Supreme Lord

Chapter 305 Worry-free (Subscription required)

On the night when the game ended, Zhao Yan, Nalanwei and others were very excited. They had never thought that they would be able to take revenge on Pu Tianchen and make that beast pay the price six months after joining Mingde University.

However, after Lin Rui attended the press conference held by the school, he returned to the martial arts club to practice sword skills.

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Since the alien dragon shed, Lin Rui has transferred all his daily body training and pile skills to the alien body.

Under the effect of alien assimilation, he can only get the maximum benefit by practicing on the side with higher overall strength.

In Lin Rui's view, Jin Tianchen is just an insignificant stone on the road of his life, which can be kicked away with a casual kick.

For such a person, defeat is enough to worry, victory is not enough to be happy.

Lin Rui has his own goals and plans in life, and he also knows that he seems to have unlimited success now, but in fact, there is still an abyss ahead of them that they need to cross.

What he has to do now is to go all out to improve his combat power, accumulate his wealth, and expand his power. Otherwise, in the near future, he and his sister Lin Xi will definitely have a tragic ending.

However, at noon the next day, when Lin Rui returned to the ninth base city to prepare for the live broadcast, he was shocked by his income and traffic.

Just this night, the order volume for his martial arts instructional videos exceeded 800 million federal coins, and the amount of rewards exceeded 100 million federal coins.

When he started live streaming, the number of followers increased rapidly, reaching a peak of 65 million.

This is already the information of a first-line martial arts star, although it is based on the public opinion generated by his defeat of Pu Tianchen yesterday.

Even the Mingde University Martial Arts Club benefited from this, and they received various sponsorships worth at least 1.5 billion federal coins.

The competition committee of the University Martial Arts League does not allow students to make money from GG, and it also has strict requirements for the martial arts clubs of various universities, but as long as it is not cash, it is not a big problem.

They believe that the training equipment and various medicines sponsored by major commercial organizations will eventually be used on the students of the martial arts club and can benefit the students.

From this we can see how intense the storm caused by Lin Rui's quick victory over Pu Tianchen within twenty moves was.

Almost everyone on the entire Internet is discussing this matter. Even those who are not interested in martial arts will talk about Jin Tianchen's madness and shamelessness.

Once they start discussing Jin Tianchen's collapse, they will inevitably mention that Jin Tianchen, who was once recognized as a palace-level genius, was quickly defeated by a freshman from Mingde University with only nineteen moves.

Almost everyone knew that a new martial arts star was rising rapidly at Mingde University.

Lin Rui also received a call from General Manager Ruifang. The professional manager recruited by Fang Ranran told him that both skin care products of Ruifang Pharmaceutical Company are now sold out, and the order volume has reached 5 months. .

At this time, the pharmacist team and quality inspection team of Ruifang Pharmaceutical Company have been established and are rapidly expanding production. 5

Monthly orders are expected to generate profits of at least one billion federal coins,

The Tianlan Group's clothing products also sold out that night. Consumers who transferred through Lin Rui's traffic bought 26.7 billion federal currency products in one night, and Lin Rui could get a 10% commission.

This brought Lin Rui's income for this night to nearly 3 billion.

This means that Lin Rui is truly recognized by his fans. His fans are no longer just watching the excitement, but are now willing to invest money to buy the products he sells.

Lin Rui also received a message from Immortal Sword Shi Yan not long after.

Ishigami Rose (Shi Yan): I have watched your match with Jin Tianchen, and I am looking forward to officially playing against you in the championship.

Guying Tiandao (Lin Rui): I'm looking forward to it too.

Although Lin Rui responded like this, he didn't think so.

Although Shi Yan is now also an official member of Tianjing Wuhan University, she currently only holds the position of second forward.

If they really faced off in the tournament, Shi Yan wouldn't be able to see him as the leader.

Although the overall strength of Zhao Yan, Fang Ranran and Nalanwei on their side is not as good as those of the opposing martial arts cultivators from Tianjing Martial Arts University, their overall strength is also very good. Shi Yan wants to kill from the secondary forward position. In front of him, how easy is it?

Lin Rui thought to himself that if this little pickpocket wanted to be qualified to fight with him, he would have to keep working hard.

In the next few days, Lin Rui relied on popularity and traffic, and his income was still astonishing, 2 billion, 1.5 billion, 1 billion, 8

500 million and 500 million did not start to return to normal levels until the 7th day, and we could still earn more than 300 million every day.

However, at this time, his personal income tax rate also increased to 46% of the top bracket.

Lin Rui was originally heartbroken, thinking that half of the money he earned would be taken away by the government, but he soon discovered that at this point, he didn't need to pay much tax.

Lin Rui followed the advice of private lawyer Michael Kovrig and hired a top accounting firm for help. He followed the example of the rich and bought some stocks, established several companies, and set up several charitable funds for tax avoidance.

According to federal law, citizens can deduct a large amount of taxes when they use the money they earn on investments and charities. As a charitable fund manager and company executive, Lin Rui has to reimburse daily food, clothing, housing, transportation, medical expenses, etc. Reasonable, right? You can also use the name of a charity fund to hire a security team, a legal team, etc. In short, most of his expenses can be passed on.

In addition, the tax can be deducted for personal consumption, so Lin Rui also ordered a yacht worth hundreds of millions, and bought a 5,000-square-meter old factory land near Mingde University to convert into a large villa.

After all this trouble, Lin Rui finally had to pay a tax rate of less than 7%.

Lin Rui discovered that the laws of the Ninth Base City only serve the rich, and he is now enjoying it.

What made Lin Rui a little confused was that after that match, Fang Ranran did not appear in the martial arts club in the next few days except for the matches.

Even during the game, his face was solemn and seemed to be worried.

Lin Rui was curious about Fang Ranran's unusual behavior, but he was also busy with everything now and was very busy.

First of all, the first thing is that the official ship he is traveling on is about to arrive in Luojing City, and he will officially take up the post of commander of the Assassination Bureau.

This is the day that Zhou Yunfei has been waiting for for a long time, which means that the mole in their ninth branch who betrayed the Security Bureau and caused the tragic death of many of his subordinates will soon reveal his true colors.

However, when the two met in private, Zhou Yunfei reminded Lin Rui to be cautious after taking office.

"You have just taken office now, and your position is not yet stable, and you have not gained the true trust of several divine envoys. Therefore, you must think twice before doing anything. Stability is the priority, and you must not lose the big for the small."

"Don't worry about that file now. You must protect yourself and don't do anything that will arouse suspicion from above. It won't be too late to take action when your position is secure and you are absolutely sure."

"If you have a chance, you can read the contents of the file first. There is no need to bring it out. Although it cannot be used as evidence to prove it, it can let me know which bastard is behind this!"

Since the establishment of the Third Special Operations Section, Zhou Yunfei's position in the Ninth Division of the Security Bureau has become increasingly stable.

There will no longer be a rush for success.

He really wanted to find out the traitor hiding within the Security Bureau, but he also knew that Lin Rui's position as commander of the Assassination Bureau was of great significance to the entire Federal Homeland Security Bureau.

At present, it is more important to ensure Lin Rui's safety first.

Lin Rui himself thought so too. After arriving in Luojing, he would definitely wait and see the situation and act within his ability. He would never put himself in danger for Zhou Yunfei's mission.

The second incident is related to the Nursery Song Killer. Not long ago, the Sixth Street Party and the Huya Gang in the lower-class district completed a very huge drug and arms transaction, which was said to have amounted to 15 billion.

As a lieutenant general of the Security Bureau, Lin Rui is also very concerned about this matter.

What puzzled him was that although the Security Bureau received relevant intelligence, it sat back and watched the gangsters complete the transaction.

The nursery rhyme killer didn't show up either. The guy might not be interested, or he might be worried about the risks, but he didn't show up anyway.

Just after that, the underground world somehow continued to reveal some key information about the gang.

One of the pieces of information was particularly tempting. It was the location of an underground warehouse of the Huya Gang. Inside, in addition to being worth 100

There are various drugs worth more than 100 million federal dollars, a large amount of second-hand arms and scrapped military parts, and a small vault.

It was a real vault, which contained more than 30,000 taels of divine gold and 40 underground bank black cards worth 100 million. It was said that they were all the private property of "Sanye" Jin San, the leader of the Zhongyi Gang.

What is surprising is that there are more than 500 heavy troops stationed around this underground warehouse.

It was an elite private army maintained by Jin San. It was an important force for him to defeat the many underground forces in the lower area. It was said that there were dozens of school-level martial arts cultivators in it.

Lin Rui knew clearly that this was a trap, but he was still very tempted. He thought that this was simply a provocation for the nursery rhyme killer.

Based on Lin Rui's understanding of the nursery rhyme killer, I believe this person will not miss this opportunity.

What Lin Rui didn't expect was that Zhou Yunfei could actually help in this matter.

"That underground warehouse? Your Third Special Operations Division doesn't need to worry about this. Just pretend you didn't see it."

"You really don't need to worry about it?" Lin Rui frowned and looked puzzled: "This is the information we finally obtained. There are tens of billions of drugs and arms in the warehouse. Is it inappropriate to just let it go?"

"The problem is that those things are not belonging to the Zhongyi Gang, but belong to our Security Bureau.\

,"Zhou Yunfei saw the wrong look in Lin Rui's eyes and immediately shook his head: "The Zhongyi Gang is indeed very rich. After all, they are so powerful. They occupy the most prosperous part of Xiacheng District and have operated 200

For many years, they have a deep foundation. The problem is that they have already had complete money laundering channels, and it is impossible to keep such a large amount of money in their hands. "

According to my investigation, most of the things here come from the evidence room of the Security Bureau. They probably want to use these things to get the nursery rhyme killer out. This method is very risky. They may be worried that I will not agree and hide it. I had no application made to me. "

Zhou Yunfei said with a cold smile: "I'm really looking forward to it now. It's best if they can catch the nursery rhyme killer this time. But if they can't catch the person and lose these evidences, I'd like to see what they do." Account to me and the higher ups.”

Lin Rui looked puzzled, and took the initiative to pick up the wine glass and clinked it with him: "Uncle Zhou, this is too reckless, isn't it? They used so many evidences in the evidence room, but they didn't even file a report. They didn't take Uncle Zhou seriously at all. But how did you know? Since they want to hide it from you, they must not dare to let out any wind. Zhou Yunfei smiled when he heard it. He looked at Lin Rui with a proud and relieved look: "This is actually thanks to you, Xiao Rui. The cases cracked by your special operations department have made many people in the ninth branch recognize the situation.

In fact, You Ming is quite cautious. Not only did he bury high-tech quantum trackers in those divine golds,

those bank black cards also have problems. In addition to the nano positioning chip, they also cooperate with the underground bank where the money is deposited. Once the nursery rhyme killer uses the money, the security bureau will start tracking it at the first time and trace the account where the money finally flows into. ””

Lin Rui narrowed his eyes. General Fu Daozhou was indeed in a good position in the Security Bureau. He was very well-informed and had heard all of You Ming’s arrangements.

“You Ming was willing to take out so many things from the evidence room because he was confident in their traps. It is said that there is an escape passage dug by Jin San under this warehouse. The life support system inside can supply three battalions of private troops. If the Children’s Song Killer dares to attack here, he will definitely not survive.””

Speaking of this, Zhou Yunfei sighed again: “In fact, I still hope that You Ming will succeed. This Ji Ge Killer is really a big trouble. I hope that Deputy Minister You can arrest this killer as soon as possible. "

The reason why he didn't care about You Ming using the things in the evidence room was that he didn't want to be involved in this matter.

The influence of Ji Ge killer is getting bigger and bigger, and the pressure from above is getting heavier.

Zhou Yunfei doesn't want to touch this case now, but he is also worried that this pressure will be transmitted to him sooner or later.

Lin Rui is still very observant. He smiled and toasted another glass of wine: "Don't worry, Uncle Zhou, if You Ming is not able to do it, then our Third Special Operations Department will be responsible for this case. I have absolute confidence that I can take him down in the shortest time!"

Zhou Yunfei laughed when he heard this, saying that I have Lin Rui, so what else do I have to worry about?

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