Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 674: Escape from the top (on)

The blood pressure suppression also failed. It can be said that at this moment, Wang Chen did not have any chance.

All the tools he can use have been used, and the methods he can think of are also used.

But now, it is still a failure.

This vine is too strong, not at all by Beichen, Nikang, Fujisawa, etc., not to mention the fact that it is now in the field of vine.

This powerful and vain field makes the battle strength of Teng Li rise straight...

Wang Chen began to despair...

Looking at the smile of the vine, his mouth showed a bitter smile.

"Hahaha... kid, rest assured, I will make good use of your blood."

Feeling the desperation of Wang Chen, killing Wang Chen’s body, the smile of the vine.

This moment, he is very excited.

The true blood of the gods, if it can be obtained, then the step out of him, is inevitably not a problem. At that time, how about the three kings, even the guardians.

He is the king of Tian Xuan mainland, and he is the master of Tian Xuan mainland.

Thinking of this, he slaps his hand toward Wang Chen.

He wants to kill Wang Chen directly, refining the blood of the true God.


This scene makes the white beggar in the back a heartbreaking roar.


Although, along with Wang Chen, I have experienced many deaths, but this time, Bai Hao feels so real.

Really there is no chance at all.

The white cockroaches exhausted the last glimmer of power and despair.

However, his snoring is so useless, and it does not have any effect at all.

He can't stop Wang Chen's death.

He can only be wide-eyed, unacceptable, watching the hand of Fujimori fall, watching Wang Chen’s life blink in the eye and disappearing in the world.

The breath of despair is pervasive, and the breath of death is pervasive.


However, no one could have imagined it. At this time, Wang Chen gave up the struggle, and when the white sorrow was desperate, a tearing sound like a thunder was heard.

The dull tears are imposing.

The dull tears are so harsh at the moment.


With the tearing of the body, the shape of the vine, it was a shock, and his face was pale.


This shock, he had to give up the attack on Wang Chen, widened his eyes and looked around, his expression was shocked and looked shocked.


At the same time, this cane could not help but spurt a mouthful of blood.


Just, in response to the voice of Teng Li, there is still a tear in the moment.

This time, it’s clearer and more crazy.


With this tearing sound, the whole space is distorted throughout the world.

The next moment, the void field collapsed.

Once again, Wang Chen will arrive at Yaowang Mountain. Once again, he appeared in this familiar place.

The field has been torn...

At this moment, the virtual field has been torn apart.

Who is it.

Wang Chen is also wide-eyed and looks around.


The vine is accompanied by tearing of the field, pale face, huge body shape, and blood spray.

The field has been torn, and at this moment, the soul of Teng Li has suffered a major trauma...

The face of Fujio, at this moment, some are just shocked, and some are just fear.

"Who, who, who broke his field."

He was busy watching and going around.


Just, the next moment, Teng Li is sucking a cold air, and his look is shocked. As soon as he is in the midst of the enemy, he is rushing to the side.

It looks like a ghost.


And at the moment when the vine escaped, the ground where he stood before shook, and a deep pit appeared.

After the slowness, a figure appeared in this place.


Seeing the person who appeared in front of him, Wang Chen was shocked and then he was overjoyed and shouted.

The battle.

Yes, the person who appears here at the moment, isn’t it a battle?

At the most critical moment, the battle broke out. He once again saved Wang Chen’s life at the most critical time.

If it happened at the end of the battle, perhaps, Wang Chen at this moment is already ashes by Huawei.

Looking at the battle, Wang Chen feels mixed.

There is a kind of uncomfortable feeling in the heart.

It’s the last time that Ling has saved himself. This is the first time.

At this moment, Wang Chen felt that he was still useless.

At the same time, watching the battle that appeared on his side, Wang Chen is inexplicably feeling safe.

Yes, it’s security.

It seems that as long as the battle is standing here, the whole world is safe. Even if the sky falls, it doesn't matter.

The battle, he must be able to support.

"Kid, nothing."

Looking at Wang Chen at this time, he was so embarrassed that he couldn’t bear to look like it. The brow was a wrinkle and took a deep breath. It seemed to be forcibly suppressing his anger. Then he looked at Wang Chen and asked.

In the tone of voice, the hidden concern is to let Wang Chen feel a warm flow.


Wang Chen also took a deep breath and then said quietly.

When I heard Wang Chen’s words, Ling’s face flashed a bit of complexity.

Nothing, is it really okay? Looking at Wang Chen’s appearance at the moment, is it like nothing?

The **** clothes are ruined and bruised.

If it is an ordinary person, Wang Chen must have been dead and do not know how many times.

That is, by the body of the stars, he persisted.

This makes the anger in Ling Zhan’s heart begin to burn.

"Kids, rest assured, Laozi is here, between the world, they are all ants, you can't die, then, give it to me."

The battle suppressed the anger, went to Wang Chen, lifted him up, and then slowly said.

The words are plain, but they can't conceal the proud domineering.

Between the world, they are all ants, this is the words of the battle, what a domineering, how might it.

It seems that the top powerhouse like Teng Li is just an ant in the eyes of Ling Zhan.

This remark made Wang Chen feel that the blood began to boil.

This is the real super strong, this is the unparalleled strength, only the strong players like Lingzhan, dare to say such words.

Will Wang Chen to the side, Lingwu looked at him and said: "Next, see me playing dogs."

Obviously, the dog in this is the vine.

It’s another unparalleled discourse.

Just, at this moment, Wang Chen did not feel the words of the battle. He was talking about it and was bragging.

Instead, Wang Chen is full of confidence.

His strength is exactly what it is, and he can say such words.

Wang Chen suddenly, there is a desire, eager to improve his strength as soon as possible, he is eager to one day, can stand on the side of the battle, say something so arrogant words.

Just, if the battle is over, it is to let Wang Chen's blood boil, but it is also to make the side of the cane chest twisted.

蝼 ants, dogs, is this what you say?

Teng Li is going crazy.

He has been so scorned and ridiculed.

The killing of the battle, he must kill the battle today.

After Wang Chen and Bai Yu were on the side, Ling war turned around and looked at Fujiwara.

Everything seems so relaxed and calm, that momentum is unquestionable and cannot be imitated.

This is the momentum of the strong.

"You are the vine,."

Looking at Teng Li, Ling Bo asked indifferently.

At the moment, his tone is seemingly cold.

The coldness seems to have penetrated for thousands of years, through endless time and space, to see through everything, giving people a cold and piercing into the bone marrow.

"Hey, I’m fighting, I didn’t expect you to come."

When I heard the battle, the vines were even more ugly, and he was cold and cold.

At the most critical moment, the emergence of the battle, destroying his good deeds, which made the vines can be reconciled, especially just now, but also scorned by the battle, which makes the vines anger.

At this time, Teng Li’s eyes flickered and seemed to be thinking about something.

There was a tear in his virtual field before the battle, so it was easy, which made Teng Li have to be wary.

"I naturally want to come and take your life."

The battle is cold and cold.

Between the understatement, the battle is to enlarge his murder, but to show his momentum.

"A big tone." In the case of the battle, let the vines look pale, cold and cold.

Next, the cold flashes in the eyes: "Hey, but today you appear exactly, I have to look at it, you have a few pounds, today, you can easily go to death with Wang Chen."

Teng Li shouted loudly.

In the moment when the voice fell, I saw his body flashing, and the soldiers in his hand emerged. In the twinkling of an eye, they fell down the top of the battle.

Teng Li, the first to start.

This is called the sixth layer of purgatory, the most mysterious battle, how much strength he has, and it is not clear.

However, from the point of view of the ability to tear the space, it is not weak.

Although it is a sneak attack, the space of the vine is easy for ordinary people to tear.

He must first be strong, he will kill the **** battle in the shortest possible time.

"Looking for death."

Seeing the vines rushing toward themselves, the battle snorted.

The rattan chestnut at the moment is already a tear of the soul because the field has been torn. At this moment, the war is afraid of him.

Looking at the falling of a sword, a feeling of the weather, the face of the battle is unchanged.

The next moment, I saw that the battle did not retreat. In the moment when the sword was about to fall on the top of his head, the figure flashed and disappeared.

As if, the war has never appeared in the ordinary, silent, people can not find his trace.

Speed, too fast.

Then, a silver flashed past.


A violent crash came.

The sound waves are shaking, and the waves are rolling.

The world is eclipsed, at this moment, it seems that only the silver of the sky is left...

In the violent crash, the sword is crazy.

Between the vagueness, it seems that a snoring sound came.

The next moment, a vague figure, quickly rushed away in the distance.


The cockroach fell under the foot of the mountain at a distance of a thousand meters. The face of the vine was so uncertain that he had a trace of blood hanging from the corner of his mouth.

Under a trick, this moment he was forced to retreat by the battle.

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