Supreme Lord

Chapter 95 Lieutenant General Battle Spirit (Subscription Request)

When the battle in the lobby ended, everyone, including several head constables, collapsed on the ground without caring about their image. They lay or crouched in the pile of corpses, breathing and resting.

Although the battle was short and lasted only half a minute, it almost exhausted their vitality.

Wang Sen only rested for a while, then leaned close to Lin Rui's ear and whispered: "I didn't expect that there was really a problem with the Yuanjing vein below. Look at the amazing radiation."

When he returned to the ninth base, he checked a lot of information about Yinyue County and knew that there was a large purple Yuanjing vein under the county.

Three hundred years ago, a prospecting team from the Federal Mineral Resources Department came here to explore and discovered this Yuanjing vein with a radius of more than 20 kilometers.

However, the mineral of purple Yuanjing is very common, not a resource urgently needed by the Earth Federation, so although the reserves of purple Yuanjing here are amazing, no mining company is interested in this place.

Wang Sen has seen the purple crystal dust outside and realized the terrible consequences.

Lin Rui frowned. When he was fighting just now, he had actually been distracted by Master Du's conversation and knew that the county magistrate had gone to Huoxu Village.

Lin Rui couldn't help but feel a headache. He had already hinted and reminded the county magistrate, but something went wrong.

This should be because the amount of information he "hinted" was not enough.

But there was no way. He couldn't just tell the county magistrate that there was a purple crystal vein under the county town, and the range was very large.

'It looks bad. "Wang Sen looked around, looking at the demon corpses in the hall, the unconscious county soldiers, and many colleagues.

He found that the county soldiers who were stunned by the blood knife girl's sword intent,

, had already frowned unconsciously.

These county soldiers had weaker cultivation, most of them only had the first level of "passing the classics", and had been affected by the purple crystal dust.

Wang Sen also heard several clerks in the yamen outside the lobby groaning.

Wang Sen asked with a distressed look: "Brother Twelve, what should we do next? How about I send a letter to my family."

This sentence means that he consciously returns to the Ninth Base to ask Fang Ranran and Tianlan Group for help.

Although Wang Sen used the wind essence to restrain his voice, he was still afraid of being heard, so he spoke very obscurely and carefully.

He is now in a dilemma.

At first, Wang Sen also had the urge to leave directly, which is undoubtedly the best response plan.

He and Lin Rui's alien bodies were prepared only half a month ago. They did not absorb too much purple crystal dust and were not affected by the crystal dust, so as long as they leave the county now, they should be fine.

The problem is in the future. Everyone in the county was burned to death, and only the two of them survived. Why is this?

Of course, they can change their names after flying away, but in this way, the two identities they replaced will be meaningless, and they will still be illegal residents in the future.

This sunk cost is a bit high.

"What message? It's too late." Lin Rui shook his head without thinking: "First find the source of the Ziyao Yuanjing mutation and see what happens."

For some reason, he didn't have the slightest thought of withdrawing.

Lin Rui said that even if he had to leave, he had to take back the great asset of "Blood Knife Princess" first.

Lin Rui reached into his sleeve and secretly let out a little blood from Ji Xueying's blood bag.

The blood he drew from Ji Xueying's body was originally his backup to clamp the Blood Knife Princess.

If the method envisioned by Professor Han doesn't work, Lin Rui can use this blood to perform a secret technique to allow the Blood Knife Princess to regain consciousness temporarily.

Lin Rui also plans to send a portion of Ji Xueying's blood back to the Ninth Base when he has enough spare money, and pay the research team to analyze Ji Xueying's DNA composition.

Artificial demons like Blood Knife Princess can also use various foreign enhancers developed by the Federation.

It's just that the demon's DNA A Unlike normal Tianji people and alien walkers, the potions used by demons also need to be specially optimized, which requires a special team to study.

Lin Ruifu said that as long as he can make enough money and is willing to invest, it will not be a problem to train the Blood Knife Princess to the emperor level and the super emperor level.

However, the biggest use of this blood now is to find the location of the Blood Knife Princess.

As Lin Rui pinched a spiritual formula with one hand, he muttered something.

The dozen drops of blood in his palm instantly flew into the air and turned into a small blood-colored butterfly, circling around him.

"Lao Zhang, Lao Cao, Master Du, I want to go to the Yuanjing vein underground to see if you still have the strength?"

Zhang Tianchang was thinking about this, he turned his head and looked at Lin Rui: "Twelve, do you have a way to find the entrance to the underground vein?"

He then saw the blood-colored butterfly next to Lin Rui, and his eyes lit up immediately: "Is this a blood-attracting technique? Is it the blood of the Blood Knife Princess?

Good! I was just about to fight them, how could I not have the strength? ‘

Zhang Tianchang was afraid that in the end he would not even have the chance to fight to the death, and could only sit and wait for death.

Cao Jun looked at the several chiefs and deputy chiefs present, and then stood up from the ground without hesitation.

Even the black belt constables stood up one after another.

Their current conditions were not very good. They were basically injured, and their true energy was greatly consumed, and they also had a slight burning sensation in their bodies.

But they were going to fight for their lives now! If they didn't fight, they would die!

The burning sensation of those purple crystal dusts was getting stronger and stronger. If they didn't fight to the death to find a way out now, not only would they die, but everyone's family in Yinyue County would also die of spontaneous combustion.

Cao Jun frowned slightly when he saw this, and assumed the aura of a veteran headhunter: "Three realms and above can keep up. The rest of the people stay above and try their best to maintain order in the city."

He knew that most of the black belts in front of him were at the end of their battles. The demon cultivators and demons from all four realms ambushed by the county lieutenant in the lobby were really troublesome.

If it weren't for the timely execution of the Blood Sword Ji's eight sword strikes, several of them might have died~

With just these eight strikes, Cao Jun could let go of his hatred for the Blood Sword Princess.

Lin Rui had already used the power of magic to activate the blood butterfly, causing it to fly high and follow Ji Xueying's breath.

Master Du was secretly surprised when he saw this. Lin Twelve's surgical technique was as perfect as nature's, it was very clever!

Is this guy really just studying law?

Master Du is also a magician who is about to enter the fourth realm, but his blood drawing technique is not as smooth as Lin Twelve.

He then looked at the Lightning Talisman and Blazing Talisman posted everywhere inside and outside the lobby.

The talismans drawn by Lin Twelve were very ugly and unsightly, but this guy understood the true meaning of the talisman very well, and every talisman was drawn very well and was very powerful.

Speaking of which, this guy's martial arts are also very powerful. Master Du just saw Lin Twelve's Red Thunder Sword and Red Sky Thunder Control Technique, and he was simply superb.

The song is as wonderful as it gets.

Master Du shook his head and could only attribute these magical phenomena to Lin Twelve's strong understanding and talent.

After all, genius is something ordinary people cannot understand.

The key is that as far as he knows, none of those extraterrestrial demons are like Lin Twelve.

Everyone followed Lin Rui and Xuedie, running quickly on the roof.

Their expressions became more and more solemn, and along the way, some people could be seen falling to the ground on various streets, some fell to the ground and fainted, and some were rolling on the ground, moaning in pain.

The remaining people also realized that the situation was not good and were rushing towards their homes while enduring the pain.

After they ran quickly for about fifty breaths, they saw the blood butterfly suddenly stopped and circled around a bottomless pit in front of them. Everyone stepped forward and landed next to the pit.

Cao Jun looked around, his expression slightly moved: "I have been here before. It was the villa of the county captain's family. This place was originally a pond."

Lin Rui's eyes also changed slightly, because a piece of information appeared in his mind at this moment.

Tip: I found a lieutenant general level battle spirit, do you want to capture it?

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