming."

Yang Yingtian activated the jade slip, and a light curtain appeared in front of the monks, presenting a picture on the light curtain. It is a scene in which the Qinshuang smashed the demon knife Gao Litian on the stage of life and death.

The elders changed dramatically, watching Feng Ming on the stage of life and death cleanly killing the semi-devil knives, and then killing a demon.

"Copy this jade slip." Yang Yingtian said: "And then give Zongmen disciples a look, let them remember the appearance of Fengming. Next summer, we will enter the warrior continent, if you encounter this Feng Ming, immediately fled, and informed us four as soon as possible, to other elders, I am afraid it is useless."

Wanzhongshan and others are all in the heart, copying the jade slip.

Wanzhongshan looked at the Qinshuang on the endless peak, and did not hide his appreciation in his eyes:

"Our Luo Fuzong is also endless!"

Yang Yingtian’s spirit was revamped, and his eyes gazed at the piano pair.

"The endless temper is enough, the murder is also heavy enough, and the mind must be tough. In these aspects, it should not be weaker than the Fengming, or Qin double. Only her cultivation is compared with Fengming and Qin. It is said that the Fengming is the early stage of the demon god, and the Qinqin is also the early stage of the Valkyrie. But the endless but only the Yuan Ying period is just the equivalent of the demon king. However, the endless use took less than four years, Growing up to the Yuan Ying period is a talent that can be made. I hope she can grow up soon."

Chu Yundao: "The endless year is not in the Zongmen. When I was in Zongmen, I only went to the library, and then I left the Zongmen. I only came back when the end of the year was over. It was too much last year, and Dabie did not come back. When the elders preached the altar, they never saw her."


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