Supreme Lord

Chapter 84 Dark World

"It's very possible." Lin Rui shook his head slightly and poured the hot tea in the cup on the ground: "But this matter doesn't hurt me, so there is no need to worry about it."

If you really want to take it seriously, you will play into the opponent's hands and fall into their rhythm.

Blood Knife Princess put her hands behind her back with an indifferent expression and said nothing.

Wang Sen was relieved when he saw this. He thought that if the mastermind behind this farce wanted to use public opinion to pressure Lin Rui, he had made a wrong calculation.

Lin Rui, like him, is an extraterrestrial demon and doesn't care about reputation at all, let alone the opinions of the people of Tianji Star.

They hunt monsters to make money, to improve themselves through cultivation, to implant more powerful reproductive equipment, to have stronger power and higher social status.

They may have a little chivalrous heart, seeing the pity of the people around them, and offering them shelter as much as they can.

But there really isn’t much chivalry.

As for the Blood Knife Princess - Wang Sen feels that this is a pure monster based on the situation he got along with in the past few days.

Ji Xueying may have voluntarily transformed before, and her self-awareness is very clear, and she no longer regards herself as a human being.

This Blood Knife Lady's mind is extremely powerful, and she will not take human life at heart. The reason why she refrained from killing people or sucking blood food for those ten days was because she was unwilling to lose her mind, succumb to instinct, and completely degenerate into animal ways. .

Therefore, it is impossible for her to feel guilty towards these people because of the Zuihualou case.

Lin Rui suddenly focused his eyes and looked towards the door.

At this time, the crowd outside was dispersing, revealing three figures, one large, two young, and one small on the street outside.

The eldest among them was in his forties, wearing white clothes. Although he looked ordinary, his temperament was gentle and gentle, exuding a calm and profound aura.

The two children were a boy and a girl, both less than 10 years old. They were plainly dressed, thin and small, with dishes on their faces, and each carried a food basket.

Lin Rui recognized the middle-aged woman at first sight as the High Priest of the Four Realms of the Holy Religion of Light!

Today, this woman did not wear a hat or veil, but Lin Rui recognized her at first sight.

The two children Lin Rui also looked familiar, but couldn't remember them for a moment.

Lin Rui checked the biochip and recognized the two children as the two children they had saved on the first day they arrived.

It was the house where the grandma turned into a thousand-threaded demon and the parents got into the pot.

The storage capacity of the biochip is very limited. It can only record videos within three months. It will be washed away after three months, so the videos at that time are still there.

Lin Rui has always been worried about the thunder and fire mark on his chest.

Seeing the high priest at this time, the fire in his heart suddenly surged, thinking that this woman actually dared to come to see him?

The high priest of a mere cult doesn't take his head catcher seriously, right?

Just after the crowd outside the door dispersed, the middle-aged woman with a gentle temperament walked in and saluted Lin Rui.

"Sacred Priest Li Qiufeng has met the Holy Destiny One."

Li Qiufeng raised her head and saw Lin Rui's eyes widening, staring at her with a selective and devouring gaze.

Li Qiufeng frowned at first, and then understood the reason. She raised her eyebrows slightly and said, "Are those with the Holy Destiny worried about the Holy Seal? In fact, there is no need to worry. The Holy Seal is given by our religion's sacred object 'Holy Thunder Tribulation Fire'. As long as the Holy Destiny does not If you are willing, even the Eighth Realm Overhaul will not be able to detect the traces of the Holy Seal.

Moreover, this matter was not my intention, and I was also very surprised by this. I guess that the holy person should have an extremely powerful thunder and fire bloodline, and has a great affinity with our religion, which led to the birth of the Holy Thunder Tribulation Fire in our religion. Respond and grant the Holy Seal. "

Lin Rui immediately sneered when he heard this: "Given the Holy Seal? Do I still have to be grateful to you?"

But he thought slightly in his heart, thinking of the crystal stones that Lin Xi took out, and the complete holy body that Professor Sima said.

Li Qiufeng smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I came here today to meet with those who are destined to be holy. I want to persuade those who are destined to join our Holy Sect of Light. However, I see that Lin Captou has a deep prejudice against our religion. It can be seen that You are not destined to be with our sect, so let’s not mention it; secondly, on behalf of our holy sect members, I would like to thank Lin Patou for slaying the demons and protecting their safety.”

When she said this, she solemnly crossed her arms and bowed to Lin Rui: "In the past ten days, Lin Captou has killed no less than fifty demons inside and outside his jurisdiction, greatly reducing the demonic atmosphere in the nearby area. The demons are far away, and most of our sect members live in the east and north of the city. They all benefit from this and are safe. When they mention Lin Batou, they all burst into tears with gratitude. "

At this time, the two children behind her also bowed deeply towards Lin Rui with expressions of gratitude, and then placed the two food baskets in their hands on the table next to them.

Wang Sen glanced sideways at the vegetable basket and found that it was full of eggs. The eggs were very big, as big as three fists.

It is said that Tianjixing Chicken is also very large, even larger than an ostrich.

In fact, this creature looks nothing like a chicken. It's just a lazy naming by biologists, just like they used to name sea creatures like manatees, seals, sea lions, and seahorses.

Just when Wang Sen was thinking wildly, the little girl on the left mustered up the courage and said to Lin Rui: "Captain Lin, I think those people are wrong, please ignore them, everyone knows that Captor Lin is a good person.

I heard from my neighbors that if it hadn’t been for your great power recently, everyone would have to be careful even when going out to buy groceries, and would not dare to go out at night. Everyone is grateful to you from the bottom of their hearts. Except for Mr. Zhang in the yamen now, You are the only one who is desperately protecting the people and slaying demons. "

Lin Rui was stunned when he heard this, and looked at the little girl who was less than 10 years old.

He saw the innocence in the girl's eyes, full of admiration.

Lin Rui looked away with a guilty conscience, thinking that he was not here to protect these Tianji people. He just wanted to harvest soul points and the magic silver offered by the government.

Lin Rui looked up at Li Qiufeng: "What's the matter with these two children?"

"Their parents are members of my sect." Li Qiufeng stroked the heads of the two children with her hands, her eyes loving and pitying: "After they lost their parents, they should be raised by my sect. I plan to take them to my sect's Wangcheng branch, where they should have a better life. Today, they heard that I was coming to visit the head of the police, and they also wanted to come here to thank you and Constable Wang for saving their lives and giving them silver that day."

These two children actually have some cousins, but they are all poor families and have no spare money to support them.

And what happened in their family, they will inevitably be pointed at if they live here in the future, so it is better to go to Wangcheng County with her and change the environment.

Lin Rui sneered secretly when he heard this, guessing that the high priest of the Holy Church must have taken a fancy to the talents of these two children.

All those who have transformed into demons have strong blood talents, especially the grandmother of these two children, who has no martial arts foundation, but has transformed into a third-level Thousand Silk Demon. It can be seen that their family has a strong blood inheritance.

Lin Rui took into account the presence of the two children and said sarcastically: "Your Holy Church of Light has bewitched quite a lot of believers in Yinyue County."

"How did you bewitch?" Li Qiufeng's eyes suddenly became sharp: "In today's world, jackals are in power and demons are rampant. Not only do the people of the world have to bear heavy taxes and suffer from the oppression of the court, but they also have to suffer from the troubles of demons, and their lives are in danger."

She shook her head: "Captain Lin was born in a family of yamen runners and lived a rich life. He probably couldn't feel the suffering of the ants. Take the two children of the Zhou family, Do you really think their father is unwilling to support his parents?

They really can't survive. Before the incident, their family of five had been out of food for three days. Do you know how heavy the commercial tax in your Yinyue County is? It has reached the point of 10% tax and 5% land tax, and there are various local taxes that are not included. It is because the people are disappointed with the court and have no way to survive that they are scrambling to join our Holy Light Church and seek protection from our church. "

Lin Rui was speechless when he heard this, and looked at Wang Sen next to him.

Li Qiufeng's voice softened when she said the last few sentences. She smiled again: "Captain Lin has a deep misunderstanding of our church. It is useless to say more now. When the fate comes in the future, Captain Lin will naturally know the true meaning of our great wish.

Captain Lin has the blood of light in his body, but he has not awakened his bloodline. It is a pity, but the captain only needs to keep a heart of light, and sooner or later there will be a day of great light. "

After hugging her shoulders and bowing, she led the two children out of the door.

After watching Li Qiufeng's back disappear at the street corner outside the door, Lin Rui frowned and thought for a long time, then he put away the messy thoughts in his heart: "It's inexplicable!"

Lin Rui immediately stood up and strode out of the door: "Twenty-seven, let's go and make money! Xueying has found the location of the Four Realms Thousand Silk Demon."

Wang Sen was shocked when he heard this, and he also threw Li Qiufeng's words behind his mind.

The current reward for this Four Realms Thousand Silk Demon in the government office is 500 taels! And its blood can also be sold for money.

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