Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 673: Blood veins

In the sneer, at the moment of the vine, his hands are once again exerted, his face is extremely cold, with a hint of crazy smile.

Under the force of the vine, the unrestrained white cockroach, once again bloody.

His left leg was broken by the shackles.

Wang Chen, I feel so powerless at the moment.

The blood is boiling, as if the blood of the imperial class is burning.


Yangtian shouts, Wang Chen is angry to the point of madness.

"Blood suppression..."

Finally, Wang Chen opened his mouth and roared.

Blood suppression, this moment, Wang Chen He wants to suppress.

The blood pressure is suppressed, and the six blood vessels are suppressed. This is the blood of the true god.

Wang Chen did not think of blood pressure suppression before, no, he thought of it.

But, this strange emptiness field, this distorted space, even the place where Wang Chen could not find the vine, even let Wang Chen not be able to lock the scent of the vine, let him suppress it.

But, this moment is different.

This moment, the anger from the depths of the blood, the explosion from the depths of the blood, so that Wang Chen finally locked the breath of the vine.

The feeling of richness came, and the blood of the blood broke out.

Blood suppression...


The wind is raging, the thunder is roaring...

Although it is a virtual field, although this is a distorted time and space, Wang Chen still clearly hears the thunder of thunder.

He, still heard, the roaring thunder, feeling the heavenly power of heaven.


With the outbreak of Wang Chen, along with the eruption of the blood of the true God, the essence of the majesty is like a real, this moment, covering the earth in front of the sky, as if the waves are higher than the waves.

In an instant, Wang Chen’s breath is to block the vine from the vine, and the scent of the vine is so clear and so real.

"This is..."

Finally, the action of the vine on the hand of the chestnut, he widened his eyes and looked at Wang Chen, his eyes were full of incredible.


Our blood has solidified, as if it was suppressed by something horrible, and the blood is struggling.

The perfect level of the blood of the snake, this is the blood of the beast and the snake. The perfect level of the blood of the snake means that it is almost the same as the blood of the real **** and the tortoise. This kind of blood is actually feeling the oppression at this moment. Feel the taboos.

This blood, the pride of the Fuji family, is the pride of the Fuji family. At this moment, how is it possible...

The **** atmosphere of the past is high, and now it is shrinking infinitely and becoming timid.

Blood, it seems to stop the rogue, blood, as if it is imprisoned in his body.

The chestnut's pupils contracted sharply.

The horrible Tianwei, let him fear from the depths of the blood, let him have an impulse to turn around and escape.

What the **** is going on.

"Blood suppression...this...this is..."

After that, Teng Li was even more shocked, and the eyes seemed to be coming out.

He felt it, he knew, and he finally realized what it was.

This is the breath of the true God, deep in the blood, that has been passed down for thousands of years of memory, this moment seems to be awakened.

In the ancient times, the familiar feeling seemed to return.

God, blood pressure suppression.

This is the anger from the true God, the punishment from the true God.

"You...Wang turned out to be..."

Unexpectedly, Teng Li can no longer calm down.

He seems to have seen ghosts watching Wang Chen.

He couldn't help but tremble.

The blood of the gods, these four words flashed in his mind, let him almost collapsed on the ground.

The blood of the true God, who is fighting for the battle, the return of the true God, the clothing of all things.

Wang Chen has lost the true blood of the gods who have not known for many years. He is actually the inheritor of the real warrior. He is not a pseudo-blood.

"Give me death...death..."

Wang Chen is angry. At this moment, under the burning of blood, Wang Chen even feels confused.

The only thing left is anger.

His voice became hoarse.

The weather is centered on him, and it continues to spread around. Finally, it is concentrated on the body of Teng Li.

Repression, suppression...

There is only one thought left in Wang Chen’s mind.


He wants to use this majesty to suppress the snake. He wants to let the snake fall and let the vine die.

Wang Chen at this moment is not a true god, but like a demon god.


Under the horror of the horror, Wang Chen’s body is also under the load of terror. The rolling blood is even more difficult to control. Wang Zhang spit out two blood between the mouths.

Teng Li is too strong, so powerful, it makes it difficult for Wang Chen to suppress it.

Even, if it is not the eruption of the true blood of the moment, it is very difficult for Wang Chen to suppress the vine. After all, the strength of the vine is placed here, and the blood is not invincible, nor is it omnipotent.

The **** burst, the repression caused by Wang Chen also brought a lot of harm to Wang Chen.

At this moment, even Wang Chen could not control his blood.

The blood of the true God is instinctively suppressing this humble person who provokes him.

This situation is actually quite dangerous for Wang Chen. In this case, it is very likely that Wang Chen’s blood will burn and violently die...

But at the moment, Wang Chen still cares so much. In danger, he can't help it. It's not that he is dead, that is, the vine is dead, the situation is irresistible.

"How could this be..."

Seeing the performance of Wang Chen at the moment, Teng Li finally couldn’t smile anymore.

This Tianwei shackles him and suppresses him. It seems that his strength is infinitely compressed.

Bone, as if it started to tremble, the blood began to evaporate...

If you continue to be suppressed by this energy, your blood will be completely melted, and it will be completely evaporated.

This situation... let the vines smashed.

His heart is already panicked.

A good situation, how can it be in a blink of an eye, it falls to such a point, how can a good situation be instantly reversed.

This is something that is not allowed to happen, he will not let this happen.

He, Teng Li, one of the ancestors of the Fuji family, one of the top powerhouses, how can you lose to the hairy boy like Wang Chen?

"No, bastard, you can't think about it, roll it for me, get out..."

After realizing that it was not good, Rattan’s crazy rebellion.

He let his blood begin to boil.

At the same time, he began to struggle, struggling with his body, trying to temporarily open the distance with Wang Chen, reducing this breath of repression.

"Space distortion..."

Next, the next moment, as if thinking of something in general, the glory of the sorrowful eyes flashed and sneered.

He knows, he thinks of a solution.

Twist time and space.

He wants to distort time and space.

Before, why couldn't Wang Chen suppress it, because he always used his own time and space to make Wang Chen unable to lock himself.

This twisted time and space can block your breath.


Along with it, the anger of the vines fell, and the whole imaginary field began to distort again.

This time the distortion is even more crazy.

Time and space, constant superposition, space is constantly chaotic.

"Not good..."

Understanding this, Wang Chen, who has only a little will, is not good.

The distortion of time and space makes Wang Chen’s breath on the vines begin to drift, blood, and can not be suppressed.



Finally, at the moment when the vines disappeared, Wang Chen suddenly spewed two blood.

It’s still a failure, the blood is suppressed, and the last resort has failed. The powerful strength of Teng Li, this strange field, has allowed Teng Li to get rid of the blood pressure.

"Hahaha, kid, can you help me, how can you help me...

The blood of the gods, I did not expect that you are the blood of the true God, so I will not leave you.

Get rid of Wang Chen’s **** suppression. At this moment, Teng Li exhaled a breath, and the whole person relieved the general breath.

He looked at Wang Chen with a sneer and shouted loudly.

Although, just in front of Wang Chen, although it is so close, the interlacing of time and space makes the voice of Teng Li appear ethereal and embarrassing.

The blood of true God, this is a huge discovery.

Unexpectedly, after the disappearance of the blood of the true **** for thousands of years, it has returned to the mainland, or the blood of the true **** has been tens of thousands of years, and it has not appeared for more than ten thousand years.

The original warrior had the blood of the true God, but few people will develop to this point.

Wang Chen, did it.

The true blood of the gods, the ancient gods, reappeared, this is not allowed.

What is the blood of the true god, and the vine will not know.

He knows why Wang Chen is enemies with the Fuji family, because the Fuji family abandoned the blood of the true god.

If this is the case, then there is no room for recovery.

The blood of the true God is something that the Fuji family cannot allow.

Wang Chen, must die, can't let him continue to live.

This bloodline continues to exist and is itself a huge threat.

"Leave you not allowed."

Under such a situation, even Teng Li does not want to continue to torture Wang Chen, he only wants to let Wang Chen die.

"Your blood, give it to me, hahaha..."

At the same time, Teng Li seems to have thought of something in general and laughed.

The true blood, how tempting this is.

If the blood of his own snake can be integrated into the blood of the true god, then the Fuji family...

Teng Li began to tremble and was excited to tremble.

This is an opportunity, his huge opportunity, a huge opportunity for the Fuji family.

If you can fuse the blood of the true god, the Fuji family will inevitably become the real first family, the first blood.

Wang Chen’s true blood, he stared.

"Kid, hand over your blood."

Hey smile on the face, with a bloodthirsty laugh, the vine chest shape flashed, this time, and then went straight toward Wang Chen.

Refining, he wants to refine Wang Chen.

Looking at the vines, Wang Chen’s face was gray.


The strength of Teng Li is too strong, and it is difficult to suppress it. This strange space has ruined Wang Chen’s last hope.

Death, is this moment finally going to land?

The last bit of strength was exhausted, and Wang Chen was powerless. He fell to the ground with a little despair.

It’s only the eyes that look at the death scent that comes to you.

The corner of the mouth, with a faint smile on it...

At this moment, the world seems to have fallen into silence...

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