Supreme Lord

Chapter 83 Unreasonable

Six days later, on the morning, Wang Sen was lying in his sleeping cabin, browsing the interface of the self-operated products of the Alien Administration Bureau.

He was looking at a 'Type 1 Alien Bloodline Enhancer' produced by the Sky Blue Group in the interface, his eyes hesitant.

"Selling for 100,000 federal coins per bottle? Tsk, why don't they go and rob it?"

Wang Sen complained in his heart while opening his bank account.

The balance in it was 1231113 federal coins, all of which were the gains from the six days when he was led by Lin Rui to clear the demons.

Wang Sen gritted his teeth, clicked the number under the product icon to '3', and chose to pay.

Three Type 1 Alien Bloodline Enhancers can already help him awaken the initial 'Ice Blood'.

The annoying thing is that this medicine is only priced at 9999 federal coins on the Sky Blue Group's official website, but it has risen directly to 100,000 at the Alien Administration Bureau.

But there is no way. The atmosphere of Tianji Star is extremely dangerous. In addition to the wind speed of 5,000 kilometers per hour, deadly poisonous gas, powerful thunderstorms and ionizing radiation that can tear apart the ninth-level martial arts practitioners, there are also a large number of dangerous gravitational distortions and space-time rifts, which make many star-destroying weapons developed by the Earth Federation helpless against it.

Currently, only starships with "quantum leap" devices can enter the interior of Tianji Star.

Each of these starships is expensive and must be equipped with a cloaking device to avoid the perception of the Tianji Star's strongmen.

But even so, the Earth Federation destroys 40 to 50 starships every year, some of which are destroyed by Tianji Star people and some are looted by interstellar pirates, so the express delivery business of Tianji Star is expensive for a reason.

In fact, there are many institutions that own invisible starships, such as the military, pharmaceutical companies, mining companies, and the Federal Security Bureau, etc., and some powerful chaebols and large companies will also purchase starships themselves.

However, these institutions either do not operate to the public or have too few outlets, unlike the Alien Administration, which not only has nearly a thousand invisible starships for entering and exiting the atmosphere of Tianji Star, but also has a huge network of outlets distributed in all counties of Tianji Star.

Wang Sen placed an order at the Alien Administration and estimated that he could get the goods in the coffin shop in 12 hours. If he changed to other institutions, he didn't know when he could get them.

He then spent 300,000 to buy three Type 1 Alien Enhancers, which were prepared to be used to enhance the physical fitness of the alien.

The alien enhancement technology developed by the Federation is based on the genetic level, which is not the same as the drug enhancement of Tianji Star. The combination of the two is the best way to practice.

He also used the discount card given by Fang Ranran to buy a Type 3 mental strength enhancer on the official website of Tianlan Group at a cost price of 300,000. After two days, he directly injected it into the main body to continue to improve his mental strength.

Wang Sen did not plan to repay the previous loan for the time being. He was very open-minded. Which of those general-level alien practitioners did not have a debt of 300 to 500 million?

Wang Sen's family didn't need his help. Although his parents were only middle-class people of the lower class, they were able to support themselves. Instead, they expected Wang Sen's colonization behavior to improve as soon as possible, which would benefit their entire family.

Wang Sen believed that the money in his hands was earned by Lin Rui, so he had to invest in himself as much as possible, keep up with Lin Rui's pace as much as possible, and provide support for Lin Rui.

Wang Sen only left 300,000 federal coins in his account for the future expenses of making "artificial serum".

Lin Rui was right. With their strength, there was no need to buy artificial serum. They could find demons with matching attributes and kill them, take blood and send it back to the ninth base city to make serum.

After placing the order, Wang Sen cleaned up his personal communications and sent a few messages to his family.

Wang Sen found that someone in their class group was @him and Lin Rui. He opened it and took a look. He found that a group of people in the class who had passed the alien body assessment wanted to organize a dinner party, so that everyone could get together and exchange some ideas.

"We just started our internship, what's the point of getting together?"

Wang Sen shook his head and closed the class group with disinterest.

He has been making a lot of money with Lin Rui these days, and his cultivation of his original body and alien body is improving rapidly. How can he have time to attend this class reunion?

It is necessary to attend the farewell dinner of the class. In this alien body assessment, only 8 people in the class got the alien body license. The rest of them have no need to stay in school for internship. They will either graduate directly into the society or go to the Colonial Equipment College. They have to get together before the farewell.

Wang Sen immediately contacted the nurse Wang Xiaofang and came to Tianji Star again.

When Wang Sen's consciousness came to the alien body, he instantly sensed the pulsating blood in his body.

That was the aftertaste of his entering the third level of blood training today.

With the help of three middle-grade soul stones and the secret method of the county magistrate, Wang Sen finally opened all the chakras and entered the third level!

But the next step was difficult. He had just started to learn the intermediate-level Zhuanggong, and his blood training efficiency was very low. The blood training progress of one Zhuanggong cycle was less than 0.1%.

"I wonder what the progress of Brother Rui is now? He has the Blood Training Divine Will Pill given by the county magistrate, and the blood training efficiency is super high. According to him, he can reach 0.8% in one time. Now he may have trained his blood to 35%, or even more than 40%——"

Just when Wang Sen stretched his muscles and bones and prepared to continue practicing martial arts, he heard a noise coming from downstairs.

Wang Sen listened attentively, and his eyes then became fierce.

Fuck! Someone downstairs is looking for trouble with Brother Rui!

He walked down the stairs and came to the first floor of Zuihualou. He saw Lin Rui sitting on a chair in the middle of the hall with a big horse and a golden sword, and the Blood Knife Girl stood behind Lin Rui with her hands behind her back.

There was a large group of people around, surrounding the first floor of Zuihualou.

The first dozen people were all wearing brocade clothes, and they looked like businessmen. Wang Sen recognized three of them as the owners of the nearby brothel.

Behind them stood more than fifty big and strong men with weapons, who should be thugs and guards.

There were more than a hundred people outside, all shouting and cursing at Lin Rui.

"Kill her! Killing someone means paying for his life, and debts mean paying for them. This is only natural!"

"It was that female demon who killed my husband. Let her kill someone and pay for his life!"

"And my father, he died miserably. He was chopped into three pieces by this demon, and his blood was sucked by this demon!"

"Is this the head of the police station? Why would he protect a demon? They are in collusion and help the demon to do evil. Bah!"

"In my opinion, this kid instructed the demon to do the crime. He is the culprit of the Zuihualou case!"

"Some people say that this head of the police is a hero who can protect the people. Bah! I think he is just a scum who protects demons!"

Wang Sen frowned when he heard this, and stood behind Lin Rui with his sword and shield, looking at the people around him fiercely.

He knew that most of the people in front of him were family members of the victims of the Zuihualou case, but he stood on Lin Rui's side without hesitation.

What annoyed him more were the three brothel owners.

If it weren't for Lin Rui, who knows how many people would have died at the hands of demons near Hanhua Lane these days. All the brothels in Hanhua Lane opened one after another yesterday, all thanks to Lin Rui. How dare they come here to cause trouble.

Wang Sen is already a third-level warrior, and his mental power value has reached 320. He already has some mental pressure. When he glanced over, the momentum of the people around him suddenly stagnated.

Lin Rui, however, drank tea with a neutral expression, staring at the ceiling with lifeless eyes, wondering what he was thinking.

Until the people around him saw that he was like a dead pig that was not afraid of boiling water and gradually got tired of scolding him, he put down the tea bowl and said in a heavy voice: "Everyone, I know that you have all experienced the pain of losing your loved ones, and I also know that you want to punish the murderer. I feel the same way, but there is a hidden story in the Zuihualou case. The county magistrate has determined that there is another real murderer in this case. The Blood Knife Ji Xueying was manipulated and influenced by someone, and it was not her original intention.

The government has determined that all the murders that occurred afterwards were not committed by the Blood Knife Ji. At present, the county magistrate is looking for the real murderer. When the truth is revealed, the government will definitely give you an explanation."

However, his words made the people around him even more angry.

"The murderer was Blood Knife Ji, why isn't she the real murderer?"

"She killed the man, and she sucked his blood. The murderer deserves death!"

"I think you are colluding with each other to protect the demon!"

"Being controlled by someone? Don't be fooled by him. Who can bypass the master of Blood Knife Ji to control her?"

Lin Rui didn't care when he heard it. He waited until the crowd around him got tired of scolding and quieted down again, then he sighed: "Everyone, I said that the real murderer of this case is someone else. Blood Knife Ji is just a knife controlled by someone. What's the crime of a knife? She is just a little sharper."

He shook his head: "This case has nothing to do with me. If you insist on me explaining it to you, then I can only say sorry. Let me cancel the blood contract with her now, and you can settle accounts with her yourself. Take revenge if you have a grudge, and complain if you have a grudge."

Lin Rui stretched out his hand and took a bloody short knife in his hand while speaking.

That was exactly the Blood Knife Lady's 'contract knife'. After the contract was signed, it came into Lin Rui's hands. He usually kept it close to his body and nourished it with blood.

Seeing this, Blood Knife Lady Ji Xueying's face changed. Her eyes suddenly turned scarlet, and the devil fire burned all over her body.

She glanced at the people around her. The fierce aura made everyone feel cold all over, and their hearts seemed to be tightly grasped by someone.

Ji Xueying then raised her hand and grabbed the contract knife.

At this moment, a middle-aged man with a wealthy face suddenly raised his hand and said, "Wait!"

He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, turned around and said to the people around him, "Everyone, since the county magistrate has determined that there is another real murderer in this case, why don't we wait and see, and wait for the county government to find out the truth?"

There was a lot of response from the crowd.

Especially those businessmen and gentry were pale.

Why is Lin Twelve so unreasonable? Can the blood contract of this Blood Knife Lady be easily resolved?

This demon is said to be a king of the fourth realm! How terrible is its combat power? Now that Lin Twelve is suppressing it, it cannot cause trouble, but once Lin Twelve releases the Blood Knife Princess, who knows what this demon will do?

They are all wealthy people, so there is no need to risk their lives to test the fierceness of the Blood Knife Princess.

Especially this Hanhua Lane, which has finally calmed down under the suppression of Lin the Constable recently, there is really no need to cause another wave.

As these businessmen and gentry left with many guards, the people outside lost their momentum and left unwillingly.

When they left, they were still cursing, cursing Lin Twelve for being a constable, taking the people's blood and fat, but not being able to protect the people, colluding with demons, and being simply a wolf's heart, worse than a beast.

At this time, Wang Sen squinted his eyes and looked at the figures of those people outside: "Brother Twelve, I'm afraid these people today were instigated and driven here, and they have other intentions."

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