Supreme Lord

Chapter 28 Soul Power

"I didn't expect that Twelve, your sword skills have been cultivated to this extent. That sword, Red Thunder Wanjun, has achieved the samadhi of sword skills. It seems that your cultivation has also entered the second stage of martial arts, right?"

Zhang Tianchang jumped down from the door wall and landed in front of Lin Rui.

He looked down at Lin Rui's chest: "How is your injury now? Can you move?"

Lin Rui wanted to say that he was seriously injured and dying and needed to stay in bed for a while, but Zhang Tianchang had already seen him practicing swordsmanship vigorously, so he couldn't lie to his face.

Lin Rui could only helplessly raise his hand: "My subordinate's bone fractures and external injuries are still a bit serious, but they should not be serious."

"Why do you say this reluctantly?"

Zhang Tianchang burst into laughter, and then sighed again: "You and Nian Qi are both good boys, more honest than others."

For some reason, his voice contained a little bit of relief.

The man then turned around and opened the door: "If it's not serious, come with me. I have an errand to do today, and after that I have to go to Zuihua Tower. The county magistrate has an order to summon all the serving government officials to report in an hour." See you at Zuihualou! Twelve, you don’t need to change your clothes, just bring the knife, this case is urgent.”

Lin Rui was confused and could only follow Zhang Tianchang step by step with the knife in hand.

At this time, Wang Sen also jumped down from the wall and walked side by side with Lin Rui.

He looked helpless: "Unfortunately, I was also caught by the police when I was practicing my sword."

After Wang Sen came into the alien body, he couldn't wait to adapt to this body.

As a result, while Wang Sen was practicing his swordplay, Zhang Tianchang suddenly fell from the sky and landed directly in his yard.

At that time, his situation was worse than Lin Rui's, and he had no defense at all.

Lin Rui recalled the information given to them by the Alien Body Management Bureau in his mind, and gradually understood the reason.

He pinched his eyebrows with a headache: "We must have been caught, and we may be in trouble."

"Isn't it?" Wang Sen also sighed.

In the battle with the fourth realm monster three days ago, they were not the only ones injured.

At that time, of the eighty policemen who participated in the battle in the county government, a total of seventy-three were injured, and all of them took leave and went home to recuperate.

However, according to the information provided by the Alien Body Management Bureau, only seven of the seventy-three agents were seriously injured, and the rest were either pretending to be injured or had only superficial injuries.

The reason is very complicated. It may be because the escaped demon is powerful and the current situation in the government office is too dangerous. It may also be related to the power struggle within the county government. Their county magistrate is a foreign official with a very strong style. , and it was not easy to get along with several local officials in the yamen.

That's why Zhang Tianchang said they were good kids.

Honest people like them should be rare animals in the yamen.

The two of them thought of the risk warning issued by the Alien Body Management Bureau before their arrival, and both of them felt gloomy in their hearts.

Zhang Tianchang did not take them directly to Zuihua Building, but followed the streets and visited more than a dozen police officers' residences.

The method of this visit was the same as before. He always broke into the houses of these agents unexpectedly.

This head catcher's movement skills are particularly superb, and his footsteps are silent, making it difficult for people to guard against him.

When Zhang Tianchang walked two streets, three unlucky guys like Lin Rui and others were already following behind him.

Like Lin Rui, they had no time to change clothes, so they only wore common people's clothes. There was even one person who only wore undergarments, and they all looked stinky.

Lin Rui now knew why Zhang Tianchang said they were honest people. Zhang Tianchang had actually arrested more than a dozen people along the way. However, these people were so shameless and reckless that they looked like meat on a hob, leaving Zhang Tianchang helpless.

Lin Rui also felt very strange. As they walked along, it felt like they had returned to ancient China.

The streets here are paved with bluestone slabs, and are lined with various ancient buildings in an orderly manner, with green tiles and red walls, shaded by green willows. Red lanterns are hung under the eaves of those houses, swaying gently in the wind, making them look antique. There are also pedestrians and horse-drawn carriages on the street, which is like a moving historical picture, full of simplicity and life.

If it weren't for the fact that these buildings were so tall and the people from Tianjixing were so tall, Lin Rui would feel that this place was no different from ancient China.

Zhang Tianchang finally stopped outside a courtyard in the west corner of the city, holding the knife with his hand.

"This is it, old rules, surround us on all sides!"

Lin Rui didn't know what the old rules were, but he would observe other people's actions.

He immediately jumped onto the roof beam and stood on a roof ridge with a long knife in his hand. He and several other detectives took up positions on each side and tightly surrounded the earthen yard.

Some of them were shouting loudly: "The Yamen is handling the case! Unrelated persons should stay away. They are not allowed to open the windows or go out!"

After Zhang Tianchang waited for everyone to stand, he opened the door and walked in.

The latch of the courtyard door was nothing to him, and it broke as soon as he pushed it.

Zhang Tianchang then went straight to the kitchen, and an old woman came out of the kitchen door.

Lin Rui estimated that this old woman was over a hundred years old. People in Tianjixing were very long-lived, and one or two hundred years old was common among ordinary people.

It must be mentioned that the current average life span of people on Earth in the Federation is four hundred years old.

The old woman walked out tremblingly and looked at Zhang Tianchang suspiciously: "Zhang Captou, who are you?"

"Investigate the case!" Zhang Tianchang pressed the knife on his waist and aggressively pulled the old woman aside.

But just as he passed by the old lady and seemed to be about to enter the kitchen door, he suddenly exploded like a leopard.

His hands, like hammers, brought the sound of wind and thunder, and hit the old lady's chest.

The old lady screamed, first her chest collapsed, and then her whole body turned into endless black mist, and her hair also exploded at this moment, like whips and soft swords slashing at Zhang Tianchang.

Zhang Tianchang sneered, his hands and body showed a layer of metallic luster, allowing the whips to whip him, but he did not move at all.

Instead, he grabbed the whips with his hands and tore them apart.

However, these whips were just a trick of the old lady, and they turned into black mist in Zhang Tianchang's hands. The old lady had turned into a black shadow and fled to the outside of the yard.

"Not good! This is actually a Thousand Silk Demon in the early stage of the third realm!"

"She pounced on Lin Twelve."

"Lin Twelve, be careful, this demon is very difficult to deal with! It's the third realm, be careful of her hair, don't let her touch you, she will drain your blood and essence."

At this time, the old woman actually used her hair as feet, and fled as fast as a six-legged spider, and pounced on the beams at lightning speed.

Wang Sen, who was far away, was nervous when he saw this, but then he calmed down again.

The initial stage of blood training in the third realm of martial arts is equivalent to a captain in the Earth Federation.

Although the demon was severely injured by Zhang Tianchang just now, it still had at least 30% to 50% of its strength.

However, Lin Rui could withstand the top captain martial arts cultivator like Nalan Wei, so it should not be a problem for him to withstand a seriously injured third realm demon.

Zhang Tianchang was slightly shocked and worried. Before coming, he didn't expect that this old woman had never practiced martial arts before, but after entering the demon, she actually reached the third realm directly with the power of her bloodline!

Zhang Tianchang just saw Lin Twelve use a sword with a powerful red thunder, which was really beyond his expectation.

However, Lin Twelve was just entering the second realm after all, and he was afraid that he was not enough to deal with the third realm demon.

He immediately flew into the air and followed the figure of the third realm demon. At the same time, he shot out several flying knives from his sleeves and chased after it like a meteor chasing the moon.

However, even though the Thousand Silk Demon was seriously injured, her body was still very agile. She changed her figure left and right, and was only hit by one sword.

Her fierce eyes stared at Lin Rui, and a crazy and ferocious smile appeared on her face.

This little constable had the weakest breath among the several constables around. As long as she could swallow his blood, her injuries would be half recovered immediately.

Lin Rui looked at the old lady rushing over, but felt a little helpless. Why was he so unlucky? He was unlucky from the beginning of Tianjixing. It was said that he would be a slacker.

He thought for a moment and then chose to go all out.

Lin Rui looked down from above and chopped down from the roof with a knife, bringing up the twin snakes of thunder and fire!

This was exactly the move ‘Red Thunder’ that Zhang Tian had seen before!

At this point, he could not afford to hold back. Being timid at this time would only arouse suspicion.

He could hide his true strength for a while, but it would inevitably leave trouble for the future.

So he did not hesitate at all, and his knife was crisp and sharp, and he also stimulated the ‘divine power’ and ‘sky speed’ blood in his body to the extreme. No matter the knife power or the knife speed, it was thunderous!


With a loud bang, the old lady’s body was blasted into the yard like a cannonball, and white flames burned all over her body, wailing in despair.

But her wailing soon stopped, and Lin Rui jumped down from the roof and chopped off the old lady’s head with a knife.

At this moment, new information appeared in Lin Rui's mind.

Hint: Kill the third level demon and gain 532 soul power points.

Lin Rui's eyes moved slightly.

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