Supreme Lord

Chapter 225 The Bankrupt Cow (Subscription Request)

When a fight broke out at the Second Urban Rail Station of Mingde University, Fei Yunlai happened to fly out of the school in his luxury car.

He heard the explosion below and looked under the car window in surprise.

"Who is so awesome that he dares to act like this in front of Mingde University? I didn't know that Mingde University has two heavy-duty militia groups?"

Fei Yun glanced at it and then looked away, shaking his head and continuing to fly to the second-hand car dealership he was navigating.

Judging from the situation at the entrance of the subway station, the situation should be under control.

Two well-equipped 5A-level elite action teams, plus two 'Guards' Type 6 defense robots, have already invaded the interior of the subway station.

Unless the enemy inside is at the major general level, they will only be suppressed.

But Fei Yunlai didn't feel the 'dragon' aura.

At this time, there was a nice woman's voice crying in his car.

"Master, do you really want to sell me?"

Fei Yunlai's face darkened when he heard this: "I'm not selling you! You are my wise steward, what should I sell you for? No one else will want you!"

I want to sell our house, all the stocks, all the assets have to be liquidated, and I need to raise a fund as soon as possible.

That’s right! There are also several cars in my garage that I have to go to a second-hand car dealer to sell. There is no other way. The condition of my alien body is relatively bad in Tianjixing. Now I finally found a reliable transplant doctor down there. , I need to implant a few more powerful pieces of colonial equipment to enhance the combat power as much as possible. "

Fei Yunlai sighed: "Don't worry, I will find a server to place you in during this period. In one to three years at most, I will let you have a new home."

Diamond Bracelet: "But Master, you can't sell this for much, and your mortgage hasn't been paid off yet. I calculated it, and it's estimated that it can only be exchanged for more than 600 million."

Fei Yunlai's face turned even darker: "Shut up! In short, just clean it up as soon as possible. Then help me ask the major banks. I have to raise some funds."

Diamond Bracelet: "Master, I understand, the question is what to do with your breeding dragon? Without that mansion and the life-support device in the underground cold storage, it would be difficult for your breeding dragon to maintain its full combat power."

Fei Yunlai couldn't help but rub his forehead with a headache. He thought about it carefully and decided to contact his junior sister Yu Feicui.

Invincible Niu (Fei Yunlai): Junior sister, does your school have any extra dragon life-support devices?

Jade Heart, (Yu Feicui): Yes, there is. The question is, why do you ask this?

Invincible Ox (Fei Yunlai): I want to send my breeding armor to the school for storage. It will take about three to five months.

Jade Heart, (Yu Jade):! ! !

Yu Feicui found it unbelievable that the school did have extra dragon life-support devices. But it's far inferior to what Senior Brother Fei has in his home.

Senior Brother Fei, what happened?

Yu Feicui has indeed heard rumors that Senior Brother Fei's situation in Tianjixing seems to be not good recently. Is it true?

Jade Heart, (Yu Feicui): I can talk to Fang Ranran, but it can’t be free. After all, the monthly electricity bill for the Dragon Life Support Device is millions, unless you are willing to owe her a favor. ,

Fei Yunlai's face darkened, thinking that he didn't want to owe that little girl any favors.

Fang Ranran's father is a man who cannibalizes people without spitting out their bones, so Fang Ranran must not be much better off.

Jade Heart, (Yu Feicui): Well, I can arrange for you to be a visiting professor at the school, and then serve as the head coach of our school's martial arts club. It is a real head coach, not a name! This way you can use all the resources of our Martial Arts Club for free.

After Fei Yun came to see it, he couldn't help but touch the bridge of his nose.

This little junior sister must have seen his predicament.

But it's okay, by working in the Mingde University Martial Arts Club, you can exchange for some money and use this salary income to take out a loan.

At this point his wise steward spoke again.

Diamond Bracelet: "Master, I have asked all the banks in the ninth base city. They either refused to lend or the interest rates were very high. I still think that you should be targeted by someone, not only in Tianji." "Xing, the same is true in the base city. Your financing channels are now greatly restricted. I really don't know what trouble you have caused, Master."

Diamond Bracelet: "I suggest you find a force to join as soon as possible. I think the only way out for us now is to sell yourself."

Fei Yunlai gave a faint 'hum' with a nasal tone. He turned on his personal intelligence terminal and projected a person's image in front of him.

It was a soldier, wearing the uniform of a three-star marshal.

Fei Yunlai squinted his eyes and said, this person who has been targeting me, is it you, Marshal? What exactly do you want to do?

In the rail station, Lin Ruizheng was chasing after him along the train track.

His enemies were so daring that they actually broke the fully transparent vacuum pipes of the intercity rail car and quickly fled the scene along these pipes. However, under the fire of Lin Rui's two "Arrogance" Type 5 super kinetic pistols, Dead Eye" "Horn" and the speed of that mecha were greatly affected.

Lin Rui's pistol shooting skills have reached the master level, and he has also temporarily exchanged the truth-level individual tactics. A pair of pistols can not only point where to shoot, but can also detect the opponent's intentions and hit the opponent's most uncomfortable place with bullets.

His positioning and avoidance are also top notch.”

Lin Rui found that he had underestimated the skill of "Individual Soldier Tactics". Combining individual soldier tactics with his various martial arts abilities not only allowed him to adapt to modern gun battles, but also greatly improved the combat power of his Tianji Star variant, allowing him to Handle various forms of combat more rationally.

So that Yuanji was actually far stronger than he thought, but it was a pity that this guy couldn't think about it and wanted to take away his body.

Lin Rui did not rely on his own force to risk approaching, but used the firearms and flying swords in his hands to contain, entangle and interfere with all his strength.

At this time, "Tomahawk" Lu Hong, who was piloting the mecha in front, was also in disbelief. He cursed in the channel.

Tomahawk: Damn! This guy's shooting skills are so awesome that I can't defend him at all. My right knee joint has been hit by him three times in a row.

Three more times and he will be destroyed. Are you sure he is our target? Dead Eye, did you really kill him?

Dead Eye: I’m also very surprised. His marksmanship is indeed top-notch, and his individual tactical ability is also very powerful. If it weren’t for his age,

I suspect that he is a special soldier from the Python Force of the Western Consortium. Many of his actions have traces of the Python Force.

Tomahawk: None of the special forces in the Anaconda Force are as powerful as him, and few of them can master the Abyss. This is simply terrible. I already regret wearing this backup armor. I might be killed by Horn this time. .

Lu Hong had a more powerful Type 5 powered armor, but he did not transport it into the ninth base city because he was concerned about the military and police inside the city.

The thing was too big, twelve meters high, and it was difficult to place it without a suitable location.

Horn took a look outside the completely transparent vacuum track tube. The situation was indeed very bad. There were a large number of armored police cars approaching.

There are also more than twenty power mechas specially designed for the police station.

The key is the direction of the subway station. The two 5A action groups have swept through all the defense facilities in the subway station and are about to join the battle.

What is even more frightening are the two 'Guards' Type 6 defense robots, which are capable of confronting major generals.

If this continues, the two of them will indeed die here.

Fortunately, at this time, a gate on the ground eighty meters in front of them suddenly opened, and a man jumped out. He was carrying a six-shot individual missile tube in the shape of a cigarette box.

Death Announcement: Go! accelerate.

Horn was refreshed. It was the sniper in his team - "Death Announcement" Jiang Dong!

At this moment, Jiang Dong launched all six tactical missiles in the missile tube and detonated them all 200 meters away.

Lin Rui, who was in the distance, was slightly shocked when he saw this. He hid himself under the track, using the cement wall in front and the energy shield of his exoskeleton armor to resist the impact and shrapnel of the explosion.

Fortunately, these missiles are only loaded with high-explosive ammunition. The bad news is that these bombs are integrated with the rune technology of Tianjixing.

Although Lin Rui withstood the explosion, his exoskeleton armor shoulders and legs were almost shattered by flying shrapnel.

Just after the shock wave swept across, Lin Rui immediately flew into the air and came to the gate that was still open.

He looked at the bottomless abyss-like passage about three meters in diameter below, and frowned tightly.

Lin Rui knew that this passage should lead to the so-called 'lower area'.

That was actually the original Ninth Base.

When the ancestors of the East Asian Republic first settled on the ninth satellite of Tianji Star, they did not have the resources and conditions to build such a huge base city as the 'Upper Area'.

They initially opened up areas within the ninth satellite and dug thousands of small caves.

It was not until the construction of the "Upper Zone" of the Ninth Base City was completed five hundred years ago that all the population was moved to the upper zone.

However, in recent hundreds of years, with the proliferation of the population and the influx of a large number of immigrants, the lower area was reactivated 300 years ago, with an increasing number of people and a continuous expansion in scope.

However, there is no artificial sun below, the various pipelines are in a mess, the life support system has long been overwhelmed, and the environment is extremely harsh.

There is a real slum there, with various gangs and gangs, and the public security is a hundred times more chaotic than in the upper-class areas.

If Lin Rui failed to pass the alien examination, the government would arrange him to work and live in a lower-class area until he would one day have sufficient social status or enough money.

"Lin Rui, you are crazy!"

At this time, Xue Lingxue flew to his side, slapped Lin Rui on the shoulder, and said harshly: "Do you know who they are? They are the top killer team in the Ninth City Base, Lin Rui, you Are you dying? Or is there a mental problem? I think you really need a mental test!"

Xue Lingxue wanted to remove Lin Rui's ears.

Although her father initially came into contact with the Lin family because he was tasked with the Security Bureau and had a purpose, Xue Lingxue had no idea at the time.

In the first two years when she came into contact with Lin Rui, she really regarded the child as a younger brother.

Just now, when she saw Lin Rui chasing after him alone, her heart almost stopped.

This guy is just too crazy and too risky.”

Although the combat prowess he displayed during the battle also amazed her.

At this time, Wangcheng also flew over."

He actually felt helpless and unhappy with Lin Rui's risky behavior, but he still frowned when he saw Xue Lingxue's stern look: "Superintendent Xue! Mr. Lin is an important figure in our Tianlan Group, please stay polite. "

Xue Lingxue glanced at him coldly, and then laughed coldly: "Your Mr. Lin has violated federal regulations and is suspected of endangering public safety, illegal use of firearms, intentional injury to others, serious damage to public property and other crimes. I will take him to the police station for questioning now!"

Lin Rui couldn't help pinching his nose. He couldn't tell Xue Lingxue that the 'dead eye' Horn was the one who killed the other Lin Rui.

It was at this time that he received a message from Professor Han.

Fenghuo Liancheng (Han Kedao): Lin Rui, are you interested in being recruited by the Federal Security Bureau? If you are willing, you can start directly from the rank of Major General of the Security Bureau without training. I can do my best to help you fight for real power within the Security Bureau, at least to be able to manage a special operations department with a confidentiality level of 3S, and to be in charge of 3 to 5 5A-level action groups.

After reading it, Lin Rui was slightly stunned, wondering why Professor Han asked him such a question?

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