Supreme Lord

Chapter 96: Transformation into a Dragon (Three more chapters, please subscribe)

Lin Rui's eyes lit up. He didn't expect that there were war spirits in a small place like Yinyue County.

He is actually still at the rank of lieutenant general, which is equivalent to the late stage of the sixth level of martial arts in Tianji Star, "Transforming Dragon", and he already has his own "dragon"!

Lin Rui did not choose to grab rashly, but asked in his mind.

"Nether Spirit, can I know the direction of this war spirit's technique?"

If the captured war spirit does not match the nature of his own skills, wouldn't it be a loss?

Another piece of information appeared in his mind.

Tip: The battle spirit ring is not powerful enough and identification fails.

Lin Rui suddenly realized that this was the ring spirit reminding him that it was time to recharge.

"Nether Spirit, help me use 5850 points of soul power to repair the war spirit ring, and continue to check the direction of the war spirit technique."

Previously, the integrity of the battle spirit ring was 1415%. After investing another 5850 points, it could be restored to 20%.

Following Lin Rui's thoughts, the war spirit ring first heated up slightly, and the surface of the ring also glowed with a strange red light, especially the eye sockets of the skull, which had an especially dazzling luster.

Lin Rui knew that others could not see the skull ring on his hand, but he still subconsciously put his hands into his sleeves to cover his fingers.

Then two more pieces of information came into his mind.

Tip: If the identification is successful, the war spirit possesses dragon-level fire-attribute martial arts, dragon-level light-attribute martial arts, high-level thunder-attribute martial arts, and high-level body-refining techniques.

Tip: The repair of the War Spirit Ring has entered the third stage, which requires 30,000 soul points to repair to 30%.

Lin Rui couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

Dragon-level fire attributes and high-level thunder attributes? There is actually a body refining method and light attribute? From this point of view, this war spirit is barely usable.

But the next stage of repairing the battle spirit ring actually requires 30,000 soul points? It doesn't seem like much, just clearing out two to three Blood Lizard Gang strongholds is enough.

The thought just came into Lin Rui's mind and he quickly shook his head.

He thought that he must have been led astray by the No. 1 War Spirit to have such a terrible idea. He hoped that the next No. 2 War Spirit would not be as crazy as Xue Bogao. "Nether Spirit, help me catch that War Spirit."

Tip: Failed to capture the war spirit. The war spirit ring is not powerful enough. Your distance is too far. The war spirit is 13 kilometers below you and there is strong radiation interference. Please get closer to within 500 meters and eliminate the radiation before catching it. Pick.

Lin Rui couldn't help but frowned and looked at the pothole ahead.

13 kilometers below? And there is strong radiation interference? Could this war spirit be related to what happened today?

His communication with the Ring Spirit lasted only a moment. At this time, everyone was still investigating the situation of sensing this pothole.

This pit is not big, only five feet wide and long. It can be seen that the four walls of the pit are paved with strips of blue stone.

They couldn't see anything further down, mainly because of the dazzling purple light inside the pit, making it impossible for them to see the bottom.

And just after taking a breath, the faces of Cao Jun and several other chiefs and deputy chiefs were flushed, showing signs of pain.

Only Wang Sen and Ximen Shou, a head catcher who practices ice magic, were safe and sound.

Zhang Tianchang only took one look and knew that it was the Purple Crystal Dust under the pit that caused the Purple Crystal Dust accumulated in Cao Jun and others' bodies to react violently.

He himself couldn't bear it, and his insides felt like they were on fire.

Zhang Tianchang waved his sleeves slightly: "You guys stand back!"

He was in a cold mood. It seemed that people like Cao Jun could not help him.

At this moment, a white figure suddenly rushed out from underneath the pothole.

Everyone's expressions became stern when they saw this, and they all showed a vigilant look.

Lin Rui's hand holding the knife tightened suddenly, and thunder flashed on the blade.

He then raised his eyebrows: "Is it you?"

He recognized the white figure as Li Qiufeng, the high priest of the Four Realms of the Demon Sect.

Li Qiufeng also felt aware of them. She did not go up rashly, but stopped 20 meters below the pit, holding on to the stone wall with one hand.

This position can avoid being attacked by Zhang Tianchang and others.

She raised her head and looked upward: "Boss Zhang, Capt. Lin? Are you here because of the changes in the Yuanjing mine?"

Zhang Tianchang's eyes were as sharp as a knife, and he looked Li Qiufeng up and down: "You are Li Qiufeng, the high priest of the Fourth Realm of the Demon Sect, why are you here?

But you colluded with the county captain Zhu Lingshi and planned what happened today? "

He was considerate of time and spoke rapidly and almost without pause.

"I don't know the captain of your county, so how could I collude with him? On the contrary, I noticed that the city was densely covered with crystal dust.

The blazing fire element may lead to the death of thousands of followers of my sect, so I followed the traces and came to check out the situation. ""

Li Qiufeng's figure flew up without taking any precautions, and landed opposite Zhang Tianchang: "Do you want to go down from here? I don't recommend you do this. The Purple Yao Yuanjing veins under this cave are huge. The Yang Fire Yuan Power released is so vast that even I, a person who specializes in the Thunder and Fire techniques, feel very uncomfortable inside. "

Master Du sneered when he heard this: "Who knows whether what you said is true or false?"

The Holy Sect of Light is the mortal enemy of the Imperial City Division.

Master Du's true identity is that of Zhuang Mingyue's self-employed magician. He can only be regarded as a retainer of this seventh-grade inspector and is not part of the Imperial City Department's system. However, he is also full of malice and vigilance towards the Holy Sect of Light.

Previously, Li Qiufeng led the members of the Guangming Holy Sect on a parade in the city. Master Du's master and servants wanted to disperse and suppress them. Unfortunately, they did not have enough strength at the time and had to choose to endure.

Lin Rui raised his hand and said, "Mr. Du, let's first listen to what Priest Li has to say."

Lin Rui judged that it was unlikely that the high priest colluded with the county lieutenant, which was not good for the Holy Church of Light. They sacrificed thousands of believers,

what for?

The key was his superhuman perception, sensing that there were some traces of battle left on Li Qiufeng.

This woman had experienced fierce battles before rushing out of the pit.

He looked at Li Qiufeng: "Priest Li, I want to know what is going on down there now? Have you seen my Blood Knife Princess?"

'I just met your Blood Knife Princess twice. She is in an awkward situation now. Her parents and siblings are controlled by the county lieutenant and held hostage.

She dared not fight or escape, and could only run around down there, waiting for an opportunity. "

Li Qiufeng smiled bitterly: "As for the specific situation down there, I will show you directly. ""

She raised her hand and made a magic spell, twisting the surrounding light with her magic power, reflecting several illusory pictures around her: "Look carefully, this is what I saw when I broke into the deepest part of the mine a hundred breaths ago. It is shown in the picture. There are a lot of demons and demon cultivators inside. This is just what I saw. Your county's Dianshi Jiang Hanzhang and the county lieutenant are among them. The key is this person."

Li Qiufeng pointed in the center of an illusory picture: "If my perception is correct, this sixth-rank eunuch should be a fifth-level master

Everyone present couldn't help but change their expression when they heard this, and all looked at the man that Li Qiufeng pointed at.

The man was about thirty years old, wearing the official uniform of a sixth-rank eunuch, with a jade belt around his waist, a white face and no beard, and a handsome face. Perhaps due to habit, his waist was naturally slightly bent.

Zhang Tianchang's face couldn't help but become even paler. The fifth realm, 'Dragon Shedding', was simply a crushing existence in their Yinyue County.

Master Du also spoke in a hoarse voice: "This person should be called Zhu Tianmao, the uncle of the county lieutenant, who entered the palace when he was young and is currently a trusted eunuch of His Royal Highness King Han. "

When he saw this person, he knew that there was no hope for the Yinyue County in front of him.

I didn't expect that this eunuch Zhu would come here in person.

This means that they have completely lost hope of turning the situation around, and that everyone in Yinyue County will die. Lin Rui was secretly shocked when he heard this. He then noticed that in front of this sixth-rank eunuch, there was a crystal coffin made entirely of purple Yao Yuanjing.

Inside this crystal coffin lay a young woman wearing a bright red robe and bone armor, and her appearance and body shape were three-quarters similar to that of the Blood Knife Princess.

"Who is this woman?" Zhang Tianchang also noticed this woman, raised his hand and pointed at the purple crystal coffin, and asked in a serious voice: "Looking at the appearance of this woman, it seems that she is also a Blood Knife Princess? "

Lin Rui turned his head and exchanged glances with Wang Sen next to him.

A guess emerged in their minds: this woman is likely to be the general named Ji Shenyan who caused the fire in Yinyue County 6,700 years ago.

According to the local historical materials of Shazhou collected by the Earth Federation, this Ji Shenyan is 90% likely to be a woman, and her cultivation level was at the peak of the sixth realm before her death!

In order to defend Yinyue County, this person took the initiative to transform into a powerful demon. However, the history books did not mention its category, but only speculated that this person eventually transformed into a seventh-level fire demon! Thus causing a fire in Yinyue County.

Lin Rui also understood the origin of the lieutenant general-level war spirit sensed by the war spirit ring in an instant.

The peak of the sixth realm, isn't it the lieutenant general rank of the Federation? This war spirit is most likely Ji Shenyan!

But its war spirit has not been destroyed for 6,700 years, isn't it too long?

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