Supreme Lord

Chapter 224 Drawing the Sword (Subscription Request)

At this time, the "didi" alarm sound began to sound inside the rail car.

"Hello, passengers at the door, please leave the door now and don't block the door from closing. The two mechanical patrol officers on the platform also noticed the situation here and approached here. The passengers in the car were also having a mental confrontation with each other. When they realized something was wrong, they ran towards the car doors on the left and right.

But the two people confronting each other in the distance didn't care.

"You actually recognized me when I passed you just now?"

Just when 'Dead Eye' Horn started to speak, a silver armor began to cover his whole body.

This is also a type 5 exoskeleton armor, but it is hidden. When not in use, it can be hidden under clothes and fit on the body like skin.

He slowly stood up from his seat: "It seems that your sensory ability is very strong, no! Your mental power is also very strong. I really underestimated the guy opposite you. Under the pressure of his martial will, he looked calm. The body was motionless.

This guy might have reached the ultimate level of martial arts, but he just kept it under control and didn't show it.

This is a smart approach. When there is a large gap in mental strength, there is no need to show military will hastily and make unnecessary expenditures.

At this time, Horn looked at Lin Rui's hand holding the big black sky.

He had watched Lin Rui's martial arts videos before. This guy's knife attack speed was extremely fast, as fast as eight ten thousandths of a second.

When he stood up and covered his armor just now, it should have been Lin Rui's best opportunity to use his sword. If he chose to use his sword at this time,

Even someone as strong as Horn would feel threatened.

But the other party kept pressing the knife and refused to release it.

"Why don't you use the knife?" Horn looked puzzled. "Are you trying to delay time until your guards arrive?"

"Of course I'm not sure." Lin Rui looked calm and replied calmly: "I have a hunch that this knife may not be able to kill you."

He just didn't want to hurt innocent people.

Horn glanced left and right at the fleeing crowd, suddenly enlightened.

After doing this job as a killer for a long time, I gradually got used to not treating people as human beings.

At this time, Katyusha sent another message: Stop talking nonsense, solve the target as soon as possible, and leave as soon as possible! I have controlled the security system of the subway station, but I can delay you for half a minute at most. The colonels of the Sky Blue Group are very powerful. The defense system and mechanical patrols in the subway cannot stop them.

Dead Eye: Find ways to use the crowd around you to delay.

Katyusha: Hostage? I know!

At this moment, there was a fierce sound of firing outside the subway station, and there was even the sound of laser cannon firing.

This made the crowd inside and outside the car even more panicked. They ran frantically and looked for cover everywhere.

"You are very self-aware, but it's a pity that—"

Horn shook his head slightly: "Too stupid!

Lin Rui was a little bit of a threat to him before, but now this guy is a lamb to be slaughtered in his eyes.

Horn quickly drew his gun, his hand speed was as fast as a phantom.

Lin Rui drew his sword at the same time and swung out a thunder grid!


At this moment, hundreds of talismans that Lin Rui had quietly arranged outside the train exploded simultaneously.

Lin Rui's eyes were not only as sharp as a knife, but he also accelerated his knife speed to the extreme!

He just couldn't kill Horn with one strike, but it didn't mean that his 'Yang Slash' couldn't hurt this 'dead-eyed' Horn!

besides! Just now, he was not only waiting for the crowd inside and outside the carriage to escape, but he was also using his mind to control the talisman and seal formation!

As long as he is given enough time and enough talismans, Lin Rui's sword speed can be faster with the blessing of the talisman array! Further acceleration to the extreme.

When the light of the sword was shining, Horn's pupils were also shrinking violently.

So fast!

That was far faster than he expected!

This knife lasted more than eight ten thousandths of a second? Absolutely 6 out of 10,000 - not just that! That has even transcended physical concepts to a certain extent and disturbed time and space!

Horn couldn't believe it. Is this the speed that a quasi-school martial arts cultivator can achieve?

"It's martial intent! It's the abyss!"

This guy's sword-drawing skills are beyond the scope of SS level, and now he is also blessed by the concepts of martial intention and abyss.

The question is what to do now? His current situation is very bad! You might die!

Horn's left eye had to be transformed into pure black, so that the surrounding time was briefly 'frozen'.

This is the SSS breeding outfit "Time Black Holy Eyes"

”——This is why he is called ‘Dead Eye’!

Although the Shihei Holy Eye consumes a lot of energy, as long as he uses this eye, the target will die immediately.

But now, he can only use this ability to save his life!

Horn shifted slightly from his original position, and then time returned to normal.


Lin Rui's sword flash was blocked by Horn's drawn pistol.

This expensive Type 6 firearm is made of excellent material and has amazing strength. It actually temporarily blocked Lin Rui's sharp blade!

Horn endured the physical pain of losing his beloved gun, and while Wu Na was blocked by Lin Rui's blade, he rolled out of the car.

Not only did he smash the window on the other side of the rail train, he also rolled to the platform on the other side, widening the distance between him and Lin Rui.

Sure enough, the next moment, Lin Rui's sword light slashed through the carriage again. The sword light swept at least 7 meters into the air!

The sword light was also extremely sharp, and it actually cut a knife mark no thicker than a hair on the platform under Horn's feet.

Horn had already pulled out his spare pistol and shot in Lin Rui's direction.

When he thought about it, Lin Rui would definitely rush over and get as close as possible.

But to his surprise, Lin Rui sheathed his sword and pulled out two 'Arrogant' Type 5 super kinetic pistols to shoot at him.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!!!"

Not only did the two of them fire extremely fast, but their movements were also like phantoms.

Although Lin Rui's thunder and fire escape with the help of talismans and flying needles was unpredictable, Horn's escape method was also magical. Like an elf beating in the dark, he could escape with the help of any shadow.

Less than three seconds after the two sides fought, Horn's mind was shocked. Lin Rui's marksmanship was also extremely accurate!

Every bullet he fired accurately tracked Horn's figure.

As long as he is a little careless or a little slow in movement, he will be hit!

This is simply a great achievement! No! It is simply a master-level pistol combat method!

The opponent has perfectly integrated his marksmanship into his own martial arts, occasionally blessing the abyss concepts of 'sure hit' and 'destined death'!

At this time, Horn was completely unable to avoid it and could only rely on his exoskeleton armor to bear it.

He was now only glad that the gun used by the other party was not the top-notch one. It was a military-standard model. It was a white version of a firearm that had not undergone any adjustments and did not have many runes burned into it. Although the power was very good, the rate of fire was very slow.

The opponent's 'Zhilong' type 5 exoskeleton armor is also a military model. In addition to its decent defensive capabilities, it only has some basic functions.

Fortunately, the opponent's soul strength and energy are not enough, so he cannot use the concept of the abyss for a long time.

Katyusha: What's wrong with you? Why haven't you dealt with him yet? Those people from Tianlan Group are almost rushing in! Damn it, they actually have two Guards Type 6 defense robots. There is no such thing in the intelligence I collected.

Horn's mouth felt bitter.

Dead Eye: Why don't you watch the video of my fight with this guy on the platform! Our intelligence is seriously distorted, Katyusha!

At this moment, Horn's mind tightened and he sensed a golden sword light, suddenly slashing from behind him.

This is a type 5 light flying sword!

This sword should have been lurking nearby and remained motionless until he escaped and then exploded.


Although Horn avoided it in time, his exoskeleton armor was still cut open by the flying sword, leaving a bloody mark on his back!

To his horror, his wounds began to become numb.

His exoskeleton armor also glowed red.

"Warning! Warning! Due to unknown reasons, there is widespread paralysis in your body - Horn was secretly shocked. What kind of poison is this? Can't even his top-notch exoskeleton armor detect it?

This bastard!

Horn's eyes were extremely angry. He was forced to this point by a mere quasi-college!

At this moment, countless streams of red bullets shot out from the distance.

After the bullet stream sprayed over, the roar and explosion sound of the minigun firing was heard.

At the same time, a hearty laughter came through: "Horn, it's rare to see you so embarrassed!"

Lin Rui frowned and had to retreat with all his strength, shooting while dodging these machine gun bullets.

When Horn looked sideways, his expression relaxed.

That's another member of his team - one by one."

"Tomahawk" Lu Hong!

This man was driving a six-meter-tall Type 4 power mecha, standing at the entrance of the fully transparent pipe where the rail car shuttled, and fired fiercely in the direction of Lin Rui.

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