Supreme Lord

Chapter 146 Dragon Heavenly Official (Subscribe)

Bai Hao followed Lin Rui towards the prison and introduced the situation to him: "To be honest with you, Mr. Bai is actually here to attack the front station.

By delivering documents to the Captain, he will confirm the matter of the 'Shenxin Qingling Pill'. Once what the Lord says is conclusive, Meng Tianguan will rush here as quickly as possible. "

Lin Rui, who was sitting in front, couldn't help but look solemnly: "Meng Tianguan?"

He knew that the 'Tianguan' was an official position in the imperial city's inspection envoy system. He was a fourth-rank official with extremely important powers. He was responsible for patrolling the states, supervising hundreds of officials, correcting prisons, cleaning up court rituals, suppressing demons, etc. He was known as the representative. The god patrols the hunt, and his power is boundless.

Above the Heavenly Official are the third-rank ‘Great Heavenly Official’, the second-rank ‘Deputy Divine Envoy’ and the first-rank ‘Candidate Divine Envoy’.”

Bai Hao explained with a smile: "Mengtianguan's surname is Mengweiyun, and he is a fourth-grade Tianguan of the Imperial City! She is the junior sister of our guardian envoy, and her cultivation has reached the sixth realm of dragon transformation!

Meng Tianguan is the most favored disciple of the Divine Envoy. It is said that his bloodline has reached the super-emperor level. Even our Guardian Envoy may not be her opponent in a fight. She happens to be nearby. After hearing about this, prepare to Take action personally to obtain the "God's Heart Pure Spirit Pill" for the God Envoy. "

"That's it!" Lin Rui nodded.

He thought to himself that he still underestimated the importance that the divine envoy placed on the 'Shenxin Qingling Pill'.

I thought that the guardian envoy would send at most two or three masters at the top of the fifth realm, but instead they attracted a big dragon.

Six Realm Super Emperor?

This is incredible! Generally speaking, the upper level of the Seventh Realm and the King of the Seventh Realm are no match for her.

According to Professor Han, the main function of the ‘Shenxin Qingling Pill’ is to help martial arts cultivators at the ninth level and above to purify their minds and concentrate their minds.

It is said that after Tianjixing's martial arts master reaches the ninth level of "divine illumination", he needs to keep his mind clean and pure at all times, otherwise unpredictable consequences will occur.

But it’s not that important, right? If labor is needed, a heavenly official will come in person.

Lin Rui thought again of those merchant ships setting out from Jinggang loaded with 300,000 stone Shenxin Tea.

Shenxin tea is an important raw material for refining the "mind-cleansing liquid", and the function of the "mind-cleansing liquid" is similar to that of the "Shenxin Qingling Pill".

Three hundred thousand stones of divine heart tea is enough to refine a thousand stones of "mind-cleansing liquid". If it is just to cleanse the heart and concentrate, wouldn't having "mind-cleansing liquid" be enough?

"Meng Tianguan came here in person because he also wanted to see Colonel Lin with his own eyes."

Bai Hao was full of praise and said: "Lin Defensive Envoy here has really done a great job. He captured Yuanji and the eunuch of the Jinggang Shipping Department seven days ago, which saved our families in Beijing from more than 30 million taels of demons." The loss of silver has now led to the whereabouts of the 'Shenxin Qingling Pill' for the Lord God Envoy.

Our Lord Guard is full of praise for you, calling you a young hero, and saying that Inspector Zhuang has a keen eye for people this time and has found a great talent for them. "

Bai Hao thought that Lin Defender was more than just praised by the Guardian.

A few days ago, the 'divine envoy' in the capital also asked the guardian envoy for the file on the case in Yinyue County, and asked the guardian envoy to send the file to the capital using the method of flying letters."

This shows that Lord ‘Divine Envoy’ is already very interested in Lin Twelve.

If envoy Lin succeeds in obtaining the "spirit pill of spiritual purity" for the envoy this time, it is estimated that there will be a great destiny and great wealth in the near future.

This defense envoy will probably become brothers with his family in the future.

Therefore, as a close confidant of the Guardian, he did not dare to act arrogantly in front of Lin Rui.

When Lin Rui heard this, he asked curiously: "Inspector Zhuang? Lord Zhuang has been promoted?"

"Exactly! A few days ago, Mr. Zhuang was appointed as the deputy inspector of the sixth grade!"

While Bo Hao responded with a smile, he looked deeply ahead: "Is this the extraterrestrial demon?"

While they were talking, the two of them had already arrived in front of a cell at the bottom of the prison.

The prison in Wangchengdu was dark and gloomy, filled with the smell of dampness and decay, but the air in the prison in front of them was fresh and dry, and there was even the smell of incense surrounding it.

Through the fence, Bo Hao saw a pretty woman in her twenties, sitting in front of a square table in the cell, reading a book leisurely by a candle.

"Exactly!" Lin Rui raised his hand and motioned to the jailer guarding him to open the cell door: "This woman's name is Zhu Huaimeng. She is an extraterrestrial demon captured by the Procuratorate. I suspect that this woman is related to the Wangchengdu murder case a month ago. She was involved, so she was detained in our company for interrogation. Just yesterday she explained the situation of Qinyan Cave, confirming that there was such a pill bottle in the cave. Because before I took office, Inspector Zhuang specifically explained it, so the first It’s time to report to the envoy.”

At this time, his senior brother "Ji Guli" also arrived in a hurry.

This person had already joined his subordinate seven days ago as the music director and temporarily acted as the prison chief.

After Li Guli arrived, his eyes met with Lin Rui's for a moment, and he stood to one side with a solemn expression, listening quietly.

However, Bai Hao frowned and looked at the surroundings with doubtful eyes: "The defense envoy gave this devil a very good treatment."

This is not like imprisoning a demon, but rather like entertaining distinguished guests.

"I have no choice." Lin Rui said with a helpless smile: "Before, I tortured the demon to no avail, but then I listened to the demon, changed her environment, and provided her with delicious food and drinks. The demon was willing to recruit.

She is certain to die, and she knows that the Qinyan Cave Mansion is being watched by the inspectors. They have no hope, so they don't mind confessing everything she should know. However, this woman has very strong bones. If you torture her and interrogate her, , but she refused to say it. "

Bai Hao was relieved when he heard this and sneered secretly."

This is obviously because Lin Defeng’s interrogation methods were not good enough. They moved this woman to the prison of Shazhou Governor’s Mansion. They used countless methods to make her miserable and make her confess obediently.”

But it's a coincidence. How old is Defense Commander Lin? It's said that he didn't know a single word before. How could he know any torture methods?

Wangchengdu was even more slaughtered, with only two or three kittens left. Defender Lin had just set up a racket now, so there could not be any good torturers.

It doesn't matter, as long as this woman is willing to cooperate and confess.

He waved his robe sleeves and sat in front of "Zhu Huaimeng": "Your name is Zhu Huaimeng?" "

Bai Hao nodded when he saw "Zhu Huaimeng", then formed a seal with his hands and made a seal: "Master Lin said that you once entered Qinyan Cave Mansion and saw the general situation inside. I want to use the method of entering dreams to take a look. There are details in the cave, are you willing to cooperate? "

When Zhu Huaimeng heard this, he used his peripheral vision to glance at Lin Rui and Li Guli next to him very covertly.

Mainly watching "Li Guli" and "Zhu Huaimeng" never expected that his senior brother Li Li would sneak into the Imperial City Division and become the chief of music and the warden, and seemed to have become a confidant of the Wangcheng Dulin Defense Envoy!

It was her senior brother who greatly improved her situation.

"Zhu Huaimeng" then calmed down and smiled at Bai Hao: "Yes, but it's only limited to Qinyan Cave House. I won't show you the others. Also, you misunderstood. It was our drone that entered Qinyan Cave House." , you can understand it as a mechanism puppet, through which we can see the scene inside. ""

Senior Brother Li had already ordered her to cooperate beforehand.

According to Zhu Huaimeng's personal guess, the senior brother and teacher should be trying to drive away the tiger and swallow the wolf.

Under normal circumstances, this group of people would definitely not be able to get to that Qinyan Cave Mansion.

The power of the Inspector-General is extremely powerful, and many experts from the Inspector-General's Department have already targeted their team to death.

In addition, the swarming masters and demons, as well as the Burning Sword Sect who wanted to backtest, also put a lot of pressure on them.

Now it is better to lure the tiger into the situation and completely muddy the water.

Bai Hao nodded and began to activate the illusion to guide "Zhu Huaimeng" into dreaming.

He successfully saw the scene of Qin Yan's cave, although the perspective was very strange.

"Is this a seventh-level 'Demon Blood Sophora'? "

Bai Hao frowned. This is an extremely powerful blood locust tree that has been transformed by magic, guarding the entrance to Qin Yan's cave.

However, judging from the scene in the dream, this 'Demon Blood Sophora' should have fallen into a deep sleep.

This kind of magic tree will indeed fall asleep at certain special times and under special circumstances.

He continued to follow the dream image, his eyes always calm.

There were many good things hidden in this cave, but they were not enough to move him.

There are also some powerful demons inside, all of plant type.

The top experts in the world like to use plant-based demons to guard caves. The advantage is that they are not very intelligent, they are obedient, have long lifespans and are easy to feed, and they do not run around. They are really the best choice for house guards.

Until he saw an elixir bottle.

Bai Hao's pupils shrank: "It's really a spiritual elixir!"

This kind of elixir can only be stored in elixir bottles made of extremely special materials!

Bo Hao also didn’t know why Lord Divine Envoy needed this kind of elixir.

It is said that the Lady God Envoy received a bottle in her early years. Soon after, she was appreciated by the ‘god’ and became a contemporary God Envoy!

Recently, the Divine Envoy gave the drawings and shadows of this elixir bottle to her disciples and confidants, asking them to search for this object on their behalf.

All of her disciples, including the governor of Shazhou, paid great attention to her.

Now outsiders are speculating that it may be that the Divine Envoy is incompetent and needs the special help of the Divine Heart Clearing Pill, or that the Divine Envoy's soul has been severely infected by demons, etc. All kinds of ridiculous rumors are flying all over the sky. .

The elixir bottle in the image is not exactly the same as the drawing sent by the God Envoy, but it is similar.

This is indeed a divine soul-purifying elixir!

A smile began to appear on Bai Hao's lips, and not long after, he saw something else.

"This seems to be a relatively complete true intention? It seems to be related to the void and Yuan Magnetic? Dragon-level secret martial arts, Tianyuan Dragon becomes a giant. Fa Bohao couldn't help but squinted his eyes, and said that this Lin Defense Envoy does have an aura. transport!

As far as he knew, the Meng Tianguan was looking everywhere for a dragon-level secret weapon that matched her attributes!

The dragon-level martial arts she had learned before had never been a good match for her own bloodline strength.

Judging from Bai Hao's true intention, he should be more suitable for that heavenly official.

But now there is the biggest trouble. Those in charge of punishment and inspection are also keeping an eye on this Qinyan Cave Mansion.

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