Supreme Lord

Chapter 306: Murder (Subscription Request)

As soon as the banquet ended that day, Lin Rui sent the information revealed by Zhou Yunfei to the combat group.

Xia Mo Qian Nian (Lin Xi): Well, they have indeed spent money. There is a video they leaked on the dark web on purpose. It is said that Jin San's men risked their lives to secretly film it. I can't confirm the authenticity of the black bank cards in it. It's fake, but the gold bars that should be sold are real, more than 30,000 taels, and worth more than 3 billion federal coins.

Lin Guangming: Guess what I found in this escape tunnel? I just controlled a few mechanical bugs to enter and take a look at the situation. This escape channel also leads directly to the outer layer of Satellite 9. There is also a small dock over there.

There is a escort satellite with a quantum jump device parked.

This is Heart of Light No. 9. She named herself Lin Guangming after being pulled into the combat group by Lin Rui.

Lin Guangming: I have also seen the pile of second-hand parts in the video, which can assemble at least twenty Starscream 6s.

Type, 4 Starscream Type 7s, should be able to assemble some high-end mechas and exoskeleton armors, and even the Dragon 7 type, but it is blocked and cannot be seen clearly, and the parts of the other 5 types are piled up like Like a hill, a hundred units is not a big problem.

Lin Rui perked up after hearing this.

The cost of building a frigate is only a little over 7,000 to 8,000 square meters, and it only costs a little over 200 million yuan to carry various weapons. However, a frigate equipped with a quantum jump device starts at 3.5 billion yuan.

The key is that this kind of quantum jump device is difficult to buy, and there is no market for it on the dark web.

Lin Guangming already has a escort satellite. If he can get this one, he can organize a smuggling fleet to and from Tianji Star.

The Starscream 7 is even more expensive. Lin Rui spent 5 billion federal coins in black money to buy two of them.

Bai Xia Tian (Xue Lingxue): I'm afraid it's not just that. According to my understanding of 'Jin San', this escort ship may also have a large amount of wealth stored on board, and it may even be his real family fortune.

Xue Lingxue: If so, then this order may be possible. We have complete information. After Lin Guangming joined, our strength far exceeded their expectations. If the plan goes well, we can even consider using escape channels to The arms and parts in the warehouse were transferred to the escort satellite and detached.

Invincible Niu (Fei Yunlai): I think we can do it, let’s make a plan, BOSS!

Fei Yunlai changed his attitude and became very energetic.

According to his employment agreement with Lin Rui, if the income from a mission exceeds 5 billion and Fei Yunlai plays a major role in the mission, he can take 1% of the income.

Fei Yuncai lost the 30 million he had collected with great difficulty a few days ago. He has been living a tight life during this period and really needs money.

What's more, the number of this order is indeed huge.

Hengdao Gong: I listen to BOSS.

Weird young man (Wang Sen): Me too.

Blood Blade Heavenly Sword (Ji Xueying): Same as above!

Lin Rui also wanted to do something big. He counted the heads. After completing this order, he should be able to harvest 300,000 to 400,000 soul points at once. After that, he could collect some more by slaying demons on the Tianji Star, and he should be able to redeem them. When it comes to Huangyan Zhanlong, if you're lucky, you might be able to get it done in one go.

What's more, receiving this huge sum of money will not only greatly enhance his overall strength, but also benefit his subordinates.

Lin Rui calculated the power he could use now. In addition to the people in the battle group, he also had 32 Starscream 6 defense robots, 12 Falcon 6 combat robots, and 6 Starscream 7 defense robots. robot.

This would definitely not be enough to defeat the 1,000 or so people near the warehouse, but they could outwit them.

Xue Lingxue: The trouble now is the security bureau personnel ambushing nearby, in the style of nursery rhyme killers!

We will not attack them unless we have to.

Lin Guangming: I actually have never understood why the Security Bureau spends so many resources to protect gangs?

Fei Yunlai: What you are saying is stupid. Federal laws protect the rich, and gangsters are not only rich, but also large taxpayers. They also provide many votes and political donations to those congressmen.

Lin Rui: Okay, those security bureau personnel are not a big problem. I accidentally learned that the Nursery Rhymes Killer had invented a brand new biological anesthetic. It has a longer incubation period and is more concealed. It is not difficult to deal with them.

This was Lin Rui's recent study of biology, and a sudden burst of inspiration caused a chain reaction with Lin Rui's mastery of Tianjixing's high-level alchemy and Tianjixing's high-level herbal medicine.

He developed the initial prescription himself, and then quickly perfected it based on the deduction of his soul power points.

When Lin Rui used his soul power points to deduce, it was incredible. He felt that all the brain cells in his head were mobilized. At that time, he was like a humanoid supercomputer.

Lin Rui: Xiaoxue, I will send you the information and characteristics of this drug. You can see how the murderer commits the crime. The cruel nursery rhyme killer is ready to move and may take action within a day or two. We must deduce based on the existing intelligence. Deduced his crime plan and time.

Xue Lingxue shook her head slightly after reading the message sent by Lin Rui, thinking that Lin Rui was obviously normal when he was a child, so why would he have such bad taste when he grows up?

However, the case of the nursery rhyme killer must be solved as soon as possible. Lin Rui's alien body has actually arrived near Luojing. The reason why it has not entered the capital is to wait for Wang Sen to awaken his last ability.

Next, Lin Rui will focus on Luo Jing, and will have to devote his time and energy to Tianjixing for a long time.

She looked through the drug instructions and information sent by Lin Rui, and there was a hint of strangeness in her eyes.

The toxin developed by Lin Rui is a mixed poison. It is harmless at first, but once mixed with glutaminyl transpeptidase in the body, it turns into a powerful anesthetic.

Therefore, they can lurk in the human body for a long time without any abnormality, until they fully react with glutamate transpeptidase and begin to produce a paralyzing effect. At that time, the human body will be weak and weak, the consciousness will be dizzy, and the true energy will even collapse.

High-intensity exercise can also accelerate this symptom.

Xue Lingxue couldn't understand how Lin Rui's head grew, and how he could come up with such a sinister potion.

The question now is, how to deliver this medicine into the enemy's body?

As people learn more and more about nursery rhyme killers, they pay more and more attention to the prevention of toxins.

During the operation, those enemies will definitely open the internal circulation system throughout the entire process to isolate the outside air.

Xue Lingxue thought carefully for a while and felt that the problem was not big. As far as she knew, the internal circulation system of any exoskeleton armor below type 6 could only last for 8 hours.

The oxygen-generating pack must be replaced after 8 hours. As for exoskeleton armors of type 6 and above, they all have the ability to generate oxygen through ether synthesis, so there is no need to consider it.

So they only need to tinker with the oxygen generator package in advance.

Mingde University Affiliated Hospital, Pu Tianchen slowly opened his eyes in the sterile life-support cabin.

He glanced around and realized that he was in the ICU ward. He looked at the time on the smart terminal and saw that it was already the seventh day after the game.

The knife Lin Rui inserted into his body was very poisonous, and it directly shredded his spine and four pieces of clothing, so Pu Tianchen realized before he fainted that he might have to lie down for a long time.

What he cares about most now is his physical condition. He wants to know whether his talent will be affected?

At this moment, the smart alloy door outside opened, and his assistant Geng Tai walked in.

He looked surprised: "Mr. Chen, are you awake? I have notified your parents and they will be here soon."

Geng Tai immediately noticed Pu Tianchen's expression: "Mr. Chen, you are fine. The doctor said that your body will not have any future problems. It's just that the four pieces of reproductive equipment cannot be saved. They need to rest for a while and then be re-implanted. Mr. Chen, you know Yes, the medical quality of Mingde University Hospital is top-notch.'

Pu Tianchen's eyes became darker: "I received a notice of withdrawal from school in my information database, as well as a summons from the police station and a summons from the court. What's going on?"

"Mr. Chen, the Second City University has changed its president and decided to expel you from your studies three days ago. It is because the chief prosecutor of our Ninth Base City reopened the investigation of the case a year ago under the pressure of public opinion."

Geng Tai answered carefully, for fear of irritating the other party: "The group's legal department and Tiandun Law said the problem is not big, they can help you deal with it, but please be sure to keep a low profile during the next period of time and try not to appear in the public eye. , the chairman also said that next, it is best for you to shift the focus of your career to the alien body of Tianjixing,

It just so happens that Luo Jing needs you. ""

Jin Tianchen clenched his fists tightly, veins popping out.

His chest rose and fell violently and could not calm down for a long time.

Jin Tianchen knew that his career was over. Not only was his personality ruined, but his proud colonial martial arts and strong image were also destroyed by Lin Rui. 4.3 billion federal currency funds were also invested in Fang Ranran's gambling. Inside, it was swallowed clean.

Next, he could only listen to his uncle's orders and be used as a tool and weapon.

Jin Tianchen's eyes were angry and his pupils were bloodshot: "Help me find a killer on the dark web. I want the top one, those who are the winners of the Dark Medal of Honor, or the 'King'. No matter how much it costs, I want it." That Lin Rui is dead!”

Although he has no cash now, he can still get loans and funds provided to him by his family every month.

Geng Tai was not surprised when he heard this. He knew that Pu Tianchen would definitely anger Lin Rui.

What's more, this man surnamed Lin is indeed not a good person. He is very ruthless in the ring. It was this man's knife that completely cut off Pu Tianchen's path to martial arts stardom.

"Okay Mr. Chen, but this will anger Fang Ranran."

Pu Tianchen sneered when he heard this. He had already reached this point, why should he be afraid of angering Fang Ranran?

What could Fang Ranran do to him, take his life?

What's more, Fang Ranran has no time to care about him now. If the information obtained by Geng Tai and the others is correct, then his uncle is about to take over the Linghu family.

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