Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 152: Heart has a tiger

Ninetowns Alliance...

In the past two years, the Ninetowns Alliance has never been quiet.

I don’t know where a mysterious organization emerges, but it will stir up the storm.

In the past, that powerful giant has never had the domineering spirit.

At the very least, in the eyes of outsiders, there is no such domineering spirit, and there is a bit more wolf.

What happened a few days ago is to completely wipe out the face of the Ninetowns League.

"I heard that the Eight Sons were hit hard a few days ago and destroyed."

A shocking voice came.

People whispering on the streets.

"No, I don't know who it is, it's so big."

Someone can't help but sigh.

The Ninetowns League, nine Tianjiao, is known as the nine sons of the Ninetowns League. Among them, the person known as the Eight Sons is one of them. Although it is not the most powerful Tianjiao, for example, the return of glory. Nine sons, but, it will not be much inferior.

And it is such a person, almost degraded, how can this not let the Ninetowns Union shake.

At the very least, everyone in the Ninetowns Alliance can smell the invisible anger.

"Eight son, huh, huh... This time it was awkward."

"Who can be who is nothing more than the mysterious organization that has begun to emerge in the past two years."

"I don't know who created this mysterious organization, and it has made the Ninetowns Union a headache."

A burst of arguments broke open.

The mysterious organization, the wolf's eight sons, became the focus.

People are happy to discuss this matter.

"I want to kill them."

In the midst of such discussions, the eight sons who are the parties are now looking at them.

Dry city.

This is a city in the Ninetowns Alliance.

Located in the north of the Ninetowns Alliance.

The Eight Sons are the pride of this city, the arrogance of this city.

His family is in control of this powerful city.

No matter what family, what forces, within this city, can only be squatting.

Even the dragon can only be on the plate.

From the time of urinating, it was the eight sons who grew up with the golden key. It was also a matter of arrogance. He had eaten such a loss.

Thinking of what happened a few days ago, the eight sons are ugly.

One of his own confidantes was killed, and he was almost degraded. He paid the price of his avatar, and he was so embarrassed that he almost died.

It was made by the mysterious organization.

It must also be them, and they have sent out the news.

Otherwise, this news, how could it be like a tornado, sweeping every corner of the Ninetowns League.

This makes the eight sons unacceptable.

He wants revenge.

"The ancestors said, family power, let you use it, this time, you have to uproot the group."

In the midst of anger, the Eight Sons heard a hoarse voice.

He stood next to an old man.

This is his beggar.

A few days ago, if there was such an old man, his eight sons would certainly not be so embarrassed.

It is a pity that the eight sons who are confidant, traveling, and confident are not carrying the Guardians.

Or, in the past few years, he rarely took the Guardian when he went out.

Because he has enough confidence and self-protection ability, this time it is a ship in the gutter.

Perfect plan, careful deployment, horrible killing...

Thinking of this, the eight sons are more and more ugly: "Whose guys are gloating."

Nine sons, not outsiders imagined, united, on the contrary, they have a lot of intrigue in the interior.

Ba Gongzi seems to be able to imagine that this time, the wolverine will make those guys gloating.

"This is not a big reaction. However, we should remove those guys as soon as possible. Don't forget, in the past two years, others have not taken up much money. This is an opportunity to save face."

The old man said with no expression, not too slow to say, his face is always the expression of the ancient well.

"What are the clues."

Eight sons indulged inquiring.

"There seems to be some news on the side of Jiugongzi."

The old man sinks into the road.

"That guy."

The eight sons frowned.

Nine sons...

Lincheng's darling, who is also known as the son of the son, the pride of the sky, or that this nine sons have this qualification to become a son, because he is one of the three most powerful Tianjiao.

The relationship between the eight sons and the nine sons is not good, but it is definitely not bad.

That guy has clues.

Does he know those people.

Or, this is the first flame that burned after the return of the nine sons.

The eight sons are indefinite.

If this is the case, then he will not be afraid.

Others are afraid of the nine sons, and his eight sons will be afraid.

"damn it."

The face snorted and the eight sons sighed: "He knows what."

"It seems to be the person of Wang Chen."

The old man frowned.

Wang Chen...

This is a kind of person, they don't know, but the name is absolutely no stranger.

Or, the strong guys of the Ninetowns League, few people are unfamiliar with this name.

Because he is the public enemy of the Ninetowns League.

Because, the Ninetowns League is chasing this guy.

I heard that this guy returned from the Tianlong field and got a bad advantage.

The initial ranking of killings also suddenly increased to the top 30 level.

This time the sneak attack was related to Wang Chen.

The look of the Eight Sons changed and he did not say anything.

"Let the family's night action, let the twilight move too. Maybe, my city has been silent for too long, and I have to be forgotten. As for the guys who look at the jokes, let me see who is the joke who sees who."

The eight sons are cold and cold...


When I heard the eight sons, the old man whispered softly and did not say much. The figure was quietly retreating toward the rear.

However, after a while, it disappeared into the hall.


"Yesterday, our people died two."

While the Ninetowns Union is shaking, and even the entire battlefield is faint, there is a hidden cave in the valley of the Ninetowns Alliance.

In the Dongfu, a black man said quietly.

"Two dead."

The head of the man frowned.

"What's the news."

The man continued to ask.

"Listen to say that the dry city is angry, the old guys can't sit still, this time they are very angry, the night and the twilight of the dry city have begun to move."

The man below continues.

"Is it finally released, very good."

Upon hearing this, the headed man showed a smile: "Let people shrink, follow the plan, start acting, and get a good result before returning home."

The man’s voice fell, and the man below quickly receded.

As the man below retired, within the Dongfu, temporarily fell into silence.

"How to see."

The first man suddenly asked.

"Trouble, these things you come to think, hehe... Anyway, I am a thug with the madman, Wang Chen said the kid, listen to your arrangement."

As the first man's voice fell, and the rear walked out of a figure, said with a smile.

That's right.

If Wang Chen is here, he can recognize it at a glance.

At this moment, the people who appear here are not exactly Jiang Chenyuan, but the man who is headed is not Sun Yifan, who is who.

This Dongfu is the foundation of Jiang Chenyuan and Sun Yifan.

This time, the sneak attack on the eight sons was done by Jiang Chenyuan and others.

Of course, all the planning and deployment is naturally from Sun Yifan's handwriting.

Or, in the past two years, I don’t know how many actions are in the deployment of Sun Yifan.

Step by step, now they have gradually rooted and have a certain strength.

Before coming to the battlefield, Jiang Chenyuan brought rich resources and sufficient wealth. These things, such as running water, are also effective.

Now, their plans are completely opened.

Sneak attack on the eight sons is just the beginning.

A big plan is gradually brewing.

"The mother is over there."

Sun Yifan asked softly.

Liu Xinyan, Sun Yifan used to call the mother, she must also be the mother of the future.

Of course, after Liu Xinyan came to the Ninetowns Alliance, they got in touch.

"The chick who looks like and forgets the valley is doing what you said, messing up the situation and speeding up the speed. In short, this game of chess, it is time to close, black robe and madman are also dispatched."

Jiang Chenyuan grinned and continued: "I, should I also do something, I don't know when Wang Chen's kid will come back, I hope we can catch up with a little bit of performance, hehe... I can't let him come back and find out We are still like duckweed."

"Well, you can contact them. After all, they always have some foundations on the battlefield. As for the four families, I also let people contact, just hope to get some energy. Once, we took the bang and won the two cities."

Sun Yifan’s eyes flashed.

Pull talents, cultivate talents, build bases, and lay out the world.

It has been almost four years since I came to the battlefield.

Sun Yifan has never relaxed for a moment.

He is busy calculating and busy every day.

Now, it is time to make a difference.

Thinking of this, Sun Yifan’s mouth showed a smile.

Everything is finally moving towards a good side.

Spring has passed, summer has passed, and now, autumn is coming, it is the season of harvest.

This time, he wants to give Wang Chen a big gift.

Then, based on the foundation, make great achievements.

"Homeowner, come back soon, we are going to be a big country."

Get up, quietly standing in the cave, Sun Yifan slowly closed his eyes, this moment, his heart has a tiger.

At the beginning, in Tian Xuan mainland, he was not the most important protagonist,

However, Sun Yifan can guarantee that he will be the most crucial protagonist in this battlefield.

This day, let him control, he will follow Wang Chen, and lay down the big mountains.

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