Supreme Lord

Chapter 147 Highly valued (3 updates, please subscribe)

After watching the images of Qinyan Cave Mansion, Bo Hao wanted to expand the set of "Zhu Huaimeng's" dreams to see other things. However, the willpower of "Zhu Huaimeng" was very strong, even if Bo Hao used a powerful I still haven't found any secrets of illusion.

Bai Hao could only end his dream and squinted at the female demon in front of him: "When will the demon blood locust fall asleep? What conditions are needed?

This Seventh Realm Demonic Blood Sophora is very difficult to deal with. It is estimated that its combat power is at least the Seventh Realm Super King level, and may even reach the Imperial level.

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Bai Haodao said that Qin Yan was worthy of being a disciple of the Supreme Sword Master, and he was actually able to find such a powerful Demonic Blood Sophora japonica to guard the home.

If they fail to master the method of solving the Seventh Realm Demonic Blood Sophora japonica, they will have to invite another Seventh Realm expert to come, which is very troublesome.

"Zhu Huaimeng" opened his eyes but sneered slightly: "I can tell you the time and method to put the Demon Blood Locust to sleep, but there are conditions.

You have to let me go. "

When Bai Hao heard this, he realized that this demon had entered the prison of the Imperial City Division and was still trying to escape? Simply whimsical.

The purpose of his visit this time was mainly to confirm the existence of the Shenxin Qingling Pill. As for the method of entering the cave, he could wait until Meng Tianguan arrived before studying it.

Although this Seventh Realm Demonic Blood Sophora japonica is tricky to deal with, it is not impossible to deal with it despite Meng Tianguan's ability.

So Bo Hao directly asked the second question: "You also confessed that you knew the businessman Yuan Ji, saying that this person is an extraterrestrial demon and is of the same race as you?"

"Zhu Huaimeng" raised his head expressionlessly, and looked at Lin Rui next to him with deep eyes: "Yuanji is the extraterrestrial demon!" I have been in Wangcheng for more than half a year and have had several contacts and exchanges with this person. I guess this person’s true identity is a spy from an intelligence agency of the Earth Federation. The Wangchengdu murder case a month ago was probably this person. Implemented with the help of a group of federal elites. "

This was also what her senior brother had ordered in advance. Zhu Huaimeng didn't know its intention. He only knew that this matter seemed to be related to the new defense history of Wangchengdu, and it was the key for the senior brother to gain this person's trust.

Bai Hao smiled slightly and also turned his head to look meaningfully at Lin Rui next to him.

He was half-convinced that Yuanji was an extraterrestrial demon.

However, Bai Hao was too lazy to delve into it and did not want to delve into it.

This is a good thing for them. With the confession of this extraterrestrial demon, the businessman Yuan Ji and the eunuch Wang Zhenli of the Shipping Department can be completely nailed, leaving them no chance of turning over.

This defense envoy Lin handled the matter beautifully, and there were both witnesses and material evidence.

Bai Hao then asked "Zhu Huaimeng" a few more questions before walking out of the cell.

He hurriedly walked outside the prison and used a spell to send out a golden flying book.

Tianjixing's 'Flying Book' is a magical weapon that resembles a book when not in use. When activated, it spreads its wings like a bird and flies through the sky at extremely fast speeds.

Bo Hao uses the ‘Hundred Thousand Miles Flying Book’, which is the highest specification.

Bai Hao then called Lin Rui to one side and waved Wang Sen, Xuedao Ji and others around him to move away.

At this time, Bai Hao's expression was extremely solemn: "Master Lin, it seems that the matter of Shenxinjinglinglingdan is conclusive! This extraterrestrial demon is very important.

Her confession must be kept secret, and she must not be allowed to fall into the hands of the Prosecution Commission before the Heavenly Official arrives. "

Lin Rui couldn't help but frown: "I'm afraid it will be very troublesome. The Sentencing and Prosecution Department has urged me to hand over the person several times. It is said that their deputy is about to arrive. I won't be able to hold on for long."

He smiled bitterly and cupped his hands: "My intention is to ask the guardian envoy to send one or two masters from the fifth realm. I will take her to the Shazhou Governor's Palace immediately."

Bai Hao had a headache when he heard this, thinking that if the guardian still had trustworthy masters of the five realms who could arrange the arrangements, how could he take the risk of arranging Lin Twelve to take over Wangchengdu?

Almost all of the capable men that the Guardian had worked so hard to cultivate over the past few years died at the hands of those demons.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to transport him to Shazhou. Who knows whether the person from the Prosecution and Envoy Department will take him away by force halfway?

Although the status and power of the Imperial City Department is higher than that of the Department of Punishment, Prosecution and Envoys and the Ministry of Punishment, the Punishment Department has the support of the civil service system.

For thousands of years, the authority of the Imperial City Division has been challenged at every turn.

Although the Imperial City Secretary is known as the emperor's personal army and the brother and sister of God, it is impossible to complain to the emperor and ask for instructions from the emperor and God over trivial matters, so many times they have to rely on the size of their fists to speak.

"I know this is difficult, but I still ask Master Lin to try his best!"

Bai Hao grabbed Lin Rui's arm with his hand and said earnestly: "Mr. Lin, you don't know that before Bai came, the guardian envoy gave me countless instructions. It is extremely important, and the 300,000 Stone Divine Heart Tea was nothing compared to this matter.

Therefore, this demon must not fall into the hands of others! Let alone leak the news, otherwise the enemies of God’s Messenger will definitely not sit idly by!

Sir, you are extremely capable, and you will surely be able to withstand the Inspector General! "

He unconsciously increased his strength, making Lin Rui's hand hurt: "If you feel that your strength is not enough, you can directly recruit experts in Wangcheng. You are now the official defense envoy, and you can now use Wangchengdu's 200 Yulong After all the direct recruitment, I can also decide to give you three places for seven-level martial virtue captains. As long as you can pass the demon test afterwards, you can apply for it! Of course, the guardian envoy will also find a way to help you.

As long as you can hold on until Master Tianguan arrives, you will take great credit! It’s really not possible——”

Bai Hao's eyes became extremely stern: "Just don't let the people from the Inspectorate take her away! And your subordinates who know about it must also keep an eye on her."

His semantics seemed to be repeated from before, but Lin Rui immediately understood its meaning and nodded solemnly.

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Bai Hao came and went in a hurry. After Chun Chun gave Lin Rui some instructions, he left in a hurry without even eating lunch.

Lin Rui, Wang Sen, Li Li and others sent him outside the city gate and watched the rider go away and disappear from their sight.

Li Li's eyes were filled with surprise: "I didn't expect to attract a 'Heavenly Official'! What use is this Divine Heart Clearing Pill to that divine envoy?"

Lin Rui shook his head when he heard this: "I don't know, but it seems that the importance of this thing to the envoy is beyond your imagination."

Although Zhuang Mingyue had told him very solemnly before, he did not expect that the importance of this matter would be so high.

Wangcheng is about seven hundred miles away from Shazhou City. He delayed reporting Senior Sister Zhu's confession until yesterday evening. As a result, Mr. Bai arrived today.

But this is actually good news for them personally.

Lin Rui chuckled: "In the next period of time, please worry about the security of the prison side. Please wait until I find a suitable prison officer to replace you."

"Don't dare!" Li Li treated his subordinates with proper etiquette. He bowed his head and said, "I will definitely live up to your orders. I will be in prison!"

Even if Lin Rui doesn't say anything, he will do it with all his strength. He must withstand the punishment of the people from the Procuratorate, and he must not let them take Junior Sister Zhu away.

But the next few days should be fine. Dozens of people from the Criminal Investigation Department are still detained in their prisons on suspicion of being involved in demons, and they don't dare to force themselves now.

"In addition, we need to recruit people. You go back and notify the secretary in charge, and send out the recruitment notice first. One hundred Yulongzhi must be cultivated in the late stage of the second realm; there are also five martial virtue captains who require the king level of the fourth realm. Among them Secondly, to be able to serve as chief of music and prison, one must have five levels."

Lin Rui felt a headache when he thought of recruiting people again. He had spent a lot of time and energy recruiting a hundred Yulongzhi before.

He then rode on a scaled horse next to him: "Twenty-seven, let's go!"

Wang Sen was refreshed, and he also mounted his horse with Ji Xueying, leading several rotating mounts, and followed Lin Rui and galloped towards the north of the city.

Their original plan today was to go outside the city to hunt down a five-realm demon after practicing Zhuang Kung Fu.

Some local people reported that in a valley seven hundred miles north of the city, close to Tianyue County, there was a cold-type five-level demon that had been causing trouble to the surrounding area for several months. The local elders begged the government to kill it as soon as possible.

It is said that the bloodline power of this demon may reach the king level, and it happens to be of the three elements of ice, wind and water. Its elemental power attribute is very suitable for Wang Sen and the 'Xuanwu Holy Body'.

If Bo Hao hadn't come today, they would have been out of town for a long time.


Ji Xueying, who was galloping on horseback, suddenly felt something in her mind and looked back behind her.

She felt as if a spiritual thought was peering at them just now.

Ji Xueying's mind didn't feel any danger, but this spiritual thought was very powerful, close to the Sixth Realm, and gave her a strange feeling.

The text is familiar, but the text is unfamiliar and confusing, very weird.

Ji Xueying subconsciously touched her knife, then sneered and continued riding forward.

She thought she still had to tell her master about this matter. If someone really dared to take advantage of them, Ji Xueying would use her newly modified Jingxue Knife to make that person pay in blood.

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