Supreme Lord

Chapter 27 Breakthrough (Thanks to the leader Hua Xi Weird Uncle)

PS: Thank you to the leader who thanked Brother Huaxi for the reward.


Female nurse Wang Xiaofang glanced sideways at Lin Rui in the life-support cabin, and then pressed the 'conscious connection' button.

"Start connecting to consciousness and descend into alien bodies!"


Lin Rui's mind suddenly exploded.

His vision went dark at first, and then he slowly regained his vision.

What Lin Rui saw in front of him was no longer the spacious and bright lounge of the martial arts club, but an old blue brick house.

The air here is filled with the smell of earth, wood and medicine. The four walls are covered with mottled blue bricks. The sunlight shines through the wooden window lattice and onto the floor tiles inside the house, forming mottled light and shadow.

There were only a few simple pieces of furniture in the house, a bed, two chairs, and a wardrobe. It was rough and heavy in shape. There was a small stove in the east corner. The medicine jar above the stove made a gurgling sound, and the fragrance of medicine was strong.

Lin Rui realized that his soul had arrived on the Tianji Star.

The quantum entanglement technology developed by the Earth Federation allowed Lin Rui's soul to travel hundreds of thousands of kilometers, directly bypassing the atmosphere of the Tianji Star that was so dangerous that several federal four-star marshals were afraid of it, and directly descended into his 'alien body' .

Lin Rui sat up from the bed and looked down at his body.

It was just like what he saw in the culture tank before. The difference was that he was wearing clothes and a thick bandage was tied on his chest and abdomen. There should be medicine applied inside the bandage, and the smell of medicine inside was strong.

He even felt a slight pain in his chest. That part should be a wound, which also caused the sternum to be broken.

Lin Rui secretly lamented that the Federal Alien Body Management Bureau not only has great powers, but is also very meticulous in its work.

The real Lin Twelve should have had the same trauma. As for where this Lin Twelve went, Lin Rui had no idea.

He may have died and his body was disposed of by people from the Federal Alien Body Administration.

Now Lin Rui is Lin Twelve. His facial features, figure, and voice are all modeled after the real Lin Twelve, without any difference.

At this time, Lin Rui's pupils narrowed slightly, and he found that he was wearing the skull ring on his finger!

The question is how is it possible? This skull ring is obviously worn on his body, in the lounge of the Mingde University Martial Arts Club.

At this time, another piece of information appeared in his mind.

Instructions for use 6: The war spirit ring is bound to your soul.

Lin Rui couldn't help but twitch the corners of his lips and thought, well, this thing also has great magical powers, so there seems to be no need to delve into it further.

The main reason is that I don't know what's going on.

He immediately stood up, opened the door and walked out.

Outside is a small courtyard of about 60 square meters, with a wing on the left and right sides. The doors and windows of the wing are closed, and wooden bars are nailed on the outside.

According to the information Lin Rui read beforehand, Lin Twelve's parents were both dead, and he was currently the only one living in this five-room courtyard.

Looking beyond the courtyard wall, you can see a majestic city wall two kilometers away. The city wall is made of blue-gray bricks and is twelve meters high. It is covered with vines and is full of greenery, full of the vicissitudes of time.

Lin Rui thought to himself, is this Tianjixing? It's exactly the same as ancient China.

The only difference is that the buildings here are very tall, which is related to the height of the Tianji Star people.

Lin Rui couldn't help but take a deep breath, and felt that the air here was extremely fresh, and the fragrance of soil and flowers was refreshing.

However, the atmosphere of Tianjixing is only suitable for Tianjixians and is poisonous to real human bodies.

Lin Rui then looked left and right in the courtyard like a curious baby, and then looked at the street outside through the courtyard door. Everything felt strange.

Next, he walked into the house and rummaged through the cabinets, and unexpectedly found a money bag left by Lin Twelve in a hidden hole in the beam.

However, the novelty quickly wore off, and Lin Rui gradually felt at a loss as to what to do.

Professor Han allowed him to move around freely, but Fang Ranran and Yu Feicui just wanted him to hang out in Tianjixing and put their time and energy into the martial arts club.

As for the county government called "Yinyue County", it also gave him half a month's holiday——

This feeling is a bit like playing an online game. If there is no task guidance when you first enter the game, you will be at a loss.

"According to the teaching materials of the Alien Academy, after the Alien Walker arrives, he must adapt to his own body and the martial arts of the Tianji Star as soon as possible, and then explore the surrounding environment. I also need to take advantage of the recovery time to master the Tianji Star language as soon as possible."

Lin Rui began to practice the 'Thunder and Fire Stake Kung Fu' in the yard.

Although Yu Feicui hinted that he would try his best to be a salary thief after coming down, Lin Rui didn't want to be too salty.

What's more, if you want to ensure your own safety on Tianji Star, powerful force is also necessary.

It was the first time that Lin Rui used the body of a Tianji star to practice martial arts, and he felt a strong sense of novelty.

His current body is not only 2.4 meters tall, but also has a complete Dantian and meridian system. Unlike his true body, it only has Dantian and meridians.

In addition, his meridian system is extra powerful and efficient.

Lin Rui felt that his Thunder and Fire Stake Technique was simply created for the people of Tianji Star and was more suitable for the physical training of Tianji Star people.

The fact is that this set of pile skills originally originated from the Tianji Star and was improved by the predecessors of the Alien Walkers, so that human colonial warriors can also practice it.

Lin Rui did not copy his own thunder and fire pile skills, but used his master-level pile skills to tailor his skills to suit the individual's conditions.

Just when Lin Rui practiced for the third time, he actually heard a series of soybean popping sounds in his body.

"Fuck, the last two meridians are actually all opened!"

Lin Rui was shocked by the cultivation talent of this body.

The martial arts of the Tianji people are somewhat different from those of human colonial warriors. The meridians and chakras implanted by colonial warriors are naturally unobstructed and have the largest bandwidth.

The Earth Federation has extremely powerful biotechnology, so there is naturally no need to work hard on opening up the meridians. They can do it directly in one step. They don't even need to exercise their physique. They can use various genetic drugs and surgeries to strengthen.

What makes human technology helpless is mental power. Mental power determines whether they can implant more powerful colonial suits and whether they can control their own powerful bodies.

The colonial warriors also found that if they want to achieve the unity of spirit and flesh like the Tianji people, they can't take shortcuts in physical training, but can only practice step by step through the pile training.

The meridians and chakras of the Tianji Star people need to be opened up step by step, starting from nourishing qi, opening meridians, expanding meridians, and training blood, step by step.

The original Lin Twelve was also very talented. He completed the nourishment of qi three months ago and successfully stored enough true qi in the Dantian, entering the first stage of martial arts, opening meridians. Before being injured, he had entered the "late stage of opening meridians" and opened up ten of the twelve meridians.

So Sima Lin was also adjusted according to this level of cultivation.

However, after Lin Rui came down, he used the "Thunder Fire Pillar" to practice, and all the meridians were opened up, and he directly entered the second stage of martial arts of Tianji Star, "Opening Meridians"!

"The talent of this body is really abnormal. I just practiced a little bit, and the surrounding 'ether elements' surged like a tide. It was the first time that I felt the 'ether elements' so clearly. Of course, this is also related to my master-level thunder and fire pile. The speed of accumulating true energy is very fast and the efficiency of use is also very high. It is still not awakened? What should I do after awakening?"

"No! It's not just the talent and master-level pile, but also because of the internal environment of Tianji Star. The ether inside Tianji Star is much richer than the ninth base and is more suitable for martial arts practice."

The so-called 'ether element' is called the heaven and earth qi by the Tianji people. It is the source of true energy and the foundation of practice. Human scientists have not been able to explain the origin and principle of ether elements.

Lin Rui practiced the thunder and fire pile six times. The more he practiced, the more skillful he became. Like the wind on the water, smooth and free.

In this process, he even noticed some shortcomings of his master-level thunder and fire pile.

This is because Lin Rui now has complete meridians and chakras, which makes him more suitable for this method. He can feel its wonders when practicing the zhuanggong.

Lin Rui almost forced one of the eight chakras to be connected. In the process of practicing the zhuanggong, he accumulated a lot of true energy, and his mental strength increased synchronously.

After practicing the thunder and fire zhuanggong for an hour, Lin Rui changed to the red thunder knife.

It should be noted that the human body is resistant to ether, so the longer the zhuanggong is practiced in a day, the better. If the time exceeds one hour a day, the efficiency of the human body in absorbing ether elements will be greatly reduced.

Just like when practicing the thunder and fire zhuanggong, Lin Rui clearly sensed the surrounding "ether elements" and had more insights into the red thunder knife.

In addition, he also sensed the power of "divine power" and "sky speed" in his body.

Lin Rui thought that with his current physical talent, he might be able to perform "red thunder nine cuts" for seventeen consecutive cuts.

However, just when he practiced the red thunder knife to the third round, Lin Rui suddenly felt a sense in his heart.

Someone is coming, and is approaching quickly from the nearby courtyard wall and roof!

At this time, he had no time to hide back in the house, and could only retract some of his strength when practicing the sword.

Just a moment later, Lin Rui heard cheers from outside the door.

"What a great move of Chi Lei Wan Jun, well done!"

Lin Rui turned and looked at the door, and found a young man with a high nose bridge, a yellow face, and a steady temperament, standing on the top of his wooden door and looking down at him.

This man was about twenty-four or twenty-five years old, wearing a head of the police uniform, with a bandage on his left shoulder, and there were coagulated blood spots on the outside of the bandage.

Lin Rui's mood sank, and he thought of the information sent to him by the Alien Management Bureau.

This was his boss, Zhang Tianchang, the head of the police in Yinyue County.

Then another person ran over the wall panting and stood behind Zhang Tianchang.

He was two meters and two meters tall, fat, with a round face, and a pair of black eyes were winking at him.

——That was Wang Sen's alien body, Wang Twenty-Seven.

On Tianji Star, ordinary people have no names. They can only be named by the ranking among brothers, or the sum of their parents' ages, or the date of birth.

Lin Twelve was born on March 12, so he was called Lin Twelve. As for Wang Sen's alien body, he was born on the 27th.

Only people with status like Zhang Tianchang can have a name.

Lin Rui immediately clasped his fists: "Captain, how are you!"

He was a little worried that Zhang Tianchang might doubt him after seeing him practicing martial arts.

Lin Rui was also very surprised. Wasn't he given an injury leave? What did Zhang Tianchang come to him for?

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