Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 151: Cooperation

I thought of too many results, but the only situation in front of me was what Wang Chen did not think of.


These two words are spoken from the man's mouth, and even at that moment, Wang Chen is lost.

The pursuit of thousands of miles is just to say this.


how to cooperate.

What to cooperate.

Wang Chen looked at the man and his eyes were full of vigilance.

Such a strange man, when it comes to sudden words, always inevitably gives people a little more vigilance.

You know, there are a lot of people who want to kill Wang Chen now.

There are too many people who want to let Wang Chen die. There are too many dangerous situations.

Do not take it lightly.


Looking at the silent Wang Chen, the young man suddenly showed a smile.


Wang Chen said quietly.

The eyes are not separated from the young man.

Of course, faint, Wang Chen cares more about the old man behind the young man.

The body that is squatting and the unremarkable old man is the most terrifying existence.

He seems to be integrated into this piece of heaven and earth, unremarkable, but where Wang Chen can't see it, he is the most terrible existence.

If he takes a shot, Wang Chen will die.

This is an intuition produced under the cultivation of many years. This is the feeling accumulated after the edge of life and death.

"The reason, well, yes, it is a reason."

When he heard Wang Chen’s words, the man nodded slightly.

"Well, I am here to kill you."

The man laughed.

However, while Wang Chen frowned, he had already converge with a smile: "I was planning to kill you before, but I am not planning now."

"Why, the sky is refining by me."

Wang Chen asked.

The man said to kill himself, Wang Chen is not unexpected.

Cooperation is the unexpected thing.

Because the Tiantian order was refining itself, the man gave up killing himself, but wanted to cooperate.

Wang Chen looked at the man and motioned him to continue.

"The heavens are refining, well, this is a reason and a big reason."

The man nodded without any disguise.

The temptation of this is very clear to everyone.

If the Tiantian order is not refining, anyone who wants to kill Wang Chen will get a patch.

As for refining,

Then, the precious treasures of the heavens are no longer precious.

Because, and the heavens, you can only be refining once, once, and then useless.

If so, why bother?

You must know that after refining and replenishing the heavens, there is more than one life.

Under such circumstances, he has the advantage of killing Wang Chen.

After the resurrection of Wang Chen, it was full of resentment.

No one wants to offend such a strong person.

Even if the young man is sure to kill Wang Chen once again, let him completely destroy.

So what do you do?"

He does not want to do more without the slightest benefits and benefits.

"Of course, the replenishment of the heavens is a reason, another reason...that's because I have a patch."

The man suddenly laughed.

"He was killed by you."

When he heard the man's words, Wang Chen suddenly shrank his eyes and asked.

This man actually has a patch, is it...

Wang Chen thought of the guy who chased himself to the land of Xiqiao.

Is it that he is dead.

Only when he is dead can he be plundered.

"Well, that guy, dead, huh, huh... It should be said that you are lucky. If it is not him, I will kill you. If it is not him, you can't break through."

Young man, looking at Wang Chen seriously.

Undoubtedly, Wang Chen’s breakout this time has too much contingency.

Or, there are very few people who have such good luck with Wang Chen.

The price paid was small, but it finally survived.

This kind of luck is not for everyone.

In some form, the guy who chased Wang Chen came out to die for Wang Chen.

Perhaps, the man can't think of this.

He wants to use Wang Chen, he wants to chase Wang Chen.

Who can think of it, but in the end it was a wedding dress for Wang Chen.


Wang Chen asked quietly.

"I need your supplementary order. Of course, since you are refining, I will naturally not plunder. I need you to fill the conditions in the heavenly order."

The man said quietly.

His eyes stared at Wang Chen.


The voice of the man fell, and Wang Chen sighed in his heart.

After the man knew that Wang Chen had made up the refining and refining, he asked for the request of cooperation. Wang Chen thought of this.

After all, there is only one reason for them to cooperate with Wang Chen, isn't it?

In addition to this, Wang Chen’s body is worthy of cooperation.


The strength of young men will certainly not be inferior to Wang Chen.


The status of a man must be extraordinary.

And the old man behind the man...

All of this is capital, even the capital that Wang Chen needs to look up to.

The only reason in the Tiantian order is the capital of Wang Chen, which belongs only to the capital of Wang Chen.

It is also something that is enough to be jealous and envious.

"My advantage."

Wang Chen brow wrinkled and asked directly.

He seems to have no reason to refuse.

Man is a knife and I am a fish, Wang Chen can only wait for slaughter.

He does not choose.

Since there is no choice, then you have to get enough benefits for yourself.

Therefore, the benefits are naturally concerned by Wang Chen.


When I heard Wang Chen’s words, the man’s eyes lit up: “That condition, I will mention, the price is, I can help you do one thing, um... can also help you kill a person or destroy a family.”

The man said very directly.

"Oh, yes, if you are already vulgar and can be measured by money, I don't mind giving you enough money, or resources, even magic and exercises, martial arts, but, I think, you don't want to be like this. Vulgar, you should know that what is needed at our level."

The man is sinking.

Wang Chen made up the conditions in the heavenly order, he used it, and he did one thing for Wang Chen.

This is the cooperation proposed by the man.

"God level."

Wang Chen asked.

The words are simple, but they are clear.

They can also kill at the level of the gods.

"Yes, but there seems to be an imposing manner in the past few days, very powerful, such a god, can not kill, ordinary, can."

The young man was silent and nodded.


Wang Chen long exhaled a lavish.

His look has become complicated.

The level of the gods can also be strangled. This young man, or the old man behind him, or the giant behemoth standing behind them, is so strong that it is so strong.

Sin dragon.

Of course, Wang Chen does not expect anyone to kill the sin dragon.

At the very least, it is not expected in this plane.

The strong man of this level of the gods has left.

Where is the top of the strong.

However, the young man said that he had to make Wang Chen’s heart secretly amazed.

"Ninetowns Alliance."

Silence for a long time, Wang Chen said directly.

In a word, let the heavens and earth suddenly solidify.

In a word, the smile on the corner of the man’s mouth seems to be stiff.

In a twinkling of an eye, the look of the young man has become somewhat gloomy: "The Ninetowns League, the appetite is not small."

The man's brow wrinkled for the first time: "You have such a big hatred."

"Don't die."

Wang Chen Shen Sheng.

Jiugongzi, holy mountain, killing order...

All this makes Wang Chen have no room for maneuver with the Ninetowns League.

"That's a bit tricky."

The man muttered to himself.

"In this way, the Ninetowns Union, your appetite is too big, we can't do it, don't say it is me, even if my father stood up, I dare not give you such a guarantee, even the entire battlefield, no one dares to give you this. The guarantee, you, don't know how big the Ninetowns League is, how unfathomable it is. In short, this battlefield, the Ninetowns Alliance is definitely one of the great things.

If I can easily promise to help you destroy the Ninetowns Alliance, it must be a lie. If I can do it, why should I cooperate with you? ”

The man smiled bitterly.

"What can you do?"

Wang Chen asked with a squint.

"Nine City League nine arrogance, who you want to kill, I will kill who, oh, right, or help you destroy a city, this is the limit."

The man thought about it and gave the answer.

The man could not help to defeat the Ninetowns League, which was actually expected by Wang Chen.

However, the conditions for men to open now, but inevitably make Wang Chen still surprised...

The tone is very big.

However, this is not enough to satisfy Wang Chen.

"Of course, you can play with the Ninetowns League yourself. Recently, I heard that it is not very peaceful. In the past few years, there has been a force in the Ninetowns League. It is mysterious and yours. Related, if it is related to you, I suggest you play it yourself, my promise is effective, you can let me do what I said at any time, help you kill one person, kill one city, this is no problem, I will give you a condition, If you need it, I will borrow a few of you and the strength will not be inferior to you."

The man said again.

This time, he has already thrown his own bottom line.


When I heard the man, Wang Chen breathed a sigh of relief this time.

The other party sincerely took it out, and Wang Chen has any reason to refuse.

Although it is quite a distressing condition, but it can only be so.

This may be the best result for Wang Chen.

It’s better to die than to die.

"Okay, that's it. When do you need to act and crush this token, I will naturally contact you."

Seeing Wang Chen promised, the man also showed a satisfied smile. After throwing a token to Wang Chen, he exhaled: "As for the condition... Well, when it is time to use it, I will naturally contact you. Rest assured, big land, I can find you too, you don't need to worry about how I can contact you, even if you want to do it, believe that there is a patch, you are not so fast."

Cooperation, the mood of the man is obviously good.

"There will be a period later."


r> Then, not staying longer, watching Wang Chen who took his token, the man smiled and turned away.

Just taking a few steps, the man is once again integrated into the world, as if disappearing.

Everything seems so strange.

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